►Nlibrepcb | |
►Ncli | |
CCommandLineInterface | The CommandLineInterface class |
►Neagleimport | |
CEagleLibraryConverter | Converts EAGLE library elements to LibrePCB |
CEagleLibraryConverterSettings | Settings for librepcb::eagleimport::EagleLibraryConverter |
►CEagleLibraryImport | EAGLE library (*.lbr) import |
CComponent | |
CDevice | |
CPackage | |
CSymbol | |
►CEagleProjectImport | Loads and imports an EAGLE project into a librepcb::Project |
CComponentMap | |
►CEagleTypeConverter | Helper class to convert EAGLE types to LibrePCB types |
CGeometry | Intermediate geometry type used for converting polygon-like EAGLE elements |
CPin | LibrePCB data structure to represent an EAGLE symbol pin |
►Neditor | |
CAboutDialog | The AboutDialog class |
►CAddComponentDialog | The AddComponentDialog class |
CSearchResult | |
CSearchResultComponent | |
CSearchResultDevice | |
CAddLibraryWidget | The AddLibraryWidget class |
CAlignmentSelector | The AlignmentSelector class |
CAngleDelegate | Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit librepcb::Angle values |
CAngleEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::Angle values |
CArchiveOutputJobWidget | The ArchiveOutputJobWidget class |
CAssemblyVariantListEditorWidget | The AssemblyVariantListEditorWidget class |
CAssemblyVariantListModel | The AssemblyVariantListModel class |
CAttributeListEditorWidget | The AttributeListEditorWidget class |
CAttributeListModel | The AttributeListModel class |
CAttributeTypeComboBox | The AttributeTypeComboBox class |
CAttributeUnitComboBox | The AttributeUnitComboBox class |
CBackgroundImageSettings | |
CBackgroundImageSetupDialog | Dialog (GUI) to configure the background image of a 2D view |
CBGI_AirWire | The BGI_AirWire class |
CBGI_Device | The BGI_Device class |
CBGI_FootprintPad | The BGI_FootprintPad class |
CBGI_Hole | The BGI_Hole class |
CBGI_NetLine | The BGI_NetLine class |
CBGI_NetPoint | The BGI_NetPoint class |
►CBGI_Plane | The BGI_Plane class |
CVertexHandle | |
CBGI_Polygon | The BGI_Polygon class |
CBGI_StrokeText | The BGI_StrokeText class |
CBGI_Via | The BGI_Via class |
CBGI_Zone | The BGI_Zone class |
CBoard3DOutputJobWidget | The Board3DOutputJobWidget class |
►CBoardClipboardData | The BoardClipboardData class |
CDevice | |
CNetSegment | |
CPlane | |
CBoardClipboardDataBuilder | The BoardClipboardDataBuilder class |
CBoardEditor | The BoardEditor class |
►CBoardEditorFsm | The board editor finite state machine |
CContext | FSM Context |
CBoardEditorState | The board editor state base class |
CBoardEditorState_AddDevice | The "add device" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_AddHole | The "add hole" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_AddStrokeText | The "add stroke text" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_AddVia | The "add via" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_DrawPlane | The "draw plane" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_DrawPolygon | The "draw polygon" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_DrawTrace | The "draw trace" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_DrawZone | The "draw zone" state/tool of the board editor |
CBoardEditorState_Measure | The "measure" state/tool of the board editor |
►CBoardEditorState_Select | The "select" state/tool of the board editor (default state) |
CDeviceMenuItem | |
CBoardGraphicsScene | The BoardGraphicsScene class |
CBoardLayersDock | The BoardLayersDock class |
CBoardPickPlaceGeneratorDialog | The BoardPickPlaceGeneratorDialog class |
CBoardPlanePropertiesDialog | The BoardPlanePropertiesDialog class |
►CBoardSelectionQuery | The BoardSelectionQuery class |
CNetSegmentItems | |
CBoardSetupDialog | The BoardSetupDialog class |
CBoardSideSelectorWidget | The BoardSideSelectorWidget class |
CBoardViaPropertiesDialog | The BoardViaPropertiesDialog class |
CBomGeneratorDialog | The BomGeneratorDialog class |
CBomOutputJobWidget | The BomOutputJobWidget class |
CCategoryChooserDialog | The CategoryChooserDialog class |
CCategoryListEditorWidget | The CategoryListEditorWidget class |
CCategoryTreeBuilder | Helper class to extract a category tree from librepcb::WorkspaceLibraryDb |
CCategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder | The CategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder class |
►CCategoryTreeModel | The CategoryTreeModel class |
CItem | |
CCenteredCheckBox | Centered variant of the QCheckBox |
CCheckableItemsDelegate | Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit a list of checkable strings |
CCheckableItemsEditorWidget | A widget to modify a list of checkable string items |
CCircleGraphicsItem | The CircleGraphicsItem class |
CCirclePropertiesDialog | The CirclePropertiesDialog class |
CCircuitIdentifierImportDialog | The CircuitIdentifierImportDialog class |
CCmdAddComponentToCircuit | The CmdAddComponentToCircuit class |
CCmdAddDeviceToBoard | The CmdAddDeviceToBoard class |
CCmdAddSymbolToSchematic | The CmdAddSymbolToSchematic class |
CCmdAssemblyVariantAdd | The CmdAssemblyVariantAdd class |
CCmdAssemblyVariantEdit | The CmdAssemblyVariantEdit class |
CCmdAssemblyVariantRemove | The CmdAssemblyVariantRemove class |
CCmdAttributeEdit | The CmdAttributeEdit class |
CCmdBoardAdd | The CmdBoardAdd class |
CCmdBoardEdit | The CmdBoardEdit class |
CCmdBoardHoleAdd | The CmdBoardHoleAdd class |
CCmdBoardHoleEdit | The CmdBoardHoleEdit class |
CCmdBoardHoleRemove | The CmdBoardHoleRemove class |
CCmdBoardNetLineEdit | The CmdBoardNetLineEdit class |
CCmdBoardNetPointEdit | The CmdBoardNetPointEdit class |
CCmdBoardNetSegmentAdd | The CmdBoardNetSegmentAdd class |
CCmdBoardNetSegmentAddElements | The CmdBoardNetSegmentAddElements class |
CCmdBoardNetSegmentEdit | The CmdBoardNetSegmentEdit class |
CCmdBoardNetSegmentRemove | The CmdBoardNetSegmentRemove class |
CCmdBoardNetSegmentRemoveElements | The CmdBoardNetSegmentRemoveElements class |
CCmdBoardPlaneAdd | The CmdBoardPlaneAdd class |
CCmdBoardPlaneEdit | The CmdBoardPlaneEdit class |
CCmdBoardPlaneRemove | The CmdBoardPlaneRemove class |
CCmdBoardPolygonAdd | The CmdBoardPolygonAdd class |
CCmdBoardPolygonEdit | The CmdBoardPolygonEdit class |
CCmdBoardPolygonRemove | The CmdBoardPolygonRemove class |
CCmdBoardRemove | The CmdBoardRemove class |
►CCmdBoardSpecctraImport | Undo command to import a Specctra session (SES) |
CComponentOut | |
CNetOut | |
CPadStackOut | |
CViaOut | |
CWireOut | |
CCmdBoardSplitNetLine | Undo command to split a librepcb::BI_NetLine |
CCmdBoardStrokeTextAdd | The CmdBoardStrokeTextAdd class |
CCmdBoardStrokeTextEdit | The CmdBoardStrokeTextEdit class |
CCmdBoardStrokeTextRemove | The CmdBoardStrokeTextRemove class |
CCmdBoardViaEdit | The CmdBoardViaEdit class |
CCmdBoardZoneAdd | The CmdBoardZoneAdd class |
CCmdBoardZoneEdit | The CmdBoardZoneEdit class |
CCmdBoardZoneRemove | The CmdBoardZoneRemove class |
CCmdChangeNetSignalOfSchematicNetSegment | The CmdChangeNetSignalOfSchematicNetSegment class |
CCmdCircleEdit | The CmdCircleEdit class |
CCmdCombineAllNetSignalsUnderSchematicNetPoint | The CmdCombineAllNetSignalsUnderSchematicNetPoint class |
CCmdCombineBoardNetSegments | This undo command combines two board netsegments together |
CCmdCombineNetSignals | The CmdCombineNetSignals class |
CCmdCombineSchematicNetSegments | This undo command combines two schematic netsegments together |
