LibrePCB Developers Documentation
librepcb Namespace Reference


namespace  cli
namespace  eagleimport
namespace  editor


class  AirWiresBuilder
 The AirWiresBuilder class. More...
class  AirWiresBuilderImpl
class  Alignment
 The Alignment class. More...
class  Angle
 The Angle class is used to represent an angle (for example 12.75 degrees) More...
class  ApiEndpoint
 Access to a LibrePCB API endpoint. More...
class  Application
 Static functions to access some global application configuration. More...
class  ArchiveOutputJob
 File archiving (e.g. to ZIP) output job. More...
class  AssemblyVariant
 The AssemblyVariant class. More...
struct  AssemblyVariantListNameProvider
class  AsyncCopyOperation
 High-level helper class to asynchronously and recursively copy directories with progress indicator. More...
class  Attribute
 The Attribute class. More...
struct  AttributeKeyConstraint
struct  AttributeKeyVerifier
struct  AttributeListNameProvider
class  AttributeSubstitutor
 The AttributeSubstitutor class substitutes attribute keys in strings with their actual values (e.g. replace "{{NAME}}" by "U42", a component's name) More...
class  AttributeType
 The AttributeType class. More...
class  AttributeUnit
 The AttributeUnit class. More...
class  AttrTypeCapacitance
 The AttrTypeCapacitance class. More...
class  AttrTypeCurrent
 The AttrTypeCurrent class. More...
class  AttrTypeFrequency
 The AttrTypeFrequency class. More...
class  AttrTypeInductance
 The AttrTypeInductance class. More...
class  AttrTypePower
 The AttrTypePower class. More...
class  AttrTypeResistance
 The AttrTypeResistance class. More...
class  AttrTypeString
 The AttrTypeString class. More...
class  AttrTypeVoltage
 The AttrTypeVoltage class. More...
class  BI_AirWire
 The BI_AirWire class. More...
class  BI_Base
 The Board Item Base (BI_Base) class. More...
class  BI_Device
 The BI_Device class. More...
class  BI_FootprintPad
 The BI_FootprintPad class. More...
class  BI_Hole
 The BI_Hole class. More...
class  BI_NetLine
 The BI_NetLine class. More...
class  BI_NetLineAnchor
class  BI_NetPoint
 The BI_NetPoint class. More...
class  BI_NetSegment
 The BI_NetSegment class. More...
class  BI_Plane
 The BI_Plane class. More...
class  BI_Polygon
 The BI_Polygon class. More...
class  BI_StrokeText
 The BI_StrokeText class. More...
class  BI_Via
 The BI_Via class. More...
class  BI_Zone
 The BI_Zone class. More...
class  Board
 The Board class represents a PCB of a project and is always part of a circuit. More...
class  Board3DOutputJob
 3D board model output job More...
class  BoardAirWiresBuilder
 The BoardAirWiresBuilder class. More...
class  BoardClipperPathGenerator
 The BoardClipperPathGenerator class creates a Clipper path from a librepcb::Board. More...
class  BoardD356NetlistExport
 The BoardD356NetlistExport class. More...
class  BoardDesignRuleCheck
 The BoardDesignRuleCheck class checks a librepcb::Board for design rule violations. More...
class  BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings
 The BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings class. More...
class  BoardDesignRules
 The BoardDesignRules class. More...
class  BoardFabricationOutputSettings
 The BoardFabricationOutputSettings class. More...
class  BoardGerberExport
 The BoardGerberExport class. More...
class  BoardHoleData
 The BoardHoleData class. More...
class  BoardNetSegmentSplitter
 The BoardNetSegmentSplitter class. More...
class  BoardPainter
 Paints a librepcb::Board to a QPainter. More...
class  BoardPickPlaceGenerator
 The BoardPickPlaceGenerator class. More...
class  BoardPlaneFragmentsBuilder
 Plane fragments builder working on a librepcb::Board. More...
class  BoardPolygonData
 The BoardPolygonData class. More...
class  BoardStrokeTextData
 The BoardStrokeTextData class. More...
