class | MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType |
| The MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType class. More...
class | MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType |
| The MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType class. More...
class | MsgDuplicatePadName |
| The MsgDuplicatePadName class. More...
class | MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask |
| The MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask class. More...
class | MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet |
| The MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet class. More...
class | MsgHoleWithoutStopMask |
| The MsgHoleWithoutStopMask class. More...
class | MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline |
| The MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline class. More...
class | MsgInvalidPadConnection |
| The MsgInvalidPadConnection class. More...
class | MsgMinimumWidthViolation |
| The MsgMinimumWidthViolation class. More...
class | MsgMissingCourtyard |
| The MsgMissingCourtyard class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprint |
| The MsgMissingFootprint class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprintModel |
| The MsgMissingFootprintModel class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprintName |
| The MsgMissingFootprintName class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprintValue |
| The MsgMissingFootprintValue class. More...
class | MsgMissingPackageOutline |
| The MsgMissingPackageOutline class. More...
class | MsgFootprintOriginNotInCenter |
| The MsgFootprintOriginNotInCenter class. More...
class | MsgOverlappingPads |
| The MsgOverlappingPads class. More...
class | MsgPadAnnularRingViolation |
| The MsgPadAnnularRingViolation class. More...
class | MsgPadClearanceViolation |
| The MsgPadClearanceViolation class. More...
class | MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper |
| The MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper class. More...
class | MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper |
| The MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper class. More...
class | MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend |
| The MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend class. More...
class | MsgPadStopMaskOff |
| The MsgPadStopMaskOff class. More...
class | MsgPadWithCopperClearance |
| The MsgPadWithCopperClearance class. More...
class | MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste |
| The MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste class. More...
class | MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste |
| The MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste class. More...
class | MsgSuspiciousPadFunction |
| The MsgSuspiciousPadFunction class. More...
class | MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste |
| The MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste class. More...
class | MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction |
| The MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction class. More...
class | MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline |
| The MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline class. More...
class | MsgUselessZone |
| The MsgUselessZone class. More...
class | MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer |
| The MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer class. More...