LibrePCB Developers Documentation
No Matches
Server API Specification

LibrePCB provides an API at which is used by the LibrePCB application, for example to fetch the latest libraries.

The API uses JSON for responses.


An API URL consists of following parts:

Part Description Example
<BASE> Base URL of API server
/api Base path of API /api
/<VERSION> API version number /v1
/<RESOURCE> Path to the requested resource /libraries/v0.1

The base URL of the official API server is, but for your own API server you can use any other base URL. This is the URL which must be specified in the workspace settings of LibrePCB.

Currently the only available API version is v1, but in future there might be newer API specifications available with higher version numbers. Because the version number is part of the URL, a server could support multiple API versions at the same time.


Request the list of libraries:

curl ''


In order to get the response in the user's language, the client may set the HTTP header Accept-Language to the desired locale string (e.g. de_DE).


The API uses pagination (i.e. splitting large responses across several shorter responses) to keep the response time of requests short.

A paginated response contains following JSON entries:

Key Type Description
count integer Total count of results over all pages
next string URL of next page (null for last page)
previous string URL of previous page (null for first page)
results list The actual response objects


Here an example how a paginated response looks like:


curl ''


"count": 42,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [

Available Resources

Following resources are available:

Path Description
/libraries Fetch list of available libraries
/order Upload a project to start ordering it
/parts Request live information about parts


The resource path /libraries is used to fetch the list of all available libraries. It is used in the LibrePCB Library Manager to list and download libraries.

The file format version of the application needs to be appended to the path to fetch only libraries with compatible file format. For example if the application uses file format version 0.1, use the path /api/v1/libraries/v0.1. Note that the response can still contain libraries with a file format older than the specified one. But it will never contain libraries with a newer file format.

The response is a list of objects with following properties:

Name Type Description
uuid string UUID of the library (from library.lp)
name object Library name, multilingual (from library.lp)
description object Library description, multilingual (from library.lp)
keywords object Library keywords, multilingual (from library.lp)
author string Author of the library (from library.lp)
version string Version of the library (from library.lp)
deprecated boolean Deprecated flag (from library.lp)
url string URL of library (from library.lp)
dependencies list List of dependent library UUIDs (from library.lp)
component_categories integer Count of contained component categories
package_categories integer Count of contained package categories
symbols integer Count of contained symbols
packages integer Count of contained packages
components integer Count of contained components
devices integer Count of contained devices
recommended boolean Whether the library is recommended to install
updated_at string ISO 8601 datetime of last update
format_version string File format of the library (from .librepcb-lib)
icon_url string URL to library icon (null if N/A)
download_url string URL to file for downloading the library (*.zip)
download_size integer Size of file to download in bytes (null if unknown)
download_sha256 string SHA256 of file to download (null if unknown)



curl ''

Response (without pagination):

"uuid": "e3ce49bf-e959-4092-8b48-aeead756f8d1",
"name": {
"default": "Molex",
"en_US": "Molex"
"description": {
"default": "Connectors, Sockets and more"
"keywords": {
"default": "connector,molex"
"author": "LibrePCB",
"version": "0.0.1",
"deprecated": false,
"url": "",
"dependencies": [
"component_categories": 13,
"package_categories": 37,
"symbols": 123,
"packages": 321,
"components": 42,
"devices": 0,
"recommended": false,
"updated_at": "2018-04-13T12:43:52Z",
"format_version": "0.1",
"icon_url": "",
"download_url": "",
"download_size": null,
"download_sha256": null,

Order PCB

The resource path /order is used to upload a LibrePCB project to start ordering the PCB. After the project has been uploaded, the order process needs to be continued in the web browser.

The client has to initiate the order with a GET request to the path /order. The response is a JSON object with the following data (no pagination used):

Name Type Description
info_url string URL pointing to service information (e.g. privacy policy)
upload_url string URL where the project has to be uploaded
max_size integer Maximum allowed size (in bytes) of the uploaded project


  • The info_url should be short and descriptive to allow displaying it as-is in the LibrePCB GUI.
  • If the service is (temporarily) not available, upload_url can be set to an empty string or null. LibrePCB shall then display a message like "Service is currently not available, please try again later".
  • The max_size applies to the raw *.lppz file without base64 encoding, so the actually uploaded JSON object can be much larger. LibrePCB shall not start the upload if the project is larger than this value.