CCmdComponentEdit | The CmdComponentEdit class |
CCmdComponentInstanceAdd | The CmdComponentInstanceAdd class |
CCmdComponentInstanceEdit | The CmdComponentInstanceEdit class |
CCmdComponentInstanceRemove | The CmdComponentInstanceRemove class |
CCmdComponentPinSignalMapItemEdit | The CmdComponentPinSignalMapItemEdit class |
CCmdComponentSignalEdit | The CmdComponentSignalEdit class |
CCmdComponentSymbolVariantEdit | The CmdComponentSymbolVariantEdit class |
CCmdComponentSymbolVariantItemEdit | The CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemEdit class |
CCmdCompSigInstSetNetSignal | The CmdCompSigInstSetNetSignal class |
CCmdDeviceEdit | The CmdDeviceEdit class |
CCmdDeviceInstanceAdd | The CmdDeviceInstanceAdd class |
CCmdDeviceInstanceEdit | The CmdDeviceInstanceEdit class |
CCmdDeviceInstanceEditAll | The CmdDeviceInstanceEditAll class |
CCmdDeviceInstanceRemove | The CmdDeviceInstanceRemove class |
CCmdDevicePadSignalMapItemEdit | The CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemEdit class |
CCmdDeviceStrokeTextAdd | The CmdDeviceStrokeTextAdd class |
CCmdDeviceStrokeTextRemove | The CmdDeviceStrokeTextRemove class |
CCmdDeviceStrokeTextsReset | The CmdDeviceStrokeTextsReset class |
CCmdDragSelectedBoardItems | The CmdDragSelectedBoardItems class |
CCmdDragSelectedFootprintItems | The CmdDragSelectedFootprintItems class |
CCmdDragSelectedSchematicItems | The CmdDragSelectedSchematicItems class |
CCmdDragSelectedSymbolItems | The CmdDragSelectedSymbolItems class |
CCmdFlipSelectedBoardItems | The CmdFlipSelectedBoardItems class |
CCmdFootprintEdit | The CmdFootprintEdit class |
CCmdFootprintPadEdit | The CmdFootprintPadEdit class |
CCmdHoleEdit | The CmdHoleEdit class |
CCmdLibraryBaseElementEdit | The CmdLibraryBaseElementEdit class |
CCmdLibraryCategoryEdit | The CmdLibraryCategoryEdit class |
CCmdLibraryEdit | The CmdLibraryEdit class |
CCmdLibraryElementEdit | The CmdLibraryElementEdit class |
CCmdListElementInsert | The CmdListElementInsert class |
CCmdListElementRemove | The CmdListElementRemove class |
CCmdListElementsSwap | The CmdListElementsSwap class |
CCmdNetClassAdd | The CmdNetClassAdd class |
CCmdNetClassEdit | The CmdNetClassEdit class |
CCmdNetClassRemove | The CmdNetClassRemove class |
CCmdNetSignalAdd | The CmdNetSignalAdd class |
CCmdNetSignalEdit | The CmdNetSignalSetName class |
CCmdNetSignalRemove | The CmdNetSignalRemove class |
CCmdPackageEdit | The CmdPackageEdit class |
CCmdPackageModelAdd | The CmdPackageModelAdd class |
CCmdPackageModelEdit | The CmdPackageModelEdit class |
CCmdPackageModelRemove | The CmdPackageModelRemove class |
CCmdPackagePadEdit | The CmdPackagePadEdit class |
CCmdPartEdit | The CmdPartEdit class |
CCmdPasteBoardItems | The CmdPasteBoardItems class |
CCmdPasteFootprintItems | The CmdPasteFootprintItems class |
CCmdPasteSchematicItems | The CmdPasteSchematicItems class |
CCmdPasteSymbolItems | The CmdPasteSymbolItems class |
CCmdPolygonEdit | The CmdPolygonEdit class |
CCmdProjectEdit | The CmdProjectEdit class |
CCmdProjectLibraryAddElement | The CmdProjectLibraryAddElement class |
CCmdProjectLibraryRemoveElement | The CmdProjectLibraryRemoveElement class |
►CCmdRemoveBoardItems | The CmdRemoveBoardItems class |
CNetSegmentItems | |
CCmdRemoveSelectedBoardItems | The CmdRemoveSelectedBoardItems class |
CCmdRemoveSelectedFootprintItems | The CmdRemoveSelectedFootprintItems class |
CCmdRemoveSelectedSchematicItems | The CmdRemoveSelectedSchematicItems class |
CCmdRemoveSelectedSymbolItems | The CmdRemoveSelectedSymbolItems class |
CCmdRemoveUnusedLibraryElements | The CmdRemoveUnusedLibraryElements class |
CCmdRemoveUnusedNetSignals | The CmdRemoveUnusedNetSignals class |
CCmdReplaceDevice | The CmdReplaceDevice class |
CCmdSchematicAdd | The CmdSchematicAdd class |
CCmdSchematicEdit | The CmdSchematicEdit class |
CCmdSchematicNetLabelAdd | The CmdSchematicNetLabelAdd class |
CCmdSchematicNetLabelEdit | The CmdSchematicNetLabelEdit class |
CCmdSchematicNetLabelRemove | The CmdSchematicNetLabelRemove class |
CCmdSchematicNetPointEdit | The CmdSchematicNetPointEdit class |
CCmdSchematicNetSegmentAdd | The CmdSchematicNetSegmentAdd class |
CCmdSchematicNetSegmentAddElements | The CmdSchematicNetSegmentAddElements class |
CCmdSchematicNetSegmentEdit | The CmdSchematicNetSegmentEdit class |
CCmdSchematicNetSegmentRemove | The CmdSchematicNetSegmentRemove class |
CCmdSchematicNetSegmentRemoveElements | The CmdSchematicNetSegmentRemoveElements class |
CCmdSchematicPolygonAdd | The CmdSchematicPolygonAdd class |
CCmdSchematicPolygonRemove | The CmdSchematicPolygonRemove class |
CCmdSchematicRemove | The CmdSchematicRemove class |
CCmdSchematicTextAdd | The CmdSchematicTextAdd class |
CCmdSchematicTextRemove | The CmdSchematicTextRemove class |
CCmdStrokeTextEdit | The CmdStrokeTextEdit class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceAdd | The CmdSymbolInstanceAdd class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceEdit | The CmdSymbolInstanceEdit class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceEditAll | The CmdSymbolInstanceEditAll class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceRemove | The CmdSymbolInstanceRemove class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceTextAdd | The CmdSymbolInstanceTextAdd class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceTextRemove | The CmdSymbolInstanceTextRemove class |
CCmdSymbolInstanceTextsReset | The CmdSymbolInstanceTextsReset class |
CCmdSymbolPinEdit | The CmdSymbolPinEdit class |
CCmdTextEdit | The CmdTextEdit class |
CCmdZoneEdit | The CmdZoneEdit class |
CCmpSigPinDisplayTypeComboBox | The CmpSigPinDisplayTypeComboBox class |
►CComboBoxDelegate | Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate which uses QComboBox as item editor |
CItem | |
CItems | |
CComponentAssemblyOptionListEditorWidget | The ComponentAssemblyOptionListEditorWidget class |
CComponentCategoryEditorWidget | The ComponentCategoryEditorWidget class |
CComponentChooserDialog | The ComponentChooserDialog class |
CComponentEditorWidget | The ComponentEditorWidget class |
CComponentPinSignalMapModel | The ComponentPinSignalMapModel class |
CComponentSignalListEditorWidget | The ComponentSignalListEditorWidget class |
CComponentSignalListModel | The ComponentSignalListModel class |
CComponentSymbolVariantEditDialog | The ComponentSymbolVariantEditDialog class |
CComponentSymbolVariantItemListEditorWidget | The ComponentSymbolVariantItemListEditorWidget class |
CComponentSymbolVariantItemListModel | The ComponentSymbolVariantItemListModel class |
CComponentSymbolVariantListModel | The ComponentSymbolVariantListModel class |
CComponentSymbolVariantListWidget | The ComponentSymbolVariantListWidget class |
CCompSymbVarPinSignalMapEditorWidget | The CompSymbVarPinSignalMapEditorWidget class |
CControlPanel | The ControlPanel class |
CCopyOutputJobWidget | The CopyOutputJobWidget class |
CDefaultGraphicsLayerProvider | The DefaultGraphicsLayerProvider class |
CDesktopIntegration | Allow installing/uninstalling LibrePCB to the desktop environment |
CDesktopServices | Provides methods to access common desktop services |
CDeviceEditorWidget | The DeviceEditorWidget class |
CDeviceInstancePropertiesDialog | The DeviceInstancePropertiesDialog class |
