class | AirWiresBuilder |
| The AirWiresBuilder class. More...
class | AirWiresBuilderImpl |
class | Alignment |
| The Alignment class. More...
class | Angle |
| The Angle class is used to represent an angle (for example 12.75 degrees) More...
class | ApiEndpoint |
| Access to a LibrePCB API endpoint. More...
class | Application |
| Static functions to access some global application configuration. More...
class | ArchiveOutputJob |
| File archiving (e.g. to ZIP) output job. More...
class | AssemblyVariant |
| The AssemblyVariant class. More...
struct | AssemblyVariantListNameProvider |
class | AsyncCopyOperation |
| High-level helper class to asynchronously and recursively copy directories with progress indicator. More...
class | Attribute |
| The Attribute class. More...
struct | AttributeKeyConstraint |
struct | AttributeKeyVerifier |
struct | AttributeListNameProvider |
class | AttributeSubstitutor |
| The AttributeSubstitutor class substitutes attribute keys in strings with their actual values (e.g. replace "{{NAME}}" by "U42", a component's name) More...
class | AttributeType |
| The AttributeType class. More...
class | AttributeUnit |
| The AttributeUnit class. More...
class | AttrTypeCapacitance |
| The AttrTypeCapacitance class. More...
class | AttrTypeCurrent |
| The AttrTypeCurrent class. More...
class | AttrTypeFrequency |
| The AttrTypeFrequency class. More...
class | AttrTypeInductance |
| The AttrTypeInductance class. More...
class | AttrTypePower |
| The AttrTypePower class. More...
class | AttrTypeResistance |
| The AttrTypeResistance class. More...
class | AttrTypeString |
| The AttrTypeString class. More...
class | AttrTypeVoltage |
| The AttrTypeVoltage class. More...
class | BI_AirWire |
| The BI_AirWire class. More...
class | BI_Base |
| The Board Item Base (BI_Base) class. More...
class | BI_Device |
| The BI_Device class. More...
class | BI_FootprintPad |
| The BI_FootprintPad class. More...
class | BI_Hole |
| The BI_Hole class. More...
class | BI_NetLine |
| The BI_NetLine class. More...
class | BI_NetLineAnchor |
class | BI_NetPoint |
| The BI_NetPoint class. More...
class | BI_NetSegment |
| The BI_NetSegment class. More...
class | BI_Plane |
| The BI_Plane class. More...
class | BI_Polygon |
| The BI_Polygon class. More...
class | BI_StrokeText |
| The BI_StrokeText class. More...
class | BI_Via |
| The BI_Via class. More...
class | BI_Zone |
| The BI_Zone class. More...
class | Board |
| The Board class represents a PCB of a project and is always part of a circuit. More...
class | Board3DOutputJob |
| 3D board model output job More...
class | BoardAirWiresBuilder |
| The BoardAirWiresBuilder class. More...
class | BoardClipperPathGenerator |
| Helper to create Clipper paths for librepcb::BoardDesignRuleCheck. More...
class | BoardD356NetlistExport |
| The BoardD356NetlistExport class. More...
class | BoardDesignRuleCheck |
| The BoardDesignRuleCheck class checks a librepcb::Board for design rule violations. More...
struct | BoardDesignRuleCheckData |
| Input data structure for librepcb::BoardDesignRuleCheck. More...
class | BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings |
| The BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings class. More...
class | BoardDesignRules |
| The BoardDesignRules class. More...
class | BoardFabricationOutputSettings |
| The BoardFabricationOutputSettings class. More...
class | BoardGerberExport |
| The BoardGerberExport class. More...
class | BoardHoleData |
| The BoardHoleData class. More...
class | BoardInteractiveHtmlBomGenerator |
| The BoardInteractiveHtmlBomGenerator class. More...
class | BoardNetSegmentSplitter |
| The BoardNetSegmentSplitter class. More...
class | BoardPainter |
| Paints a librepcb::Board to a QPainter. More...
class | BoardPickPlaceGenerator |
| The BoardPickPlaceGenerator class. More...
class | BoardPlaneFragmentsBuilder |
| Plane fragments builder working on a librepcb::Board. More...
class | BoardPolygonData |
| The BoardPolygonData class. More...
class | BoardSpecctraExport |
| Specctra DSN Export. More...
class | BoardStrokeTextData |
| The BoardStrokeTextData class. More...
class | BoardZoneData |
| The BoardZoneData class. More...
class | Bom |
| The Bom class represents a bill of materials list. More...
class | BomCsvWriter |
| The BomCsvWriter class. More...
class | BomGenerator |
| The BomGenerator class. More...
class | BomItem |
| The BomItem class represents an item of a bill of materials list. More...
class | BomOutputJob |
| BOM output job. More...
class | BoundedUnsignedRatio |
| The BoundedUnsignedRatio class represents a ratio limited to a range specified by min/max values. More...
