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LibrePCB Developers Documentation
This is the complete list of members for GerberGenerator, including all inherited members.
BoardSide typedef | GerberGenerator | |
calcOutputMd5Checksum() const noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
circularInterpolateToPosition(const Point &start, const Point ¢er, const Point &end) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
CopperSide typedef | GerberGenerator | |
drawComponentOutline(const Path &path, const Angle &rot, const QString &designator, const QString &value, MountType mountType, const QString &manufacturer, const QString &mpn, const QString &footprintName, Function function) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
drawLine(const Point &start, const Point &end, const UnsignedLength &width, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
drawPathArea(const Path &path, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
drawPathOutline(const Path &path, const UnsignedLength &lineWidth, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashAtPosition(const Point &pos) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
flashCircle(const Point &pos, const PositiveLength &dia, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component, const QString &pin, const QString &signal) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashComponent(const Point &pos, const Angle &rot, const QString &designator, const QString &value, MountType mountType, const QString &manufacturer, const QString &mpn, const QString &footprintName) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashComponentPin(const Point &pos, const Angle &rot, const QString &designator, const QString &value, MountType mountType, const QString &manufacturer, const QString &mpn, const QString &footprintName, const QString &pin, const QString &signal, bool isPin1) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashObround(const Point &pos, const PositiveLength &w, const PositiveLength &h, const Angle &rot, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component, const QString &pin, const QString &signal) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashOctagon(const Point &pos, const PositiveLength &w, const PositiveLength &h, const UnsignedLength &radius, const Angle &rot, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component, const QString &pin, const QString &signal) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashOutline(const Point &pos, const StraightAreaPath &path, const Angle &rot, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component, const QString &pin, const QString &signal) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
flashRect(const Point &pos, const PositiveLength &w, const PositiveLength &h, const UnsignedLength &radius, const Angle &rot, Function function, const std::optional< QString > &net, const QString &component, const QString &pin, const QString &signal) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
Function typedef | GerberGenerator | |
generate() | GerberGenerator | |
GerberGenerator()=delete | GerberGenerator | |
GerberGenerator(const GerberGenerator &other)=delete | GerberGenerator | |
GerberGenerator(const QDateTime &creationDate, const QString &projName, const Uuid &projUuid, const QString &projRevision) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
interpolateBetween(const Vertex &from, const Vertex &to) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
linearInterpolateToPosition(const Point &pos) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
mApertureList | GerberGenerator | private |
mAttributeWriter | GerberGenerator | private |
mContent | GerberGenerator | private |
mCurrentApertureNumber | GerberGenerator | private |
mFileAttributes | GerberGenerator | private |
MountType typedef | GerberGenerator | |
mOutput | GerberGenerator | private |
moveToPosition(const Point &pos) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
operator=(const GerberGenerator &rhs)=delete | GerberGenerator | |
Polarity typedef | GerberGenerator | |
printApertureList() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
printContent() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
printFooter() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
printHeader() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
saveToFile(const FilePath &filepath) const | GerberGenerator | |
setCurrentAperture(int number) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
setCurrentAttributes(Function apertureFunction, const std::optional< QString > &netName, const QString &componentDesignator, const QString &pinName, const QString &pinSignal, const QString &componentValue, const std::optional< MountType > &componentMountType, const QString &componentManufacturer, const QString &componentMpn, const QString &componentFootprint, const std::optional< Angle > &componentRotation) noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
setFileFunctionComponent(int layer, BoardSide side) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setFileFunctionCopper(int layer, CopperSide side, Polarity polarity) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setFileFunctionLegend(BoardSide side, Polarity polarity) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setFileFunctionOutlines(bool plated) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setFileFunctionPaste(BoardSide side, Polarity polarity) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setFileFunctionSolderMask(BoardSide side, Polarity polarity) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setLayerPolarity(Polarity p) noexcept | GerberGenerator | |
setRegionModeOff() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
setRegionModeOn() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
switchToCircularCcwInterpolationModeG03() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
switchToCircularCwInterpolationModeG02() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
switchToLinearInterpolationModeG01() noexcept | GerberGenerator | private |
toStr() const noexcept | GerberGenerator | inline |
~GerberGenerator() noexcept | GerberGenerator |