CDevicePadSignalMapModel | The DevicePadSignalMapModel class |
CDirectoryLockHandlerDialog | The DirectoryLockHandlerDialog class |
CDoubleSpinBox | Customized QDoubleSpinBox widget |
CDxfImportDialog | This class provides a Dialog (GUI) to choose DXF import settings |
CEagleLibraryImportWizard | The EagleLibraryImportWizard class |
CEagleLibraryImportWizardContext | The EagleLibraryImportWizardContext class |
CEagleLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary | The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary class |
CEagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Result | The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Result class |
CEagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements | The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements class |
CEagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions | The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions class |
CEagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Start | The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Start class |
CEditableListModel | A generic QAbstractTableModel subclass to view and edit list of various data types |
CEditableTableWidget | A QTableView subclass which adds buttons to edit the underlying model |
CEditorCommand | Command for editors, e.g. to be added to a QMenu |
CEditorCommandCategory | Category for librepcb::editor::EditorCommand |
CEditorCommandSet | Collection of all commands across all editors |
CEditorToolbox | Some useful general purpose methods for editors (i.e. GUI stuff) |
►CEditorWidgetBase | The EditorWidgetBase class |
CContext | |
CExclusiveActionGroup | Groups multiple QAction's together |
CFabricationOutputDialog | The FabricationOutputDialog class |
CFavoriteProjectsModel | The FavoriteProjectsModel class |
CFileDialog | Wrapper around QFileDialog to slightly change its behaviour |
CFileIconProvider | The FileIconProvider class |
CFootprintClipboardData | The FootprintClipboardData class |
CFootprintGraphicsItem | The FootprintGraphicsItem class |
CFootprintListEditorWidget | The FootprintListEditorWidget class |
CFootprintListModel | The FootprintListModel class |
CFootprintPadGraphicsItem | The FootprintPadGraphicsItem class |
CFootprintPadPropertiesDialog | The FootprintPadPropertiesDialog class |
CGerberExcellonOutputJobWidget | The GerberExcellonOutputJobWidget class |
CGerberX3OutputJobWidget | The GerberX3OutputJobWidget class |
►CGraphicsExportDialog | This class provides a Dialog (GUI) to choose DXF import settings |
CContentItem | |
►CGraphicsExportWidget | Like QGraphicsExportWidget, just better |
CPageItem | |
CGraphicsLayer | Graphical layer used in schematics and boards |
CGraphicsOutputJobWidget | The GraphicsOutputJobWidget class |
CGraphicsScene | The GraphicsScene class |
►CGraphicsView | The GraphicsView class |
CRulerGauge | |
►CGridSettingsDialog | This class provides a Dialog (GUI) to change the grid settings of a librepcb::editor::GraphicsView |
CGrid | |
CHAlignActionGroup | Helper to add librepcb::HAlign chooser toolbuttons to a toolbar |
CHoleEditorWidget | The HoleEditorWidget class |
CHoleGraphicsItem | Graphical representation of a librepcb::Hole |
CHolePropertiesDialog | The HolePropertiesDialog class |
CIF_ComponentSymbolVariantEditorProvider | The IF_ComponentSymbolVariantEditorProvider interface |
CIF_GraphicsLayerProvider | Defines an interface for classes which provide layers |
CIF_GraphicsViewEventHandler | The IF_GraphicsViewEventHandler class |
CIF_RuleCheckHandler | |
CInitializeWorkspaceWizard | The InitializeWorkspaceWizard class |
CInitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseSettings | The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseSettings class |
CInitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseWorkspace | The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseWorkspace class |
CInitializeWorkspaceWizard_Upgrade | The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_Upgrade class |
CInitializeWorkspaceWizard_Welcome | The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_Welcome class |
CInitializeWorkspaceWizardContext | The InitializeWorkspaceWizardContext class |
CInteractiveHtmlBomOutputJobWidget | The InteractiveHtmlBomOutputJobWidget class |
►CKeyboardShortcutsModel | A QAbstractItemModel to represent keyboard shortcut workspace settings |
CCategory | |
CKeySequenceDelegate | Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit a QKeySequence |
CKeySequencesEditorWidget | A widget to modify a list of QKeySequence objects |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizard | The KiCadLibraryImportWizard class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardContext | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardContext class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Parse | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Parse class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Result | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Result class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions class |
CKiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Start | The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Start class |
CLayerComboBox | The LayerComboBox class |
CLengthDelegate | Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit librepcb::Length values |
CLengthEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::Length values |
►CLengthEditBase | The LengthEditBase class |
CSteps | |
CLibraryDownload | The LibraryDownload class |
CLibraryEditor | The LibraryEditor class |
CLibraryElementCache | Cache for fast access to library elements |
CLibraryInfoWidget | The LibraryInfoWidget class |
CLibraryListEditorWidget | The LibraryListEditorWidget class |
CLibraryListWidgetItem | The LibraryListWidgetItem class |
CLibraryManager | The LibraryManager class |
►CLibraryOverviewWidget | The LibraryOverviewWidget class |
CLibraryMenuItem | |
CLineGraphicsItem | The LineGraphicsItem class |
CLppzOutputJobWidget | The LppzOutputJobWidget class |
CMarkdownConverter | The MarkdownConverter class |
CMeasureTool | Measure tool providing the measure functionality for the editor states |
CMenuBuilder | Helper to easily create a QMenu |
CMessageWidget | A widget containing a hidable, optionally dismissable message label |
CMoveAlignDialog | The MoveAlignDialog class |
CNetlistOutputJobWidget | The NetlistOutputJobWidget class |
CNewElementWizard | The NewElementWizard class |
CNewElementWizardContext | The NewElementWizardContext class |
CNewElementWizardPage_ChooseType | The NewElementWizardPage_ChooseType class |
CNewElementWizardPage_ComponentPinSignalMap | The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentPinSignalMap class |
CNewElementWizardPage_ComponentProperties | The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentProperties class |
CNewElementWizardPage_ComponentSignals | The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentSignals class |
CNewElementWizardPage_ComponentSymbols | The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentSymbols class |
CNewElementWizardPage_CopyFrom | The NewElementWizardPage_CopyFrom class |
CNewElementWizardPage_DeviceProperties | The NewElementWizardPage_DeviceProperties class |
CNewElementWizardPage_EnterMetadata | The NewElementWizardPage_EnterMetadata class |