class | Circle |
| The Circle class. More...
struct | CircleListNameProvider |
class | Circuit |
| The Circuit class represents all electrical connections in a project (drawn in the schematics) More...
struct | CircuitIdentifierConstraint |
struct | CircuitIdentifierVerifier |
class | ClipperHelpers |
| The ClipperHelpers class. More...
class | CmpSigPinDisplayType |
| The CmpSigPinDisplayType clas. More...
class | Component |
| The Component class represents a "generic" device in the library. More...
class | ComponentAssemblyOption |
| The ComponentAssemblyOption class. More...
struct | ComponentAssemblyOptionListNameProvider |
class | ComponentCategory |
| The ComponentCategory class. More...
class | ComponentCheck |
| The ComponentCheck class. More...
class | ComponentInstance |
| The ComponentInstance class. More...
class | ComponentPinSignalMapHelpers |
class | ComponentPinSignalMapItem |
| The ComponentPinSignalMapItem class maps a symbol pin to a component signal. More...
struct | ComponentPinSignalMapNameProvider |
struct | ComponentPrefixConstraint |
struct | ComponentPrefixVerifier |
class | ComponentSignal |
| The ComponentSignal class represents one signal of a component. More...
class | ComponentSignalInstance |
| The ComponentSignalInstance class. More...
struct | ComponentSignalListNameProvider |
class | ComponentSymbolVariant |
| The ComponentSymbolVariant class represents a symbol variant of a component. More...
class | ComponentSymbolVariantItem |
| The ComponentSymbolVariantItem class represents one symbol of a component symbol variant. More...
class | ComponentSymbolVariantItemListHelpers |
struct | ComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider |
struct | ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixConstraint |
struct | ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixVerifier |
struct | ComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider |
class | CopyOutputJob |
| File copy output job. More...
class | CsvFile |
| The CsvFile class represents a comma-separated values (CSV) file. More...
class | D356NetlistGenerator |
| The D356NetlistGenerator class. More...
class | Debug |
| The Debug class provides some methods for debugging/logging. More...
class | Device |
| The Device class represents an instance of a component (a "real" component) More...
class | DeviceCheck |
| The DeviceCheck class. More...
class | DevicePadSignalMapHelpers |
class | DevicePadSignalMapItem |
| The DevicePadSignalMapItem class. More...
struct | DevicePadSignalMapNameProvider |
class | DirectoryLock |
| This class can be used to implement file-based directory locks. More...
struct | DrcHoleRef |
class | DrcMsgCopperBoardClearanceViolation |
| The DrcMsgCopperBoardClearanceViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgCopperCopperClearanceViolation |
| The DrcMsgCopperCopperClearanceViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgCopperHoleClearanceViolation |
| The DrcMsgCopperHoleClearanceViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgCopperInKeepoutZone |
| The DrcMsgCopperInKeepoutZone class. More...
class | DrcMsgDeviceInCourtyard |
| The DrcMsgDeviceInCourtyard class. More...
class | DrcMsgDeviceInKeepoutZone |
| The DrcMsgDeviceInKeepoutZone class. More...
class | DrcMsgDisabledLayer |
| The DrcMsgDisabledLayer class. More...
class | DrcMsgDrillBoardClearanceViolation |
| The DrcMsgDrillBoardClearanceViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgDrillDrillClearanceViolation |
| The DrcMsgDrillDrillClearanceViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgEmptyNetSegment |
| The DrcMsgEmptyNetSegment class. More...
class | DrcMsgExposureInKeepoutZone |
| The DrcMsgExposureInKeepoutZone class. More...
class | DrcMsgForbiddenSlot |
| The DrcMsgForbiddenSlot class. More...
class | DrcMsgForbiddenVia |
| The DrcMsgForbiddenVia class. More...
class | DrcMsgInvalidPadConnection |
| The DrcMsgInvalidPadConnection class. More...
class | DrcMsgMinimumAnnularRingViolation |
| The DrcMsgMinimumAnnularRingViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgMinimumBoardOutlineInnerRadiusViolation |
| The DrcMsgMinimumBoardOutlineInnerRadiusViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgMinimumDrillDiameterViolation |
| The DrcMsgMinimumDrillDiameterViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgMinimumSlotWidthViolation |
| The DrcMsgMinimumSlotWidthViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgMinimumTextHeightViolation |
| The DrcMsgMinimumTextHeightViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgMinimumWidthViolation |
| The DrcMsgMinimumWidthViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgMissingBoardOutline |
| The DrcMsgMissingBoardOutline class. More...
class | DrcMsgMissingConnection |
| The DrcMsgMissingConnection class. More...
class | DrcMsgMissingDevice |
| The DrcMsgMissingDevice class. More...
class | DrcMsgMultipleBoardOutlines |
| The DrcMsgMultipleBoardOutlines class. More...
