Here is a list of all enums with links to the classes they belong to:
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- Categories : CategoryListEditorWidget
- CleanFileNameOption : FilePath
- ClientSettingsAction : GraphicsExportDialog
- ColorTheme : MessageLogger
- Column : AssemblyVariantListModel, AttributeListModel, ComponentAssemblyOptionListEditorWidget, ComponentPinSignalMapModel, ComponentSignalListModel, ComponentSymbolVariantItemListModel, ComponentSymbolVariantListModel, DevicePadSignalMapModel, EditableListModel< T, TYPE >, FootprintListModel, PackageModelListModel, PackagePadListModel, PartListModel, PathModel
- ComponentSide : FootprintPad
- ConnectStyle : BI_Plane
- CopperSide : GerberAttribute
- CursorOption : GraphicsView
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- ElementType : EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements, KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements, NewElementWizardContext
- Event : AssemblyVariant, Attribute, BI_Device, BI_FootprintPad, BI_Hole, BI_NetLine, BI_NetPoint, BI_Plane, BI_Polygon, BI_StrokeText, BI_Via, BI_Zone, Circle, ComponentAssemblyOption, ComponentPinSignalMapItem, ComponentSignal, ComponentSymbolVariant, ComponentSymbolVariantItem, DevicePadSignalMapItem, BGI_Device, GraphicsLayer, SGI_Symbol, Footprint, FootprintPad, Hole, Junction, NetLabel, NetLine, OutputJob, PackageModel, PackagePad, PadHole, Part, Polygon, Resource, SerializableKeyValueMap< T >, SerializableObjectList< T, P, OnEditedArgs >, SI_NetLabel, SI_NetLine, SI_NetPoint, SI_Symbol, SI_SymbolPin, SI_Text, StrokeText, Symbol, SymbolPin, Text, Trace, Via, Zone
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- Severity : FileFormatMigration::Message, RuleCheckMessage
- Shape : FootprintPad, PadGeometry
- ShapeMode : PrimitiveCircleGraphicsItem, PrimitivePathGraphicsItem
- Side : CmdBoardSpecctraImport
- Sides : InteractiveHtmlBom
- SolderMask : D356NetlistGenerator
- State : BackgroundImageSetupDialog, BoardEditorFsm, PackageEditorFsm, SchematicEditorFsm, SymbolEditorFsm, KiCadLibraryImport
- Status : DesktopIntegration
- StepBehavior : LengthEditBase
- Style : KiCadSymbolGate
- SubState : BoardEditorState_DrawTrace, PackageEditorState_Select, SchematicEditorState_DrawWire, SchematicEditorState_Select, SymbolEditorState_Select
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