CNewElementWizardPage_PackagePads | The NewElementWizardPage_PackagePads class |
CNewProjectWizard | The NewProjectWizard class |
►CNewProjectWizardPage_EagleImport | The NewProjectWizardPage_EagleImport class |
CParserResult | |
CNewProjectWizardPage_Initialization | The NewProjectWizardPage_Initialization class |
CNewProjectWizardPage_Metadata | The NewProjectWizardPage_Metadata class |
CNewProjectWizardPage_VersionControl | The NewProjectWizardPage_VersionControl class |
CNoEditDelegate | |
CNumberEditBase | Widget base class to edit various kinds of numbers |
COnlineLibraryListWidgetItem | The OnlineLibraryListWidgetItem class |
COpenGlObject | Represents one 3D object in an OpenGL 3D model |
COpenGlSceneBuilder | Asynchronously generates a 3D board scene for OpenGL rendering |
COpenGlTriangleObject | Asynchronously generates a 3D board scene for OpenGL rendering |
►COpenGlView | OpenGL 3D viewer widget |
CTransformData | |
COrderPcbDialog | The OrderPcbDialog class |
COriginCrossGraphicsItem | The OriginCrossGraphicsItem class |
COutputJobHomeWidget | The OutputJobHomeWidget class |
COutputJobListWidgetItem | The OutputJobListWidgetItem class |
COutputJobsDialog | The OutputJobsDialog class |
CPackageCategoryEditorWidget | The PackageCategoryEditorWidget class |
CPackageChooserDialog | The PackageChooserDialog class |
►CPackageEditorFsm | Finit state machine (FSM) of the package editor |
CContext | |
CPackageEditorState | Base class of all package editor FSM states |
CPackageEditorState_AddHoles | The PackageEditorState_AddHoles class |
CPackageEditorState_AddNames | The PackageEditorState_AddNames class |
CPackageEditorState_AddPads | The PackageEditorState_AddPads class |
CPackageEditorState_AddValues | The PackageEditorState_AddValues class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawArc | The PackageEditorState_DrawArc class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawCircle | The PackageEditorState_DrawCircle class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawLine | The PackageEditorState_DrawLine class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawPolygon | The PackageEditorState_DrawPolygon class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawPolygonBase | The PackageEditorState_DrawPolygonBase class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawRect | The PackageEditorState_DrawRect class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawText | The PackageEditorState_DrawText class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawTextBase | The PackageEditorState_DrawTextBase class |
CPackageEditorState_DrawZone | The PackageEditorState_DrawZone class |
CPackageEditorState_Measure | The PackageEditorState_Measure class |
CPackageEditorState_ReNumberPads | The PackageEditorState_ReNumberPads class |
CPackageEditorState_Select | The PackageEditorState_Select class |
CPackageEditorWidget | The PackageEditorWidget class |
CPackageModelListEditorWidget | The PackageModelListEditorWidget class |
CPackageModelListModel | The PackageModelListModel class |
CPackagePadComboBox | The PackagePadComboBox class |
CPackagePadListEditorWidget | The PackagePadListEditorWidget class |
CPackagePadListModel | The PackagePadListModel class |
CPadSignalMapEditorWidget | The PadSignalMapEditorWidget class |
►CPartInformationDelegate | Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display part status/price |
CData | |
►CPartInformationProvider | Parts information provider & cache |
CPart | |
CPartInformation | |
CPartResource | |
CPartInformationToolTip | The PartInformationToolTip class |
CPartListEditorWidget | The PartListEditorWidget class |
CPartListModel | The PartListModel class |
CPathEditorWidget | The PathEditorWidget class |
CPathModel | Implements QAbstractTableModel for librepcb::Path |
CPickPlaceOutputJobWidget | The PickPlaceOutputJobWidget class |
CPlainTextEdit | Customized QPlainTextEdit |
►CPolygonGraphicsItem | The PolygonGraphicsItem class |
CVertexHandle | |
CPolygonPropertiesDialog | The PolygonPropertiesDialog class |
CPositiveLengthEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::PositiveLength values |
CPrimitiveCircleGraphicsItem | The PrimitiveCircleGraphicsItem class |
►CPrimitiveFootprintPadGraphicsItem | The PrimitiveFootprintPadGraphicsItem class |
CPathItem | |
CPrimitiveHoleGraphicsItem | Independent graphical representation of a librepcb::Hole |
CPrimitivePathGraphicsItem | The PrimitivePathGraphicsItem class |
CPrimitiveTextGraphicsItem | Graphical representation of a text |
►CPrimitiveZoneGraphicsItem | The PrimitiveZoneGraphicsItem class |
CVertexHandle | |
CProjectEditor | The ProjectEditor class |
CProjectJsonOutputJobWidget | The ProjectJsonOutputJobWidget class |
CProjectLibraryUpdater | The ProjectLibraryUpdater class |
CProjectSetupDialog | The ProjectSetupDialog class |
CProjectTreeModel | The ProjectTreeModel class |
CRatioEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::Ratio values |
CRecentProjectsModel | The RecentProjectsModel class |
CRenameNetSegmentDialog | The RenameNetSegmentDialog class |
CRuleCheckDock | The RuleCheckDock class |
CRuleCheckListItemWidget | The RuleCheckListItemWidget class |
CRuleCheckListWidget | The RuleCheckListWidget class |
►CSchematicClipboardData | The SchematicClipboardData class |
CComponentInstance | |
CNetSegment | |
CSymbolInstance | |
CSchematicClipboardDataBuilder | The SchematicClipboardDataBuilder class |
CSchematicEditor | The SchematicEditor class |
►CSchematicEditorFsm | The schematic editor finite state machine (FSM) |
CContext | FSM Context |
CSchematicEditorState | The schematic editor state base class |
CSchematicEditorState_AddComponent | The SchematicEditorState_AddComponent class |
CSchematicEditorState_AddNetLabel | The SchematicEditorState_AddNetLabel class |
CSchematicEditorState_AddText | The SchematicEditorState_AddText class |
CSchematicEditorState_DrawPolygon | The SchematicEditorState_DrawPolygon class |
CSchematicEditorState_DrawWire | The SchematicEditorState_DrawWire class |
CSchematicEditorState_Measure | The "measure" state/tool of the schematic editor |
CSchematicEditorState_Select | The "select" state/tool of the schematic editor (default state) |
CSchematicGraphicsScene | The SchematicGraphicsScene class |
CSchematicPagesDock | The SchematicPagesDock class |
►CSchematicSelectionQuery | The SchematicSelectionQuery class |
CNetSegmentItems | |
CSearchToolBar | The SearchToolBar class |
CSGI_NetLabel | The SGI_NetLabel class |
CSGI_NetLine | The SGI_NetLine class |
CSGI_NetPoint | The SGI_NetPoint class |
CSGI_Symbol | The SGI_Symbol class |
CSGI_SymbolPin | The SGI_SymbolPin class |
CSGI_Text | The SGI_Text class |
CShortcutsReferenceGenerator | Helper to generate a keyboard shortcuts reference PDF |
CSignalRoleComboBox | The SignalRoleComboBox class |
CSortFilterProxyModel | A QSortFilterProxyModel subclass to implement custom sort behavior |
CStandardEditorCommandHandler | Helper to handle some of the librepcb::editor::EditorCommand actions |
CStatusBar | Extends QStatusBar for some commonly used fields |
CStrokeTextGraphicsItem | Graphical representation of a librepcb::StrokeText |
CStrokeTextPropertiesDialog | The StrokeTextPropertiesDialog class |
CSymbolChooserDialog | The SymbolChooserDialog class |
CSymbolClipboardData | The SymbolClipboardData class |