class | DrcMsgOpenBoardOutlinePolygon |
| The DrcMsgOpenBoardOutlinePolygon class. More...
class | DrcMsgOverlappingDevices |
| The DrcMsgOverlappingDevices class. More...
class | DrcMsgSilkscreenClearanceViolation |
| The DrcMsgSilkscreenClearanceViolation class. More...
class | DrcMsgUnconnectedJunction |
| The DrcMsgUnconnectedJunction class. More...
class | DrcMsgUnusedLayer |
| The DrcMsgUnusedLayer class. More...
class | DrcMsgUselessVia |
| The DrcMsgUselessVia class. More...
class | DrcMsgUselessZone |
| The DrcMsgUselessZone class. More...
class | DxfReader |
| Read DXF files into LibrePCB data structures. More...
class | DxfReaderImpl |
| Private helper class to break dependency to dxflib. More...
class | ElectricalRuleCheck |
| The ElectricalRuleCheck class checks a librepcb::Board for design rule violations. More...
struct | ElementNameConstraint |
struct | ElementNameVerifier |
class | ErcMsgConnectedPinWithoutWire |
| The ErcMsgConnectedPinWithoutWire class. More...
class | ErcMsgForcedNetSignalNameConflict |
| The ErcMsgForcedNetSignalNameConflict class. More...
class | ErcMsgOpenNet |
| The ErcMsgOpenNet class. More...
class | ErcMsgOpenWireInSegment |
| The ErcMsgOpenWireInSegment class. More...
class | ErcMsgUnconnectedJunction |
| The ErcMsgUnconnectedJunction class. More...
class | ErcMsgUnconnectedRequiredSignal |
| The ErcMsgUnconnectedRequiredSignal class. More...
class | ErcMsgUnplacedOptionalGate |
| The ErcMsgUnplacedOptionalGate class. More...
class | ErcMsgUnplacedRequiredGate |
| The ErcMsgUnplacedRequiredGate class. More...
class | ErcMsgUnusedNetClass |
| The ErcMsgUnusedNetClass class. More...
class | ExcellonGenerator |
| The ExcellonGenerator class. More...
class | Exception |
| The Exception class. More...
class | FileDownload |
| This class is used to download a file asynchronously in a separate thread. More...
class | FileFormatMigration |
| Base class for any file format migration. More...
class | FileFormatMigrationUnstable |
| Migration to upgrade a previous unstable file format. More...
class | FileFormatMigrationV01 |
| Migration to upgrade file format v0.1. More...
class | FileFormatMigrationV1 |
| Migration to upgrade file format v1.0. More...
class | FileParseError |
| The FileParseError class. More...
class | FilePath |
| This class represents absolute, well-formatted paths to files or directories. More...
struct | FileProofNameConstraint |
struct | FileProofNameVerifier |
class | FileSystem |
| Base class / interface for all file system implementations. More...
class | FileUtils |
| The FileUtils class provides some static methods to execute file operations. More...
class | Footprint |
| The Footprint class represents one footprint variant of a package. More...
struct | FootprintListNameProvider |
class | FootprintPad |
| The FootprintPad class represents a pad of a footprint. More...
struct | FootprintPadListNameProvider |
class | FootprintPainter |
| Paints a librepcb::Footprint to a QPainter. More...
class | GerberApertureList |
| A helper class to generate the aperture definitions for a Gerber file. More...
class | GerberAttribute |
| A Gerber X2 attribute. More...
class | GerberAttributeWriter |
| A helper class to generate Gerber X2 attributes. More...
class | GerberExcellonOutputJob |
| Gerber/Excellon output job. More...
class | GerberGenerator |
| The GerberGenerator class. More...
class | GerberX3OutputJob |
| Gerber X3 pick&place output job. More...
class | GraphicsExport |
| Asynchronously exports graphics to a QPainter. More...
class | GraphicsExportSettings |
| Settings for librepcb::GraphicsExport. More...
class | GraphicsOutputJob |
| PDF/Image output job. More...
class | GraphicsPagePainter |
| Base class for printing a page for librepcb::GraphicsExport. More...
class | GraphicsPainter |
| Draw LibrePCB graphics elements on a QPainter. More...
class | HAlign |
| The HAlign class. More...
class | Hole |
| The Hole class. More...
struct | HoleListNameProvider |
class | InteractiveHtmlBom |
| Zip file reader. More...
class | InteractiveHtmlBomOutputJob |
| Interactive HTML BOM output job. More...
class | Junction |
| The Junction class represents the connection point between netlines or traces. More...
struct | JunctionListNameProvider |
class | Layer |
| The Layer class provides all supported geometry layers. More...
class | Length |
| The Length class is used to represent a length (for example 12.75 millimeters) More...
class | LengthUnit |
| The LengthUnit class represents a length unit (millimeters, inches,...) and provides some useful methods to make the life easier. More...