class  BoardZoneData
 The BoardZoneData class. More...
class  Bom
 The Bom class represents a bill of materials list. More...
class  BomCsvWriter
 The BomCsvWriter class. More...
class  BomGenerator
 The BomGenerator class. More...
class  BomItem
 The BomItem class represents an item of a bill of materials list. More...
class  BomOutputJob
 BOM output job. More...
class  BoundedUnsignedRatio
 The BoundedUnsignedRatio class represents a ratio limited to a range specified by min/max values. More...
class  Circle
 The Circle class. More...
struct  CircleListNameProvider
class  Circuit
 The Circuit class represents all electrical connections in a project (drawn in the schematics) More...
struct  CircuitIdentifierConstraint
struct  CircuitIdentifierVerifier
class  ClipperHelpers
 The ClipperHelpers class. More...
class  CmpSigPinDisplayType
 The CmpSigPinDisplayType clas. More...
class  Component
 The Component class represents a "generic" device in the library. More...
class  ComponentAssemblyOption
 The ComponentAssemblyOption class. More...
struct  ComponentAssemblyOptionListNameProvider
class  ComponentCategory
 The ComponentCategory class. More...
class  ComponentCheck
 The ComponentCheck class. More...
class  ComponentInstance
 The ComponentInstance class. More...
class  ComponentPinSignalMapHelpers
class  ComponentPinSignalMapItem
 The ComponentPinSignalMapItem class maps a symbol pin to a component signal. More...
struct  ComponentPinSignalMapNameProvider
struct  ComponentPrefixConstraint
struct  ComponentPrefixVerifier
class  ComponentSignal
 The ComponentSignal class represents one signal of a component. More...
class  ComponentSignalInstance
 The ComponentSignalInstance class. More...
struct  ComponentSignalListNameProvider
class  ComponentSymbolVariant
 The ComponentSymbolVariant class represents a symbol variant of a component. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantItem
 The ComponentSymbolVariantItem class represents one symbol of a component symbol variant. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantItemListHelpers
struct  ComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider
struct  ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixConstraint
struct  ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixVerifier
struct  ComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider
class  CopyOutputJob
 File copy output job. More...
class  CsvFile
 The CsvFile class represents a comma-separated values (CSV) file. More...
class  D356NetlistGenerator
 The D356NetlistGenerator class. More...
class  Debug
 The Debug class provides some methods for debugging/logging. More...
class  Device
 The Device class represents an instance of a component (a "real" component) More...
class  DeviceCheck
 The DeviceCheck class. More...
class  DevicePadSignalMapHelpers
class  DevicePadSignalMapItem
 The DevicePadSignalMapItem class. More...
struct  DevicePadSignalMapNameProvider
class  DirectoryLock
 This class can be used to implement file-based directory locks. More...
class  DrcMsgCopperBoardClearanceViolation
 The DrcMsgCopperBoardClearanceViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgCopperCopperClearanceViolation
 The DrcMsgCopperCopperClearanceViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgCopperHoleClearanceViolation
 The DrcMsgCopperHoleClearanceViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgCopperInKeepoutZone
 The DrcMsgCopperInKeepoutZone class. More...
class  DrcMsgDeviceInCourtyard
 The DrcMsgDeviceInCourtyard class. More...
class  DrcMsgDeviceInKeepoutZone
 The DrcMsgDeviceInKeepoutZone class. More...
class  DrcMsgDisabledLayer
 The DrcMsgDisabledLayer class. More...
class  DrcMsgDrillBoardClearanceViolation
 The DrcMsgDrillBoardClearanceViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgDrillDrillClearanceViolation
 The DrcMsgDrillDrillClearanceViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgEmptyNetSegment
 The DrcMsgEmptyNetSegment class. More...
class  DrcMsgExposureInKeepoutZone
 The DrcMsgExposureInKeepoutZone class. More...
class  DrcMsgForbiddenSlot
 The DrcMsgForbiddenSlot class. More...
class  DrcMsgForbiddenVia
 The DrcMsgForbiddenVia class. More...