►CSymbolEditorFsm | Finit state machine (FSM) of the symbol editor |
CContext | |
CSymbolEditorState | Base class of all symbol editor FSM states |
CSymbolEditorState_AddNames | The SymbolEditorState_AddNames class |
CSymbolEditorState_AddPins | The SymbolEditorState_AddPins class |
CSymbolEditorState_AddValues | The SymbolEditorState_AddValues class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawArc | The SymbolEditorState_DrawArc class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawCircle | The SymbolEditorState_DrawCircle class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawLine | The SymbolEditorState_DrawLine class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawPolygon | The SymbolEditorState_DrawPolygon class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawPolygonBase | The SymbolEditorState_DrawPolygonBase class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawRect | The SymbolEditorState_DrawRect class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawText | The SymbolEditorState_DrawText class |
CSymbolEditorState_DrawTextBase | The SymbolEditorState_DrawTextBase class |
CSymbolEditorState_Measure | The SymbolEditorState_Measure class |
CSymbolEditorState_Select | The SymbolEditorState_Select class |
CSymbolEditorWidget | The SymbolEditorWidget class |
CSymbolGraphicsItem | The SymbolGraphicsItem class |
CSymbolInstancePropertiesDialog | The SymbolInstancePropertiesDialog class |
CSymbolPinGraphicsItem | The SymbolPinGraphicsItem class |
CSymbolPinPropertiesDialog | The SymbolPinPropertiesDialog class |
CTabWidget | A QTabWidget subclass that allows closing closable tabs with the middle mouse button |
CTextGraphicsItem | Graphical representation of a librepcb::Text |
CTextPropertiesDialog | The TextPropertiesDialog class |
CToolBarProxy | Allows to map a list of QAction's to one QToolBar |
CUndoCommand | Command which you can undo/redo |
CUndoCommandGroup | Makes it possible to pack multiple undo commands together (it acts as a parent of it's child commands) |
CUndoStack | Holds UndoCommand objects and provides undo/redo commands |
CUndoStackActionGroup | Groups an undo-QAction and redo-QAction together and optionally connects them with an librepcb::editor::UndoStack |
CUndoStackTransaction | Helps to execute transactions on an UndoStack |
►CUnplacedComponentsDock | The UnplacedComponentsDock class |
CDeviceMetadata | |
CUnsignedLengthEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::UnsignedLength values |
CUnsignedLimitedRatioEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::UnsignedLimitedRatio values |
CUnsignedRatioEdit | Widget to view/edit librepcb::UnsignedRatio values |
CVAlignActionGroup | Helper to add librepcb::VAlign chooser toolbuttons to a toolbar |
CWaitingSpinnerWidget | A widget drawing a rotating spinner to indicate an ongoing operation |
►CWorkspaceSettingsDialog | Dialog (GUI) to view and modify workspace settings |
CExternalApplication | |
CZoneGraphicsItem | The ZoneGraphicsItem class |
CZonePropertiesDialog | The ZonePropertiesDialog class |
►Nkicadimport | |
CKiCadFootprint | Represents a KiCad footprint |
CKiCadFootprintArc | Represents a KiCad footprint arc |
CKiCadFootprintCircle | Represents a KiCad footprint circle |
CKiCadFootprintLine | Represents a KiCad footprint line |
CKiCadFootprintModel | Represents the 3D model of a KiCad footprint |
CKiCadFootprintPad | Represents a KiCad footprint pad |
CKiCadFootprintPolygon | Represents a KiCad footprint polygon |
CKiCadFootprintRectangle | Represents a KiCad footprint rectangle |
CKiCadFootprintText | Represents a KiCad footprint text |
CKiCadGraphicalArc | Represents a KiCad graphical arc |
CKiCadGraphicalCircle | Represents a KiCad graphical circle |
CKiCadGraphicalLine | Represents a KiCad graphical line |
CKiCadGraphicalPolygon | Represents a KiCad graphical polygon |
CKiCadLibraryConverter | Converts KiCad library elements to LibrePCB |
CKiCadLibraryConverterSettings | Settings for librepcb::kicadimport::KiCadLibraryConverter |
►CKiCadLibraryImport | KiCad library import |
CFootprint | |
CFootprintLibrary | |
CGate | |
CPackage3DLibrary | |
CResult | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolLibrary | |
CKiCadProperty | Represents a KiCad property |
CKiCadSymbol | Represents a KiCad symbol |
CKiCadSymbolArc | Represents a KiCad symbol arc |
CKiCadSymbolCircle | Represents a KiCad symbol circle |
CKiCadSymbolGate | Represents a KiCad symbol gate |
CKiCadSymbolLibrary | Represents the content of a *.kicad_sym file |
CKiCadSymbolPin | Represents a KiCad symbol pin |
CKiCadSymbolPolyline | Represents a KiCad symbol polyline |
CKiCadSymbolRectangle | Represents a KiCad symbol rectangle |
CKiCadSymbolText | Represents a KiCad symbol text |
►CKiCadTypeConverter | Helper class to convert KiCad types to LibrePCB types |
CLine | |
CLineGroup | |
CPad | |
CKiCadZone | Represents a KiCad zone |
►Nrs | |
CInteractiveHtmlBomPad | |
CInteractiveHtmlBomRefMap | |
CAirWiresBuilder | The AirWiresBuilder class |
CAirWiresBuilderImpl | |
CAlignment | The Alignment class |
CAngle | Used to represent an angle (for example 12.75 degrees) |
►CApiEndpoint | Access to a LibrePCB API endpoint |
CPart | |
CApplication | Static functions to access some global application configuration |
CArchiveOutputJob | File archiving (e.g. to ZIP) output job |
CAssemblyVariant | The AssemblyVariant class |
CAssemblyVariantListNameProvider | |
CAsyncCopyOperation | High-level helper class to asynchronously and recursively copy directories with progress indicator |
CAttribute | The Attribute class |
CAttributeKeyConstraint | |
CAttributeKeyVerifier | |
CAttributeListNameProvider | |
CAttributeSubstitutor | Substitutes attribute keys in strings with their actual values (e.g. replace "{{NAME}}" by "U42", a component's name) |
CAttributeType | The AttributeType class |
CAttributeUnit | The AttributeUnit class |
CAttrTypeCapacitance | The AttrTypeCapacitance class |
CAttrTypeCurrent | The AttrTypeCurrent class |
CAttrTypeFrequency | The AttrTypeFrequency class |
CAttrTypeInductance | The AttrTypeInductance class |
CAttrTypePower | The AttrTypePower class |
CAttrTypeResistance | The AttrTypeResistance class |
CAttrTypeString | The AttrTypeString class |
CAttrTypeVoltage | The AttrTypeVoltage class |
CBI_AirWire | The BI_AirWire class |
CBI_Base | The Board Item Base (BI_Base) class |
CBI_Device | The BI_Device class |
CBI_FootprintPad | The BI_FootprintPad class |
CBI_Hole | The BI_Hole class |
CBI_NetLine | The BI_NetLine class |
CBI_NetLineAnchor | |
CBI_NetPoint | The BI_NetPoint class |
CBI_NetSegment | The BI_NetSegment class |
CBI_Plane | The BI_Plane class |
CBI_Polygon | The BI_Polygon class |
CBI_StrokeText | The BI_StrokeText class |
CBI_Via | The BI_Via class |
CBI_Zone | The BI_Zone class |
CBoard | PCB of a project and is always part of a circuit |
CBoard3DOutputJob | 3D board model output job |
CBoardAirWiresBuilder | The BoardAirWiresBuilder class |
CBoardClipperPathGenerator | Helper to create Clipper paths for librepcb::BoardDesignRuleCheck |
CBoardD356NetlistExport | The BoardD356NetlistExport class |
►CBoardDesignRuleCheck | Checks a librepcb::Board for design rule violations |
CCalculatedJobData | |
CResult | |
►CBoardDesignRuleCheckData | Input data structure for librepcb::BoardDesignRuleCheck |
CAirWire | |
CAirWireAnchor | |