class | Library |
| The Library class represents a library directory. More...
class | LibraryBaseElement |
| The LibraryBaseElement class. More...
class | LibraryBaseElementCheck |
| The LibraryBaseElementCheck class. More...
class | LibraryCategory |
| The LibraryCategory class extends the LibraryBaseElement class with some attributes and methods which are used for all library category classes. More...
class | LibraryElement |
| The LibraryElement class extends the LibraryBaseElement class with some attributes and methods which are used for all library classes except categories. More...
class | LibraryElementCheck |
| The LibraryElementCheck class. More...
struct | LocalizedDescriptionMapPolicy |
struct | LocalizedKeywordsMapPolicy |
struct | LocalizedNameMapPolicy |
class | LogicError |
| The LogicError class. More...
class | LppzOutputJob |
| Zipped project (*.lppz) output job. More...
class | MaskConfig |
| The MaskConfig class defines how to add automatic stop mask or solder paste. More...
class | MathParser |
| Mathematical expression parser. More...
class | MessageLogger |
| Generic logger class to pass messages between objects. More...
class | MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType |
| The MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType class. More...
class | MsgDeviceHasNoParts |
| The MsgDeviceHasNoParts class. More...
class | MsgDuplicatePadName |
| The MsgDuplicatePadName class. More...
class | MsgDuplicatePinName |
| The MsgDuplicatePinName class. More...
class | MsgDuplicateSignalName |
| The MsgDuplicateSignalName class. More...
class | MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask |
| The MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask class. More...
class | MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet |
| The MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet class. More...
class | MsgFootprintOriginNotInCenter |
| The MsgFootprintOriginNotInCenter class. More...
class | MsgHoleWithoutStopMask |
| The MsgHoleWithoutStopMask class. More...
class | MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline |
| The MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline class. More...
class | MsgInvalidPadConnection |
| The MsgInvalidPadConnection class. More...
class | MsgMinimumWidthViolation |
| The MsgMinimumWidthViolation class. More...
class | MsgMissingAuthor |
| The MsgMissingAuthor class. More...
class | MsgMissingCategories |
| The MsgMissingCategories class. More...
class | MsgMissingComponentDefaultValue |
| The MsgMissingComponentDefaultValue class. More...
class | MsgMissingComponentPrefix |
| The MsgMissingComponentPrefix class. More...
class | MsgMissingCourtyard |
| The MsgMissingCourtyard class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprint |
| The MsgMissingFootprint class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprintModel |
| The MsgMissingFootprintModel class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprintName |
| The MsgMissingFootprintName class. More...
class | MsgMissingFootprintValue |
| The MsgMissingFootprintValue class. More...
class | MsgMissingPackageOutline |
| The MsgMissingPackageOutline class. More...
class | MsgMissingSymbolName |
| The MsgMissingSymbolName class. More...
class | MsgMissingSymbolValue |
| The MsgMissingSymbolValue class. More...
class | MsgMissingSymbolVariant |
| The MsgMissingSymbolVariant class. More...
class | MsgMissingSymbolVariantItem |
| The MsgMissingSymbolVariantItem class. More...
class | MsgNameNotTitleCase |
| The MsgNameNotTitleCase class. More...
class | MsgNonFunctionalComponentSignalInversionSign |
| The MsgNonFunctionalComponentSignalInversionSign class. More...
class | MsgNonFunctionalSymbolPinInversionSign |
| The MsgNonFunctionalSymbolPinInversionSign class. More...
class | MsgNoPadsInDeviceConnected |
| The MsgNoPadsInDeviceConnected class. More...
class | MsgNoPinsInSymbolVariantConnected |
| The MsgNoPinsInSymbolVariantConnected class. More...
class | MsgOverlappingPads |
| The MsgOverlappingPads class. More...
class | MsgOverlappingSymbolPins |
| The MsgOverlappingSymbolPins class. More...
class | MsgPadAnnularRingViolation |
| The MsgPadAnnularRingViolation class. More...
class | MsgPadClearanceViolation |
| The MsgPadClearanceViolation class. More...
class | MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper |
| The MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper class. More...
class | MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper |
| The MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper class. More...
class | MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend |
| The MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend class. More...
class | MsgPadStopMaskOff |
| The MsgPadStopMaskOff class. More...
class | MsgPadWithCopperClearance |
| The MsgPadWithCopperClearance class. More...
class | MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste |
| The MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste class. More...
class | MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste |
| The MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste class. More...
class | MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType |
| The MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType class. More...
class | MsgSuspiciousPadFunction |
| The MsgSuspiciousPadFunction class. More...
class | MsgSymbolOriginNotInCenter |
| The MsgSymbolOriginNotInCenter class. More...
class | MsgSymbolPinNotOnGrid |
| The MsgSymbolPinNotOnGrid class. More...
class | MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste |
| The MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste class. More...
class | MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction |
| The MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction class. More...
class | MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline |
| The MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline class. More...
class | MsgUselessZone |
| The MsgUselessZone class. More...
class | MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer |
| The MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer class. More...
class | MsgWrongSymbolTextLayer |
| The MsgWrongSymbolTextLayer class. More...
class | NetClass |
| The NetClass class. More...
class | NetLabel |
| The NetLabel class represents a net text label of a schematic. More...
struct | NetLabelListNameProvider |
class | NetLine |
| The NetLine class represents a net line within a schematic. More...
class | NetLineAnchor |
| The NetLineAnchor class. More...
struct | NetLineListNameProvider |
class | NetlistOutputJob |
| Netlist output job. More...
class | NetSignal |
| The NetSignal class. More...
class | NetworkAccessManager |
| A network access manager which processes network requests in a separate thread. More...
class | NetworkRequest |
| This class is used to process general purpose network requests (up to 100MB) More...
class | NetworkRequestBase |
| Base class for network requests which are processed in the network access manager. More...
struct | NonEmptyPathConstraint |
struct | NonEmptyPathVerifier |
struct | NormDependentPrefixMapPolicy |
class | OccModel |
| 3D model implemented with OpenCascade More...
class | OrderPcbApiRequest |
| Order a PCB via a LibrePCB API server. More...
class | OutputDirectoryWriter |
| The OutputDirectoryWriter class. More...
class | OutputJob |
| Base class for all output job types. More...
struct | OutputJobListNameProvider |
class | OutputJobRunner |
| The OutputJobRunner class. More...
class | OverlineMarkupParser |
| Extract overlines of text with markup. More...
class | Package |
| The Package class represents a package of a component (including footprint and 3D model) More...
class | PackageCategory |
| The PackageCategory class. More...
class | PackageCheck |
| The PackageCheck class. More...
class | PackageModel |
| Represents a 3D model of a librepcb::Package. More...
struct | PackageModelListNameProvider |
class | PackagePad |
| The PackagePad class represents one logical pad of a package. More...
struct | PackagePadListNameProvider |
class | PadGeometry |
| The PadGeometry class describes the shape of a pad. More...
class | PadHole |
| The PadHole class. More...
struct | PadHoleListNameProvider |
class | Part |
| The Part class. More...
struct | PartListNameProvider |
class | Path |
| The Path class represents a list of vertices connected by straight lines or circular arc segments. More...
class | PcbColor |
| Predefined colors relevant for PCB fabrication. More...
class | PickPlaceCsvWriter |
| The PickPlaceCsvWriter class. More...
class | PickPlaceData |
| The librepcb::PickPlaceData class represents the content of a pick&place file. More...
class | PickPlaceDataItem |
| The librepcb::PickPlaceDataItem class represents one item of a pick&place file. More...
class | PickPlaceOutputJob |
| Pick&Place output job. More...
class | Point |
| The Point class is used to represent a point/coordinate/vector, for example (1.2mm; 5.6mm) for X=1.2mm and Y=5.6mm. More...
class | Polygon |
| The Polygon class. More...
struct | PolygonListNameProvider |
struct | PositiveLengthConstraint |
struct | PositiveLengthVerifier |
class | Project |
| The Project class represents a whole (opened) project with all its content. More...
class | ProjectAttributeLookup |
| Determine an attribute value of an object within a librepcb::Project. More...
class | ProjectJsonExport |
| Project data export to JSON. More...
class | ProjectJsonOutputJob |
| JSON project data output job. More...
class | ProjectLibrary |
| The ProjectLibrary class. More...
class | ProjectLoader |
| Helper to load a librepcb::Project from the file system. More...
struct | QtMetaTypeRegistration |
| Wrapper around qRegisterMetaType<T> to allow static registration. More...
class | RangeError |
| The RangeError class. More...
class | Ratio |
| The Ratio class is used to represent a ratio number (e.g. 13.37%) More...
class | RealisticBoardPainter |
| Paints a librepcb::Board in realistic mode to a QPainter. More...
class | Resource |
| The Resource class. More...
struct | ResourceListNameProvider |
class | RuleCheckMessage |
| The RuleCheckMessage class. More...
class | RuntimeError |
| The RuntimeError class. More...
struct | RustHandle |
| Scoped pointer for Rust objects. More...
class | SceneData3D |
| 3D scene data representing a board with package models More...
class | Schematic |
| The Schematic class represents one schematic page of a project and is always part of a circuit. More...
class | SchematicNetSegmentSplitter |
| The SchematicNetSegmentSplitter class. More...
class | SchematicPainter |
| Paints a librepcb::Schematic to a QPainter. More...
class | ScopeGuard |
class | ScopeGuardBase |
class | ScopeGuardList |
| Keeps a list of functions to call. More...