class  DrcMsgInvalidPadConnection
 The DrcMsgInvalidPadConnection class. More...
class  DrcMsgMinimumAnnularRingViolation
 The DrcMsgMinimumAnnularRingViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgMinimumBoardOutlineInnerRadiusViolation
 The DrcMsgMinimumBoardOutlineInnerRadiusViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgMinimumDrillDiameterViolation
 The DrcMsgMinimumDrillDiameterViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgMinimumSlotWidthViolation
 The DrcMsgMinimumSlotWidthViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgMinimumTextHeightViolation
 The DrcMsgMinimumTextHeightViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgMinimumWidthViolation
 The DrcMsgMinimumWidthViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgMissingBoardOutline
 The DrcMsgMissingBoardOutline class. More...
class  DrcMsgMissingConnection
 The DrcMsgMissingConnection class. More...
class  DrcMsgMissingDevice
 The DrcMsgMissingDevice class. More...
class  DrcMsgMultipleBoardOutlines
 The DrcMsgMultipleBoardOutlines class. More...
class  DrcMsgOpenBoardOutlinePolygon
 The DrcMsgOpenBoardOutlinePolygon class. More...
class  DrcMsgOverlappingDevices
 The DrcMsgOverlappingDevices class. More...
class  DrcMsgSilkscreenClearanceViolation
 The DrcMsgSilkscreenClearanceViolation class. More...
class  DrcMsgUnconnectedJunction
 The DrcMsgUnconnectedJunction class. More...
class  DrcMsgUnusedLayer
 The DrcMsgUnusedLayer class. More...
class  DrcMsgUselessVia
 The DrcMsgUselessVia class. More...
class  DrcMsgUselessZone
 The DrcMsgUselessZone class. More...
class  DxfReader
 Read DXF files into LibrePCB data structures. More...
class  DxfReaderImpl
 Private helper class to break dependency to dxflib. More...
class  ElectricalRuleCheck
 The ElectricalRuleCheck class checks a librepcb::Board for design rule violations. More...
struct  ElementNameConstraint
struct  ElementNameVerifier
class  ErcMsgConnectedPinWithoutWire
 The ErcMsgConnectedPinWithoutWire class. More...
class  ErcMsgForcedNetSignalNameConflict
 The ErcMsgForcedNetSignalNameConflict class. More...
class  ErcMsgOpenNet
 The ErcMsgOpenNet class. More...
class  ErcMsgOpenWireInSegment
 The ErcMsgOpenWireInSegment class. More...
class  ErcMsgUnconnectedJunction
 The ErcMsgUnconnectedJunction class. More...
class  ErcMsgUnconnectedRequiredSignal
 The ErcMsgUnconnectedRequiredSignal class. More...
class  ErcMsgUnplacedOptionalGate
 The ErcMsgUnplacedOptionalGate class. More...
class  ErcMsgUnplacedRequiredGate
 The ErcMsgUnplacedRequiredGate class. More...
class  ErcMsgUnusedNetClass
 The ErcMsgUnusedNetClass class. More...
class  ExcellonGenerator
 The ExcellonGenerator class. More...
class  Exception
 The Exception class. More...
class  FileDownload
 This class is used to download a file asynchronously in a separate thread. More...
class  FileFormatMigration
 Base class for any file format migration. More...
class  FileFormatMigrationUnstable
 Migration to upgrade a previous unstable file format. More...
class  FileFormatMigrationV01
 Migration to upgrade file format v0.1. More...
class  FileFormatMigrationV1
 Migration to upgrade file format v1.0. More...
class  FileParseError
 The FileParseError class. More...
class  FilePath
 This class represents absolute, well-formatted paths to files or directories. More...
struct  FileProofNameConstraint
struct  FileProofNameVerifier
class  FileSystem
 Base class / interface for all file system implementations. More...
class  FileUtils
 The FileUtils class provides some static methods to execute file operations. More...
class  Footprint
 The Footprint class represents one footprint variant of a package. More...
struct  FootprintListNameProvider
class  FootprintPad
 The FootprintPad class represents a pad of a footprint. More...