CCircle | |
CDevice | |
CHole | |
CJunction | |
CPad | |
CPlane | |
CPolygon | |
CSegment | |
CStrokeText | |
CTrace | |
CVia | |
CZone | |
CBoardDesignRuleCheckSettings | The BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings class |
CBoardDesignRules | The BoardDesignRules class |
CBoardFabricationOutputSettings | The BoardFabricationOutputSettings class |
CBoardGerberExport | The BoardGerberExport class |
CBoardHoleData | The BoardHoleData class |
CBoardInteractiveHtmlBomGenerator | The BoardInteractiveHtmlBomGenerator class |
►CBoardNetSegmentSplitter | The BoardNetSegmentSplitter class |
CSegment | |
►CBoardPainter | Paints a librepcb::Board to a QPainter |
CColorContent | |
CFootprint | |
CHoleData | |
CPad | |
CPlane | |
CPolygonData | |
CStrokeTextData | |
CTextData | |
CTrace | |
CViaData | |
CBoardPickPlaceGenerator | The BoardPickPlaceGenerator class |
►CBoardPlaneFragmentsBuilder | Plane fragments builder working on a librepcb::Board |
CJobData | |
CKeepoutZoneData | |
CLayerJobResult | |
CPadData | |
CPlaneData | |
CPolygonData | |
CResult | |
CTraceData | |
CViaData | |
CBoardPolygonData | The BoardPolygonData class |
CBoardSpecctraExport | Specctra DSN Export |
CBoardStrokeTextData | The BoardStrokeTextData class |
CBoardZoneData | The BoardZoneData class |
CBom | Bill of materials list |
CBomCsvWriter | The BomCsvWriter class |
CBomGenerator | The BomGenerator class |
CBomItem | Item of a bill of materials list |
CBomOutputJob | BOM output job |
CBoundedUnsignedRatio | Ratio limited to a range specified by min/max values |
CCircle | The Circle class |
CCircleListNameProvider | |
CCircuit | All electrical connections in a project (drawn in the schematics) |
CCircuitIdentifierConstraint | |
CCircuitIdentifierVerifier | |
CClipperHelpers | The ClipperHelpers class |
CCmpSigPinDisplayType | The CmpSigPinDisplayType clas |
CComponent | "generic" device in the library |
CComponentAssemblyOption | The ComponentAssemblyOption class |
CComponentAssemblyOptionListNameProvider | |
CComponentCategory | The ComponentCategory class |
CComponentCheck | The ComponentCheck class |
CComponentInstance | The ComponentInstance class |
CComponentPinSignalMapHelpers | |
CComponentPinSignalMapItem | Maps a symbol pin to a component signal |
CComponentPinSignalMapNameProvider | |
CComponentPrefixConstraint | |
CComponentPrefixVerifier | |
CComponentSignal | One signal of a component |
CComponentSignalInstance | The ComponentSignalInstance class |
CComponentSignalListNameProvider | |
CComponentSymbolVariant | Symbol variant of a component |
CComponentSymbolVariantItem | One symbol of a component symbol variant |
CComponentSymbolVariantItemListHelpers | |
CComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider | |
CComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixConstraint | |
CComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixVerifier | |
CComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider | |
CCopyOutputJob | File copy output job |
CCsvFile | Comma-separated values (CSV) file |
►CD356NetlistGenerator | The D356NetlistGenerator class |
CRecord | |
CDebug | Some methods for debugging/logging |
CDevice | Instance of a component (a "real" component) |
CDeviceCheck | The DeviceCheck class |
CDevicePadSignalMapHelpers | |
CDevicePadSignalMapItem | The DevicePadSignalMapItem class |
CDevicePadSignalMapNameProvider | |
CDirectoryLock | This class can be used to implement file-based directory locks |
CDrcHoleRef | |
CDrcMsgCopperBoardClearanceViolation | The DrcMsgCopperBoardClearanceViolation class |
►CDrcMsgCopperCopperClearanceViolation | The DrcMsgCopperCopperClearanceViolation class |
CObject | |
CDrcMsgCopperHoleClearanceViolation | The DrcMsgCopperHoleClearanceViolation class |
CDrcMsgCopperInKeepoutZone | The DrcMsgCopperInKeepoutZone class |
CDrcMsgDeviceInCourtyard | The DrcMsgDeviceInCourtyard class |
CDrcMsgDeviceInKeepoutZone | The DrcMsgDeviceInKeepoutZone class |
CDrcMsgDisabledLayer | The DrcMsgDisabledLayer class |
CDrcMsgDrillBoardClearanceViolation | The DrcMsgDrillBoardClearanceViolation class |
CDrcMsgDrillDrillClearanceViolation | The DrcMsgDrillDrillClearanceViolation class |
CDrcMsgEmptyNetSegment | The DrcMsgEmptyNetSegment class |
CDrcMsgExposureInKeepoutZone | The DrcMsgExposureInKeepoutZone class |
CDrcMsgForbiddenSlot | The DrcMsgForbiddenSlot class |
CDrcMsgForbiddenVia | The DrcMsgForbiddenVia class |
CDrcMsgInvalidPadConnection | The DrcMsgInvalidPadConnection class |
CDrcMsgInvalidVia | The DrcMsgInvalidVia class |
CDrcMsgMinimumAnnularRingViolation | The DrcMsgMinimumAnnularRingViolation class |
CDrcMsgMinimumBoardOutlineInnerRadiusViolation | The DrcMsgMinimumBoardOutlineInnerRadiusViolation class |
CDrcMsgMinimumDrillDiameterViolation | The DrcMsgMinimumDrillDiameterViolation class |
CDrcMsgMinimumSlotWidthViolation | The DrcMsgMinimumSlotWidthViolation class |
CDrcMsgMinimumTextHeightViolation | The DrcMsgMinimumTextHeightViolation class |
CDrcMsgMinimumWidthViolation | The DrcMsgMinimumWidthViolation class |
CDrcMsgMissingBoardOutline | The DrcMsgMissingBoardOutline class |
►CDrcMsgMissingConnection | The DrcMsgMissingConnection class |
CAnchor | |
CDrcMsgMissingDevice | The DrcMsgMissingDevice class |
CDrcMsgMultipleBoardOutlines | The DrcMsgMultipleBoardOutlines class |
CDrcMsgOpenBoardOutlinePolygon | The DrcMsgOpenBoardOutlinePolygon class |
CDrcMsgOverlappingDevices | The DrcMsgOverlappingDevices class |
CDrcMsgSilkscreenClearanceViolation | The DrcMsgSilkscreenClearanceViolation class |
CDrcMsgUnconnectedJunction | The DrcMsgUnconnectedJunction class |
CDrcMsgUnusedLayer | The DrcMsgUnusedLayer class |
CDrcMsgUselessVia | The DrcMsgUselessVia class |
CDrcMsgUselessZone | The DrcMsgUselessZone class |
►CDxfReader | Read DXF files into LibrePCB data structures |
CCircle | |
CDxfReaderImpl | Private helper class to break dependency to dxflib |
CElectricalRuleCheck | Checks a librepcb::Board for design rule violations |
CElementNameConstraint | |
CElementNameVerifier | |
CErcMsgConnectedPinWithoutWire | The ErcMsgConnectedPinWithoutWire class |
CErcMsgForcedNetSignalNameConflict | The ErcMsgForcedNetSignalNameConflict class |
CErcMsgOpenNet | The ErcMsgOpenNet class |
CErcMsgOpenWireInSegment | The ErcMsgOpenWireInSegment class |
CErcMsgUnconnectedJunction | The ErcMsgUnconnectedJunction class |
CErcMsgUnconnectedRequiredSignal | The ErcMsgUnconnectedRequiredSignal class |
CErcMsgUnplacedOptionalGate | The ErcMsgUnplacedOptionalGate class |
CErcMsgUnplacedRequiredGate | The ErcMsgUnplacedRequiredGate class |
CErcMsgUnusedNetClass | The ErcMsgUnusedNetClass class |
CExcellonGenerator | The ExcellonGenerator class |
CException | The Exception class |
CFileDownload | This class is used to download a file asynchronously in a separate thread |
►CFileFormatMigration | Base class for any file format migration |
CMessage | |
CFileFormatMigrationUnstable | Migration to upgrade a previous unstable file format |
►CFileFormatMigrationV01 | Migration to upgrade file format v0.1 |
CComponent | |
CComponentInstance | |
CComponentSymbolVariant | |
CGate | |
CProjectContext | |
CSymbol | |
CText | |
CFileFormatMigrationV1 | Migration to upgrade file format v1.0 |
CFileParseError | The FileParseError class |
CFilePath | This class represents absolute, well-formatted paths to files or directories |