class | SerializableKeyValueMap |
| The SerializableKeyValueMap class provides an easy way to serialize and deserialize ordered key value pairs. More...
class | SerializableObjectList |
| The SerializableObjectList class implements a list of serializable objects. More...
class | SExpression |
| The SExpression class. More...
class | SI_Base |
| The Schematic Item Base (SI_Base) class. More...
class | SI_NetLabel |
| The SI_NetLabel class. More...
class | SI_NetLine |
| The SI_NetLine class. More...
class | SI_NetLineAnchor |
class | SI_NetPoint |
| The SI_NetPoint class. More...
class | SI_NetSegment |
| The SI_NetSegment class. More...
class | SI_Polygon |
| The SI_Polygon class represents a polygon in a schematic. More...
class | SI_Symbol |
| The SI_Symbol class. More...
class | SI_SymbolPin |
| The SI_SymbolPin class. More...
class | SI_Text |
| The SI_Text class represents a text label in a schematic. More...
class | Signal |
| The Signal class is used to emit signals on non-QObject derived classes. More...
class | SignalRole |
| The SignalRole class provides all supported electrical signal roles. More...
struct | SimpleStringConstraint |
struct | SimpleStringVerifier |
class | Slot |
| The Slot class is used to receive signals from non-QObject derived classes. More...
class | SQLiteDatabase |
| The SQLiteDatabase class. More...
class | StepExport |
| Asynchronously generates an assembly STEP file of a PCB. More...
struct | StraightAreaPathConstraint |
struct | StraightAreaPathVerifier |
class | StrokeFont |
| The StrokeFont class. More...
class | StrokeFontPool |
| The StrokeFontPool class. More...
class | StrokeText |
| The StrokeText class. More...
struct | StrokeTextListNameProvider |
class | StrokeTextPathBuilder |
| The StrokeTextPathBuilder class. More...
class | StrokeTextSpacing |
| Represents the letter- or line spacing configuration of a stroke text. More...
class | Symbol |
| The Symbol class represents the part of a component which is added to schematics. More...
class | SymbolCheck |
| The SymbolCheck class. More...
class | SymbolPainter |
| Paints a librepcb::Symbol to a QPainter. More...
class | SymbolPin |
| The SymbolPin class represents one pin of a symbol. More...
struct | SymbolPinListNameProvider |
class | SystemInfo |
| This class provides some methods to get information from the operating system. More...
class | TangentPathJoiner |
| Helper class to join tangent paths (polylines) together. More...
class | Text |
| The Text class. More...
struct | TextListNameProvider |
class | Theme |
| Theme class as used by librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem_Themes. More...
class | ThemeColor |
| Color settings as used by librepcb::Theme. More...
class | Toolbox |
| The Toolbox class provides some useful general purpose methods. More...
class | Trace |
| The Trace class represents a trace within a board. More...
class | TraceAnchor |
| The TraceAnchor class. More...
struct | TraceListNameProvider |
class | TransactionalDirectory |
| Helper class to access a subdirectory of TransactionalFileSystem. More...
class | TransactionalFileSystem |
| Transactional librepcb::FileSystem implementation. More...
class | Transform |
| Helper class to perform coordinate transformation with various types. More...
class | UnknownOutputJob |
| Fallback output job for unknown types. More...
struct | UnsignedLengthConstraint |
struct | UnsignedLengthVerifier |
struct | UnsignedLimitedRatioConstraint |
struct | UnsignedLimitedRatioVerifier |
struct | UnsignedRatioConstraint |
struct | UnsignedRatioVerifier |
class | UserCanceled |
| The UserCanceled class. More...
class | Uuid |
| The Uuid class is a replacement for QUuid to get UUID strings without {} braces. More...
class | VAlign |
| The VAlign class. More...
class | Version |
| The Version class represents a version number in the format "1.42.7". More...
class | VersionFile |
| Class for reading and writing version files from/to QByteArray. More...
class | Vertex |
| The Vertex class. More...
class | Via |
| The Via class represents a via of a board. More...
struct | ViaListNameProvider |
class | Workspace |
| The Workspace class represents a workspace with all its data (library, projects, settings, ...) More...
class | WorkspaceLibraryDb |
| The WorkspaceLibraryDb class. More...
class | WorkspaceLibraryDbWriter |
| Database write functions for librepcb::WorkspaceLibraryDb. More...
class | WorkspaceLibraryScanner |
| The WorkspaceLibraryScanner class. More...
class | WorkspaceSettings |
| Container for all workspace related settings. More...
class | WorkspaceSettingsItem |
| Base class for all workspace settings items. More...
class | WorkspaceSettingsItem_GenericValue |
| Generic implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem for simple, value-type settings. More...
class | WorkspaceSettingsItem_GenericValueList |
| Generic implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem for simple, value-in-list-type settings. More...