struct  FootprintPadListNameProvider
class  FootprintPainter
 Paints a librepcb::Footprint to a QPainter. More...
class  GerberApertureList
 A helper class to generate the aperture definitions for a Gerber file. More...
class  GerberAttribute
 A Gerber X2 attribute. More...
class  GerberAttributeWriter
 A helper class to generate Gerber X2 attributes. More...
class  GerberExcellonOutputJob
 Gerber/Excellon output job. More...
class  GerberGenerator
 The GerberGenerator class. More...
class  GerberX3OutputJob
 Gerber X3 pick&place output job. More...
class  GraphicsExport
 Asynchronously exports graphics to a QPainter. More...
class  GraphicsExportSettings
 Settings for librepcb::GraphicsExport. More...
class  GraphicsOutputJob
 PDF/Image output job. More...
class  GraphicsPagePainter
 Base class for printing a page for librepcb::GraphicsExport. More...
class  GraphicsPainter
 Draw LibrePCB graphics elements on a QPainter. More...
class  HAlign
 The HAlign class. More...
class  Hole
 The Hole class. More...
struct  HoleListNameProvider
class  Junction
 The Junction class represents the connection point between netlines or traces. More...
struct  JunctionListNameProvider
class  Layer
 The Layer class provides all supported geometry layers. More...
class  Length
 The Length class is used to represent a length (for example 12.75 millimeters) More...
class  LengthUnit
 The LengthUnit class represents a length unit (millimeters, inches,...) and provides some useful methods to make the life easier. More...
class  Library
 The Library class represents a library directory. More...
class  LibraryBaseElement
 The LibraryBaseElement class. More...
class  LibraryBaseElementCheck
 The LibraryBaseElementCheck class. More...
class  LibraryCategory
 The LibraryCategory class extends the LibraryBaseElement class with some attributes and methods which are used for all library category classes. More...
class  LibraryElement
 The LibraryElement class extends the LibraryBaseElement class with some attributes and methods which are used for all library classes except categories. More...
class  LibraryElementCheck
 The LibraryElementCheck class. More...
struct  LocalizedDescriptionMapPolicy
struct  LocalizedKeywordsMapPolicy
struct  LocalizedNameMapPolicy
class  LogicError
 The LogicError class. More...
class  LppzOutputJob
 Zipped project (*.lppz) output job. More...
class  MaskConfig
 The MaskConfig class defines how to add automatic stop mask or solder paste. More...
class  MathParser
 Mathematical expression parser. More...
class  MessageLogger
 Generic logger class to pass messages between objects. More...
class  MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType
 The MsgDeprecatedAssemblyType class. More...
class  MsgDeviceHasNoParts
 The MsgDeviceHasNoParts class. More...
class  MsgDuplicatePadName
 The MsgDuplicatePadName class. More...
class  MsgDuplicatePinName
 The MsgDuplicatePinName class. More...
class  MsgDuplicateSignalName
 The MsgDuplicateSignalName class. More...
class  MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask
 The MsgFiducialClearanceLessThanStopMask class. More...
class  MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet
 The MsgFiducialStopMaskNotSet class. More...
class  MsgHoleWithoutStopMask
 The MsgHoleWithoutStopMask class. More...
class  MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline
 The MsgInvalidCustomPadOutline class. More...
class  MsgInvalidPadConnection
 The MsgInvalidPadConnection class. More...
class  MsgMinimumWidthViolation
 The MsgMinimumWidthViolation class. More...
class  MsgMissingAuthor
 The MsgMissingAuthor class. More...
class  MsgMissingCategories
 The MsgMissingCategories class. More...
class  MsgMissingComponentDefaultValue
 The MsgMissingComponentDefaultValue class. More...
class  MsgMissingComponentPrefix
 The MsgMissingComponentPrefix class. More...
class  MsgMissingCourtyard
 The MsgMissingCourtyard class. More...
class  MsgMissingFootprint
 The MsgMissingFootprint class. More...
class  MsgMissingFootprintModel
 The MsgMissingFootprintModel class. More...
class  MsgMissingFootprintName
 The MsgMissingFootprintName class. More...