CFileProofNameConstraint | |
CFileProofNameVerifier | |
CFileSystem | Base class / interface for all file system implementations |
CFileUtils | Some static methods to execute file operations |
CFootprint | One footprint variant of a package |
CFootprintListNameProvider | |
CFootprintPad | Pad of a footprint |
CFootprintPadListNameProvider | |
►CFootprintPainter | Paints a librepcb::Footprint to a QPainter |
CColorContent | |
CGerberApertureList | A helper class to generate the aperture definitions for a Gerber file |
CGerberAttribute | A Gerber X2 attribute |
CGerberAttributeWriter | A helper class to generate Gerber X2 attributes |
CGerberExcellonOutputJob | Gerber/Excellon output job |
CGerberGenerator | The GerberGenerator class |
CGerberX3OutputJob | Gerber X3 pick&place output job |
►CGraphicsExport | Asynchronously exports graphics to a QPainter |
CResult | |
CRunArgs | |
CGraphicsExportSettings | Settings for librepcb::GraphicsExport |
►CGraphicsOutputJob | PDF/Image output job |
CContent | |
CGraphicsPagePainter | Base class for printing a page for librepcb::GraphicsExport |
CGraphicsPainter | Draw LibrePCB graphics elements on a QPainter |
CHAlign | The HAlign class |
CHole | The Hole class |
CHoleListNameProvider | |
►CInteractiveHtmlBom | Zip file reader |
CPad | |
CInteractiveHtmlBomOutputJob | Interactive HTML BOM output job |
CJunction | Connection point between netlines or traces |
CJunctionListNameProvider | |
CLayer | All supported geometry layers |
CLength | Used to represent a length (for example 12.75 millimeters) |
CLengthUnit | Length unit (millimeters, inches,...) and provides some useful methods to make the life easier |
CLibrary | Library directory |
CLibraryBaseElement | The LibraryBaseElement class |
CLibraryBaseElementCheck | The LibraryBaseElementCheck class |
CLibraryCategory | Extends the LibraryBaseElement class with some attributes and methods which are used for all library category classes |
CLibraryElement | Extends the LibraryBaseElement class with some attributes and methods which are used for all library classes except categories |
CLibraryElementCheck | The LibraryElementCheck class |
CLocalizedDescriptionMapPolicy | |
CLocalizedKeywordsMapPolicy | |
CLocalizedNameMapPolicy | |
CLogicError | The LogicError class |
CLppzOutputJob | Zipped project (*.lppz) output job |
CMaskConfig | Defines how to add automatic stop mask or solder paste |
►CMathParser | Mathematical expression parser |
CResult | |
►CMessageLogger | Generic logger class to pass messages between objects |
CMessage | |
CMsgDeprecatedAssemblyType | The MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType class |
CMsgDeviceHasNoParts | The MsgDeviceHasNoParts class |
CMsgDuplicatePadName | The MsgDuplicatePadName class |
CMsgDuplicatePinName | The MsgDuplicatePinName class |
CMsgDuplicateSignalName | The MsgDuplicateSignalName class |
CMsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask | The MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask class |
CMsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet | The MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet class |
CMsgFootprintOriginNotInCenter | The MsgFootprintOriginNotInCenter class |
CMsgHoleWithoutStopMask | The MsgHoleWithoutStopMask class |
CMsgInvalidCustomPadOutline | The MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline class |
CMsgInvalidPadConnection | The MsgInvalidPadConnection class |
CMsgMinimumWidthViolation | The MsgMinimumWidthViolation class |
CMsgMissingAuthor | The MsgMissingAuthor class |
CMsgMissingCategories | The MsgMissingCategories class |
CMsgMissingComponentDefaultValue | The MsgMissingComponentDefaultValue class |
CMsgMissingComponentPrefix | The MsgMissingComponentPrefix class |
CMsgMissingCourtyard | The MsgMissingCourtyard class |
CMsgMissingFootprint | The MsgMissingFootprint class |
CMsgMissingFootprintModel | The MsgMissingFootprintModel class |
CMsgMissingFootprintName | The MsgMissingFootprintName class |
CMsgMissingFootprintValue | The MsgMissingFootprintValue class |
CMsgMissingPackageOutline | The MsgMissingPackageOutline class |
CMsgMissingSymbolName | The MsgMissingSymbolName class |
CMsgMissingSymbolValue | The MsgMissingSymbolValue class |
CMsgMissingSymbolVariant | The MsgMissingSymbolVariant class |
CMsgMissingSymbolVariantItem | The MsgMissingSymbolVariantItem class |
CMsgNameNotTitleCase | The MsgNameNotTitleCase class |
CMsgNonFunctionalComponentSignalInversionSign | The MsgNonFunctionalComponentSignalInversionSign class |
CMsgNonFunctionalSymbolPinInversionSign | The MsgNonFunctionalSymbolPinInversionSign class |
CMsgNoPadsInDeviceConnected | The MsgNoPadsInDeviceConnected class |
CMsgNoPinsInSymbolVariantConnected | The MsgNoPinsInSymbolVariantConnected class |
CMsgOverlappingPads | The MsgOverlappingPads class |
CMsgOverlappingSymbolPins | The MsgOverlappingSymbolPins class |
CMsgPadAnnularRingViolation | The MsgPadAnnularRingViolation class |
CMsgPadClearanceViolation | The MsgPadClearanceViolation class |
CMsgPadHoleOutsideCopper | The MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper class |
CMsgPadOriginOutsideCopper | The MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper class |
CMsgPadOverlapsWithLegend | The MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend class |
CMsgPadStopMaskOff | The MsgPadStopMaskOff class |
CMsgPadWithCopperClearance | The MsgPadWithCopperClearance class |
CMsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste | The MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste class |
CMsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste | The MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste class |
CMsgSuspiciousAssemblyType | The MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType class |
CMsgSuspiciousPadFunction | The MsgSuspiciousPadFunction class |
CMsgSymbolOriginNotInCenter | The MsgSymbolOriginNotInCenter class |
CMsgSymbolPinNotOnGrid | The MsgSymbolPinNotOnGrid class |
CMsgThtPadWithSolderPaste | The MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste class |
CMsgUnspecifiedPadFunction | The MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction class |
CMsgUnusedCustomPadOutline | The MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline class |
CMsgUselessZone | The MsgUselessZone class |
CMsgWrongFootprintTextLayer | The MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer class |
CMsgWrongSymbolTextLayer | The MsgWrongSymbolTextLayer class |
CNetClass | The NetClass class |
CNetLabel | Net text label of a schematic |
CNetLabelListNameProvider | |
CNetLine | Net line within a schematic |
►CNetLineAnchor | The NetLineAnchor class |
CPinAnchor | |
CNetLineListNameProvider | |
CNetlistOutputJob | Netlist output job |
CNetSignal | The NetSignal class |
CNetworkAccessManager | A network access manager which processes network requests in a separate thread |
CNetworkRequest | This class is used to process general purpose network requests (up to 100MB) |
CNetworkRequestBase | Base class for network requests which are processed in the network access manager |
CNonEmptyPathConstraint | |
CNonEmptyPathVerifier | |
CNormDependentPrefixMapPolicy | |
►COccModel | 3D model implemented with OpenCascade |
CData | |
COrderPcbApiRequest | Order a PCB via a LibrePCB API server |
COutputDirectoryWriter | The OutputDirectoryWriter class |