class | WorkspaceSettingsItem_KeyboardShortcuts |
| Implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem to store keyboard shortcuts settings. More...
class | WorkspaceSettingsItem_Themes |
| Implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem to store theme configurations. More...
class | ZipArchive |
| Zip file reader. More...
class | ZipWriter |
| Zip file writer. More...
class | Zone |
| The Zone class. More...
struct | ZoneListNameProvider |
static QString | cleanAttributeKey (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const AttributeKey &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const AttributeKey &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const AttributeKey &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const AttributeKey &rhs) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const AttributeKey &obj) |
template<> |
AttributeKey | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const AttributeKey &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const AttributeKey &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const AttributeKey &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const AttributeType &obj) |
template<> |
const AttributeType & | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const AttributeUnit &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const GraphicsExportSettings::Orientation &obj) |
template<> |
GraphicsExportSettings::Orientation | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const std::optional< UnsignedRatio > &obj) |
template<> |
std::optional< UnsignedRatio > | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const InteractiveHtmlBom::ViewMode &obj) |
template<> |
InteractiveHtmlBom::ViewMode | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const InteractiveHtmlBom::HighlightPin1Mode &obj) |
template<> |
InteractiveHtmlBom::HighlightPin1Mode | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
static RustHandle< rs::InteractiveHtmlBom > | construct (const QString &title, const QString &company, const QString &revision, const QString &date, const Point &topLeft, const Point &bottomRight) |
std::size_t | qHash (PickPlaceDataItem::Type key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const FilePath &filepath) |
QDebug & | operator<< (QDebug &stream, const FilePath &filepath) |
std::size_t | qHash (const FilePath &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
RustHandle< rs::ZipArchive > | construct (const QByteArray &data) |
static RustHandle< rs::ZipArchive > | construct (const FilePath &fp) |
static RustHandle< rs::ZipWriter > | construct (QByteArray &data) |
static RustHandle< rs::ZipWriter > | construct (const FilePath &fp) |
std::size_t | qHash (const NetLineAnchor &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
std::size_t | qHash (const Path &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
std::size_t | qHash (const NonEmptyPath &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
NonEmptyPath | makeNonEmptyPath (const Point &pos) noexcept |
std::size_t | qHash (const StraightAreaPath &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
std::size_t | qHash (const TraceAnchor &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Vertex &vertex) |
std::size_t | qHash (const Vertex &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const GraphicsOutputJob::Content::Type &obj) |
template<> |
GraphicsOutputJob::Content::Type | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
OutputJobList | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const CmpSigPinDisplayType &obj) |
template<> |
const CmpSigPinDisplayType & | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
static QString | cleanComponentPrefix (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const ComponentPrefix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const ComponentPrefix &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const ComponentPrefix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const ComponentPrefix &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const ComponentPrefix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const QString &lhs, const ComponentPrefix &rhs) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const ComponentPrefix &obj) |
template<> |
ComponentPrefix | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ComponentPrefix &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const ComponentPrefix &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const ComponentPrefix &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
static QString | cleanComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const QString &lhs, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &rhs) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &obj) |
template<> |
ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const FootprintPad::Shape &obj) |
template<> |
FootprintPad::Shape | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const FootprintPad::ComponentSide &obj) |
template<> |
FootprintPad::ComponentSide | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const FootprintPad::Function &obj) |
template<> |
FootprintPad::Function | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
std::size_t | qHash (const FootprintPad::Function &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Package::AssemblyType &obj) |
template<> |
Package::AssemblyType | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QStringList | getAvailableNorms () noexcept |
| Get a list of available "built-in" norms.