class  MsgMissingFootprintValue
 The MsgMissingFootprintValue class. More...
class  MsgMissingPackageOutline
 The MsgMissingPackageOutline class. More...
class  MsgMissingSymbolName
 The MsgMissingSymbolName class. More...
class  MsgMissingSymbolValue
 The MsgMissingSymbolValue class. More...
class  MsgMissingSymbolVariant
 The MsgMissingSymbolVariant class. More...
class  MsgMissingSymbolVariantItem
 The MsgMissingSymbolVariantItem class. More...
class  MsgNameNotTitleCase
 The MsgNameNotTitleCase class. More...
class  MsgNonFunctionalComponentSignalInversionSign
 The MsgNonFunctionalComponentSignalInversionSign class. More...
class  MsgNonFunctionalSymbolPinInversionSign
 The MsgNonFunctionalSymbolPinInversionSign class. More...
class  MsgNoPadsInDeviceConnected
 The MsgNoPadsInDeviceConnected class. More...
class  MsgOverlappingPads
 The MsgOverlappingPads class. More...
class  MsgOverlappingSymbolPins
 The MsgOverlappingSymbolPins class. More...
class  MsgPadAnnularRingViolation
 The MsgPadAnnularRingViolation class. More...
class  MsgPadClearanceViolation
 The MsgPadClearanceViolation class. More...
class  MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper
 The MsgPadHoleOutsideCopper class. More...
class  MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper
 The MsgPadOriginOutsideCopper class. More...
class  MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend
 The MsgPadOverlapsWithLegend class. More...
class  MsgPadStopMaskOff
 The MsgPadStopMaskOff class. More...
class  MsgPadWithCopperClearance
 The MsgPadWithCopperClearance class. More...
class  MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste
 The MsgSmtPadWithoutSolderPaste class. More...
class  MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste
 The MsgSmtPadWithSolderPaste class. More...
class  MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType
 The MsgSuspiciousAssemblyType class. More...
class  MsgSuspiciousPadFunction
 The MsgSuspiciousPadFunction class. More...
class  MsgSymbolPinNotOnGrid
 The MsgSymbolPinNotOnGrid class. More...
class  MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste
 The MsgThtPadWithSolderPaste class. More...
class  MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction
 The MsgUnspecifiedPadFunction class. More...
class  MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline
 The MsgUnusedCustomPadOutline class. More...
class  MsgUselessZone
 The MsgUselessZone class. More...
class  MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer
 The MsgWrongFootprintTextLayer class. More...
class  MsgWrongSymbolTextLayer
 The MsgWrongSymbolTextLayer class. More...
class  NetClass
 The NetClass class. More...
class  NetLabel
 The NetLabel class represents a net text label of a schematic. More...
struct  NetLabelListNameProvider
class  NetLine
 The NetLine class represents a net line within a schematic. More...
class  NetLineAnchor
 The NetLineAnchor class. More...
struct  NetLineListNameProvider
class  NetlistOutputJob
 Netlist output job. More...
class  NetSignal
 The NetSignal class. More...
class  NetworkAccessManager
 A network access manager which processes network requests in a separate thread. More...
class  NetworkRequest
 This class is used to process general purpose network requests (up to 100MB) More...
class  NetworkRequestBase
 Base class for network requests which are processed in the network access manager. More...
struct  NonEmptyPathConstraint
struct  NonEmptyPathVerifier
struct  NormDependentPrefixMapPolicy
class  OccModel
 3D model implemented with OpenCascade More...
class  OrderPcbApiRequest
 Order a PCB via a LibrePCB API server. More...
class  OutputDirectoryWriter
 The OutputDirectoryWriter class. More...
class  OutputJob
 Base class for all output job types. More...
struct  OutputJobListNameProvider
class  OutputJobRunner
 The OutputJobRunner class. More...
class  OverlineMarkupParser
 Extract overlines of text with markup. More...
class  Package
 The Package class represents a package of a component (including footprint and 3D model) More...
class  PackageCategory
 The PackageCategory class. More...
class  PackageCheck
 The PackageCheck class. More...
