LibrePCB Developers Documentation
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Code Style Guide

This page describes the code style guide for LibrePCB developers.


  • All files must have UNIX line endings (CI rejects Windows line endings).
  • Always use spaces, never tabulators (CI rejects tabulators).
  • Generally just follow the style of existing code and it will be fine :-)
  • For QtCreator, there's a coding style configuration file dev/CodingStyle_QtCreator.xml which you can import.
  • In the repository root there is a .clang-format file with the exact rules. You can use clang-format (version 15.0.7) to automatically format files according these rules. Use the command clang-format -style=file -i <FILE> to format a single source file.
  • To automatically format all modified source, CMake, *.ui and *.qrc files, please run the script ./dev/ It will format all files which are modified compared to the master branch (this avoids formatting of files other than the ones you modified). For details, read the comment in that script.
  • If you have Docker installed, it's recommended to invoke that script with the --docker argument.
  • The script may not work on operating systems other than Linux. In that case, please try to follow our coding style manually as good as possible.


  • Use strongly typed enums (enum class, since C++11) whenever reasonable
  • Use nullptr instead of NULL or 0
  • Use keywords like const, constexpr, final, override, ... whenever possible
  • Use noexcept specifier in method declarations that never throw exceptions:
    void foo() noexcept;    // this method never throws exceptions
  • Use smart pointers std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr for object ownership (instead of raw pointers). But never use QSharedPointer and try to avoid QScopedPointer for new code.

Header Files

  • Use nearly always forward declarations when possible. Includes in header files are allowed:
    • for all Qt header files (like QtCore, QtWidgets,...)
    • when the header file uses other types by value (by reference/pointer --> use forward declaration)
    • when the header file highly depends on other types, even if only by reference/pointer


  • File Names: Exactly same naming as classes, but all characters lowercase. Example: lengthunit.cpp, lengthunit.h
  • Namespaces: lowercase (with underline as separator if needed).
  • Classes: UpperCamelCase (for common prefixes, use the underline as separator. Example: librepcb::project::editor::SchematicEditorState_Select)
  • Interfaces: Like classes, but with prefix IF_. Example: librepcb::IF_GraphicsViewEventHandler
  • Functions/Methods: lowerCamelCase
  • Member Variables: lowerCamelCase, beginning with a 'm'. Example: mSomeMemberVariable
  • Static Variables: lowerCamelCase, beginning with a 's'. Example: sSomeStaticVariable
  • Function Parameters: lowerCamelCase
  • Local Variables: lowerCamelCase
  • Macros: uppercase, with underline as separator


  • Use doxygen comments with '@' (not '\') as command character
  • Methods documentation only in header files, not in source files


  • If you need integer types with fixed width, us Qt's typedefs (for example qint32) instead of the types from <stdint.h> (for example int32_t).
  • For floating point numbers, use Qt's typedef qreal instead of float or double whenever possible. This way the application should work also on ARM platforms with single precision FPU quite well.


  • Use always our own exception types (librepcb::Exception and derived classes), see [exceptions.h].
  • Never use other exception types (like std::exception).
  • Exceptions from 3rd-party libraries must be translated into our own exceptions in a wrapper class.


  • Inherit from QObject only when needed (for example if you only need QObject::tr(), see note to Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS() in Qt Macros)
  • Try to avoid using QObject::connect() with Qt's SIGNAL() and SLOT() macros. Use function addresses instead (whenever possible). This way, signals and slots are checked on compile-time instead of runtime.
    // Runtime check --> avoid this!
    connect(&myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mySlot()));
    // Compile-time check (and any method can be used as slots!) --> use this!
    connect(&myTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MyClass::anyMethod);
    // Using C++11 lambda functions as slots is also possible.
    // This can be very useful, but use it carefully (dangling pointers, ...)!
    connect(&mAutoSaveTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this](){doSomething();});

Qt Macros

  • Do not use Q_CHECK_PTR() because it throws a std::bad_alloc exception which we will never catch (we only catch our own exception types). Use Q_ASSERT() instead.
  • The macro Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS() is very useful to use the translation method QObject::tr() (resp. tr()) also in classes which do not inherit from QObject (but do NOT use this macro in interface classes because of possible multiple inheritance --> use QCoreApplication::translate() instead in this case). See

Logging Messages

  • For logging, use qDebug(), qInfo(), qWarning() and qCritical().
  • Logging messages shall not be translated, i.e. don't use tr() for them.
  • Output real sentences, starting with uppercase letter and ending with a period. Exceptions are allowed for something like "Invalid parameter: foo".
  • Try to output messages before the corresponding operation is performed. This helps to debug crashes since you see the last started operation. Use imperative language and end such messages with "...", for example "Save project...".
  • Output native file paths, not UNIX filepaths.