QIcon | getNormIcon (const QString &norm) noexcept |
static bool | operator< (const BoardGerberExport::LayerPair &lhs, const BoardGerberExport::LayerPair &rhs) noexcept |
static QString | seriousTroublesTr () |
static QString | netNameWithFallback (const QString &netName) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings::AllowedSlots &obj) |
template<> |
BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings::AllowedSlots | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const BI_Plane::ConnectStyle &obj) |
template<> |
BI_Plane::ConnectStyle | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
std::size_t | qHash (const std::shared_ptr< AssemblyVariant > &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const SExpression &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const QColor &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const QUrl &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const QDateTime &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const QString &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const uint &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const int &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const long &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const qlonglong &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const bool &obj) |
template<> |
QColor | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
QUrl | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
QDateTime | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
QString | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
uint | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
int | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
long | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
qlonglong | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
float | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
double | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
bool | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
uint | qHash (const SExpression &node, uint seed) noexcept |
uint | qHash (const std::unique_ptr< SExpression > &ptr, uint seed) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const T &obj) |
template<typename T > |
T | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const VAlign &obj) |
template<> |
HAlign | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const HAlign &obj) |
template<> |
VAlign | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Angle &obj) |
template<> |
Angle | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
Angle3D | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Angle3D &obj) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Angle &angle) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Angle &angle) |
std::size_t | qHash (const Angle &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
static QString | cleanCircuitIdentifier (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const QString &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const CircuitIdentifier &obj) |
template<> |
CircuitIdentifier | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const std::optional< CircuitIdentifier > &obj) |
template<> |
std::optional< CircuitIdentifier > | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const CircuitIdentifier &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const CircuitIdentifier &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const CircuitIdentifier &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const ElementName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const ElementName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const ElementName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const QString &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept |
ElementName | operator% (const ElementName &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const ElementName &obj) |
template<> |
ElementName | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const std::optional< ElementName > &obj) |
template<> |
std::optional< ElementName > | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ElementName &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const ElementName &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const ElementName &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
static QString | cleanElementName (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
static ElementName | elementNameFromTr (const char *context, const char *textNoTr) noexcept |
static QString | cleanFileProofName (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const FileProofName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const FileProofName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const FileProofName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const QString &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept |
FileProofName | operator% (const FileProofName &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const FileProofName &obj) |
template<> |
FileProofName | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const FileProofName &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const FileProofName &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const FileProofName &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Layer &obj) |
template<> |
const Layer * | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
const Layer & | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Length &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const UnsignedLength &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const PositiveLength &obj) |
template<> |
Length | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
UnsignedLength | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
PositiveLength | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
Point3D | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Point3D &obj) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Length &length) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Length &length) |
std::size_t | qHash (const Length &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
UnsignedLength | operator+ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
UnsignedLength & | operator+= (UnsignedLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator* (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator/ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator+ (const Length &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator+ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const Length &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const UnsignedLength &lhs) noexcept |
bool | operator> (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator> (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator< (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator< (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const UnsignedLength &length) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const UnsignedLength &length) |
std::size_t | qHash (const UnsignedLength &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
UnsignedLength | positiveToUnsigned (const PositiveLength &l) noexcept |
PositiveLength | operator+ (const PositiveLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
PositiveLength | operator+ (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
PositiveLength | operator+ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
PositiveLength & | operator+= (PositiveLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
PositiveLength & | operator+= (PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
UnsignedLength & | operator+= (UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator* (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator/ (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator+ (const Length &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator+ (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const Length &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
Length | operator- (const PositiveLength &lhs) noexcept |
bool | operator> (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator> (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator> (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator> (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator< (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator< (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator< (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator< (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const PositiveLength &length) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const PositiveLength &length) |
std::size_t | qHash (const PositiveLength &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const LengthUnit &obj) |
template<> |
LengthUnit | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const LengthUnit &unit) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const LengthUnit &unit) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const MaskConfig &obj) |
template<> |
MaskConfig | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const PcbColor &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const PcbColor *const &obj) |
template<> |
const PcbColor & | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
const PcbColor * | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Point &point) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Point &point) |
std::size_t | qHash (const Point &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Ratio &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const UnsignedRatio &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const UnsignedLimitedRatio &obj) |
template<> |
Ratio | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
UnsignedRatio | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
UnsignedLimitedRatio | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Ratio &ratio) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Ratio &ratio) |
std::size_t | qHash (const Ratio &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const UnsignedRatio &ratio) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const UnsignedRatio &ratio) |
std::size_t | qHash (const UnsignedRatio &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const UnsignedLimitedRatio &ratio) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const UnsignedLimitedRatio &ratio) |
std::size_t | qHash (const UnsignedLimitedRatio &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const SignalRole &obj) |
template<> |
SignalRole | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
bool | operator== (const SimpleString &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const QString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const SimpleString &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const QString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const SimpleString &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept |
QString | operator% (const QString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept |
SimpleString | operator% (const SimpleString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept |
static SimpleString | cleanSimpleString (const QString &userInput) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const SimpleString &obj) |
template<> |
SimpleString | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const SimpleString &obj) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const SimpleString &obj) |
std::size_t | qHash (const SimpleString &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const StrokeTextSpacing &obj) |
template<> |
StrokeTextSpacing | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Uuid &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const std::optional< Uuid > &obj) |
template<> |
Uuid | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
std::optional< Uuid > | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Uuid &uuid) noexcept |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug stream, const Uuid &uuid) noexcept |
std::size_t | qHash (const Uuid &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Version &obj) |
template<> |
Version | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<class Fun > |
ScopeGuard< Fun > | scopeGuard (Fun f) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const Theme::GridStyle &obj) |
template<> |
Theme::GridStyle | deserialize (const SExpression &sexpr) |
static std::size_t | qHash (const WorkspaceLibraryDb::Part &key, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const float &obj) |
template<> |
std::unique_ptr< SExpression > | serialize (const double &obj) |
template<> |
QPointF | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
QSizeF | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |
template<> |
QVector3D | deserialize (const SExpression &node) |