►COutputJob | Base class for all output job types |
CObjectSet | |
COutputJobListNameProvider | |
COutputJobRunner | The OutputJobRunner class |
COverlineMarkupParser | Extract overlines of text with markup |
►CPackage | Package of a component (including footprint and 3D model) |
CAlternativeName | |
CPackageCategory | The PackageCategory class |
CPackageCheck | The PackageCheck class |
CPackageModel | Represents a 3D model of a librepcb::Package |
CPackageModelListNameProvider | |
CPackagePad | One logical pad of a package |
CPackagePadListNameProvider | |
CPadGeometry | Describes the shape of a pad |
CPadHole | The PadHole class |
CPadHoleListNameProvider | |
CPart | The Part class |
CPartListNameProvider | |
CPath | List of vertices connected by straight lines or circular arc segments |
CPcbColor | Predefined colors relevant for PCB fabrication |
CPickPlaceCsvWriter | The PickPlaceCsvWriter class |
CPickPlaceData | The librepcb::PickPlaceData class represents the content of a pick&place file |
CPickPlaceDataItem | The librepcb::PickPlaceDataItem class represents one item of a pick&place file |
CPickPlaceOutputJob | Pick&Place output job |
CPoint | Used to represent a point/coordinate/vector, for example (1.2mm; 5.6mm) for X=1.2mm and Y=5.6mm |
CPolygon | The Polygon class |
CPolygonListNameProvider | |
CPositiveLengthConstraint | |
CPositiveLengthVerifier | |
CProject | Whole (opened) project with all its content |
CProjectAttributeLookup | Determine an attribute value of an object within a librepcb::Project |
►CProjectJsonExport | Project data export to JSON |
CBoundingBox | |
CToolList | |
CProjectJsonOutputJob | JSON project data output job |
CProjectLibrary | The ProjectLibrary class |
CProjectLoader | Helper to load a librepcb::Project from the file system |
CQtMetaTypeRegistration | Wrapper around qRegisterMetaType<T> to allow static registration |
CRangeError | The RangeError class |
CRatio | Used to represent a ratio number (e.g. 13.37%) |
►CRealisticBoardPainter | Paints a librepcb::Board in realistic mode to a QPainter |
CContent | |
CResource | The Resource class |
CResourceListNameProvider | |
CRuleCheckMessage | The RuleCheckMessage class |
CRuntimeError | The RuntimeError class |
CRustHandle | Scoped pointer for Rust objects |
►CSceneData3D | 3D scene data representing a board with package models |
CAreaData | |
CCircleData | |
CDeviceData | |
CHoleData | |
CPolygonData | |
CStrokeData | |
CViaData | |
CSchematic | One schematic page of a project and is always part of a circuit |
►CSchematicNetSegmentSplitter | The SchematicNetSegmentSplitter class |
CSegment | |
►CSchematicPainter | Paints a librepcb::Schematic to a QPainter |
CLabel | |
CLine | |
CPin | |
CSymbol | |
CScopeGuard | |
CScopeGuardBase | |
CScopeGuardList | Keeps a list of functions to call |
CSerializableKeyValueMap | The SerializableKeyValueMap class provides an easy way to serialize and deserialize ordered key value pairs |
►CSerializableObjectList | The SerializableObjectList class implements a list of serializable objects |
CIterator | |
CSExpression | The SExpression class |
CSI_Base | The Schematic Item Base (SI_Base) class |
CSI_NetLabel | The SI_NetLabel class |
CSI_NetLine | The SI_NetLine class |
CSI_NetLineAnchor | |
CSI_NetPoint | The SI_NetPoint class |
CSI_NetSegment | The SI_NetSegment class |
CSI_Polygon | Polygon in a schematic |
CSI_Symbol | The SI_Symbol class |
CSI_SymbolPin | The SI_SymbolPin class |
CSI_Text | Text label in a schematic |
CSignal | The Signal class is used to emit signals on non-QObject derived classes |
CSignalRole | All supported electrical signal roles |
CSimpleStringConstraint | |
CSimpleStringVerifier | |
CSlot | The Slot class is used to receive signals from non-QObject derived classes |
►CSQLiteDatabase | The SQLiteDatabase class |
CTransactionScopeGuard | |
CStepExport | Asynchronously generates an assembly STEP file of a PCB |
CStraightAreaPathConstraint | |
CStraightAreaPathVerifier | |
CStrokeFont | The StrokeFont class |
CStrokeFontPool | The StrokeFontPool class |
CStrokeText | The StrokeText class |
CStrokeTextListNameProvider | |
CStrokeTextPathBuilder | The StrokeTextPathBuilder class |
CStrokeTextSpacing | Represents the letter- or line spacing configuration of a stroke text |
CSymbol | Part of a component which is added to schematics |
CSymbolCheck | The SymbolCheck class |
CSymbolPainter | Paints a librepcb::Symbol to a QPainter |
CSymbolPin | One pin of a symbol |
CSymbolPinListNameProvider | |
CSystemInfo | This class provides some methods to get information from the operating system |
►CTangentPathJoiner | Helper class to join tangent paths (polylines) together |
CResult | |
CSegment | |
CText | The Text class |
CTextListNameProvider | |
►CTheme | Theme class as used by librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem_Themes |
CColor | |
CThemeColor | Color settings as used by librepcb::Theme |
CToolbox | Some useful general purpose methods |
CTrace | Trace within a board |
►CTraceAnchor | The TraceAnchor class |
CPadAnchor | |
CTraceListNameProvider | |
CTransactionalDirectory | Helper class to access a subdirectory of TransactionalFileSystem |
►CTransactionalFileSystem | Transactional librepcb::FileSystem implementation |
CRestoreMode | Convenience class providing standard implementations for librepcb::TransactionalFileSystem::RestoreCallback |
CTransform | Helper class to perform coordinate transformation with various types |
CUnknownOutputJob | Fallback output job for unknown types |
CUnsignedLengthConstraint | |
CUnsignedLengthVerifier | |
CUnsignedLimitedRatioConstraint | |
CUnsignedLimitedRatioVerifier | |
CUnsignedRatioConstraint | |
CUnsignedRatioVerifier | |
CUserCanceled | The UserCanceled class |
CUuid | Replacement for QUuid to get UUID strings without {} braces |
CVAlign | The VAlign class |
CVersion | Version number in the format "1.42.7" |
CVersionFile | Class for reading and writing version files from/to QByteArray |
CVertex | The Vertex class |
CVia | Via of a board |
CViaListNameProvider | |
CWorkspace | Workspace with all its data (library, projects, settings, ...) |
►CWorkspaceLibraryDb | The WorkspaceLibraryDb class |
CPart | |
CWorkspaceLibraryDbWriter | Database write functions for librepcb::WorkspaceLibraryDb |
CWorkspaceLibraryScanner | The WorkspaceLibraryScanner class |
CWorkspaceSettings | Container for all workspace related settings |
CWorkspaceSettingsItem | Base class for all workspace settings items |
CWorkspaceSettingsItem_GenericValue | Generic implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem for simple, value-type settings |
CWorkspaceSettingsItem_GenericValueList | Generic implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem for simple, value-in-list-type settings |
CWorkspaceSettingsItem_KeyboardShortcuts | Implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem to store keyboard shortcuts settings |
CWorkspaceSettingsItem_Themes | Implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem to store theme configurations |
CZipArchive | Zip file reader |
CZipWriter | Zip file writer |
CZone | The Zone class |
CZoneListNameProvider | |
►NQtPrivate | |
CQForeachContainer< const librepcb::SerializableObjectList< T, P, OnEditedArgs... > > | |
CQForeachContainer< librepcb::SerializableObjectList< T, P, OnEditedArgs... > > | |