Afterwards, the client has to make a POST request to the received upload_url with a JSON object containing the following data:

Name Type Description
project string The whole project as a Base64 encoded *.lppz archive
board string The filepath of the board to be ordered (null if unknown)

The response is a JSON object with the following data (no pagination used):

Name Type Description
redirect_url string URL to continue the order process in the web browser


Initial Request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Initial Response:

"info_url": "",
"upload_url": "",
"max_size": 100000000

Upload Request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"project": "...", "board": "boards/default/board.lp"}' \

Upload Response:

"redirect_url": ""

Parts Information

The resource path /parts is used to request live information about concrete parts (by MPN), for example prices or stock availability. The availability of this API depends on the cooperation with a corresponding data provider since the LibrePCB project cannot maintain such a parts database. If there is no such cooperation, this API will not be available.

The client has to initiate the query with a GET request to the path /parts. The response is a JSON object with the following data (no pagination used):

Name Type Description
provider_name string Name of the data provider
provider_url string URL to the data providers website
provider_logo_url string URL to the data providers logo (light theme, optional)
provider_logo_dark_url string URL to the data providers logo (dark theme, optional)
info_url string URL pointing to service information (e.g. privacy policy)
query_url string URL where to post the actual queries
max_parts integer Maximum number of parts to query in one request


  • If the service is (temporarily) not available, an empty JSON object can be returned. The client shall detect this by the property query_url which may be missing, null or an empty string, and then either display a message like "No part information available" or just silently don't display any part information.
  • The provider_logo_dark_url key is currently only a proposal, not officially part of the API.
  • The info_url should be short and descriptive to allow displaying it as-is in the LibrePCB GUI.
  • The max_parts specifies how many parts are allowed to be queried in a single request. However, clients should apply their own limit which is smaller or equal to the value returned here.

Afterwards, the client has to make POST requests to the received query_url with a JSON object containing the following data:

Name Type Description
parts array Array of parts to ask for information

Where the parts array shall consist of 0..n JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Description
mpn string Manufacturer part number
manufacturer string Manufacturer name of the part

The response is a JSON object with the following data (no pagination used):

Name Type Description
parts array Array with an entry for each requested part

Where the parts array consists of JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Description
mpn string Manufacturer part number (copied from request)
manufacturer string Manufacturer name of the part (copied from request)
results integer Number of parts found for the given MPN/manufacturer
product_url string URL to the manufacturers part information page
picture_url string URL to a picture of the part (e.g. PNG or JPEG)
pricing_url string URL to pricing information across suppliers
status string Either Preview, Active, NRND or Obsolete (to be extended)
availability integer -10=VeryBad, -5=Bad, 0=Normal, 5=Good, 10=VeryGood
prices array Part price for various quantities
resources array Part resources, e.g. datasheets and reference manuals
suggestions array Alternative part suggestions (if obsolete or results!=1)

Where the prices array consists of JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Description
quantity integer Quantity for which this price is valid
price float Part price in USD for 1 piece, valid for the given quantity

And the resources array consists of JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Description
name string Name of the resource (e.g. "Datasheet")
mediatype string Type of the resource linked by url (e.g. application/pdf)
url string Direct URL to the resource

The suggestions key is only a proposal, not officially part of the API yet. It may be added later as an array which consists of JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Description
mpn string MPN of a suggested alternative part
manufacturer string Manufacturer name of the suggested part


  • Except for mpn, manufacturer and results, each property of the response part objects may be omitted or set to null to indicate the corresponding information is not available.
  • If results is not 1, no part information shall be contained in the response.
  • Since no pagination is used, it is the responsibility of the client to avoid too large responses by limiting the number of parts in the request. Instead of requesting many parts at once, several smaller requests should be made. The max_parts value returned in the status response shall be respected as the upper limit.
  • To avoid too much traffic & server load, clients shall always wait for the response before sending the next request, i.e. parallel requests shall not be made! This also applies to large requests split into several smaller requests.


Initial Request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Initial Response:

"provider_name": "LibrePCB Data Provider",
"provider_url": "",
"provider_logo_url": "",
"info_url": "",
"query_url": "",
"max_parts": 10

Query Request:

"parts": [
"mpn": "1N4148",
"manufacturer": "Texas Instruments"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @request.json \

Query Response:

"parts": [
"mpn": "1N4148",
"manufacturer": "Texas Instruments",
"results": 1,
"product_url": "",
"picture_url": "",
"pricing_url": "",
"status": "Obsolete",
"availability": 5,
"prices": [
"quantity": 1,
"price": 0.01
"quantity": 10,
"price": 0.009
"quantity": 1000,
"price": 0.008
"resources": [
"name": "Datasheet",
"mediatype": "application/pdf",
"url": ""