class  PackageModel
 Represents a 3D model of a librepcb::Package. More...
struct  PackageModelListNameProvider
class  PackagePad
 The PackagePad class represents one logical pad of a package. More...
struct  PackagePadListNameProvider
class  PadGeometry
 The PadGeometry class describes the shape of a pad. More...
class  PadHole
 The PadHole class. More...
struct  PadHoleListNameProvider
class  Part
 The Part class. More...
struct  PartListNameProvider
class  Path
 The Path class represents a list of vertices connected by straight lines or circular arc segments. More...
class  PcbColor
 Predefined colors relevant for PCB fabrication. More...
class  PickPlaceCsvWriter
 The PickPlaceCsvWriter class. More...
class  PickPlaceData
 The librepcb::PickPlaceData class represents the content of a pick&place file. More...
class  PickPlaceDataItem
 The librepcb::PickPlaceDataItem class represents one item of a pick&place file. More...
class  PickPlaceOutputJob
 Pick&Place output job. More...
class  Point
 The Point class is used to represent a point/coordinate/vector, for example (1.2mm; 5.6mm) for X=1.2mm and Y=5.6mm. More...
class  Polygon
 The Polygon class. More...
struct  PolygonListNameProvider
struct  PositiveLengthConstraint
struct  PositiveLengthVerifier
class  Project
 The Project class represents a whole (opened) project with all its content. More...
class  ProjectAttributeLookup
 Determine an attribute value of an object within a librepcb::Project. More...
class  ProjectJsonExport
 Project data export to JSON. More...
class  ProjectJsonOutputJob
 JSON project data output job. More...
class  ProjectLibrary
 The ProjectLibrary class. More...
class  ProjectLoader
 Helper to load a librepcb::Project from the file system. More...
class  QtCompat
 Qt compatibility helper class. More...
struct  QtMetaTypeRegistration
 Wrapper around qRegisterMetaType<T> to allow static registration. More...
class  RangeError
 The RangeError class. More...
class  Ratio
 The Ratio class is used to represent a ratio number (e.g. 13.37%) More...
class  RealisticBoardPainter
 Paints a librepcb::Board in realistic mode to a QPainter. More...
class  Resource
 The Resource class. More...
struct  ResourceListNameProvider
class  RuleCheckMessage
 The RuleCheckMessage class. More...
class  RuntimeError
 The RuntimeError class. More...
class  SceneData3D
 3D scene data representing a board with package models More...
class  Schematic
 The Schematic class represents one schematic page of a project and is always part of a circuit. More...
class  SchematicNetSegmentSplitter
 The SchematicNetSegmentSplitter class. More...
class  SchematicPainter
 Paints a librepcb::Schematic to a QPainter. More...
class  ScopeGuard
class  ScopeGuardBase
class  ScopeGuardList
 Keeps a list of functions to call. More...
class  SerializableKeyValueMap
 The SerializableKeyValueMap class provides an easy way to serialize and deserialize ordered key value pairs. More...
class  SerializableObjectList
 The SerializableObjectList class implements a list of serializable objects. More...
class  SExpression
 The SExpression class. More...
class  SI_Base
 The Schematic Item Base (SI_Base) class. More...
class  SI_NetLabel
 The SI_NetLabel class. More...
class  SI_NetLine
 The SI_NetLine class. More...
class  SI_NetLineAnchor
class  SI_NetPoint
 The SI_NetPoint class. More...
class  SI_NetSegment
 The SI_NetSegment class. More...
class  SI_Polygon
 The SI_Polygon class represents a polygon in a schematic. More...
class  SI_Symbol
 The SI_Symbol class. More...
class  SI_SymbolPin
 The SI_SymbolPin class. More...
class  SI_Text
 The SI_Text class represents a text label in a schematic. More...
class  Signal
 The Signal class is used to emit signals on non-QObject derived classes. More...
class  SignalRole
 The SignalRole class provides all supported electrical signal roles. More...
struct  SimpleStringConstraint
struct  SimpleStringVerifier
class  Slot
 The Slot class is used to receive signals from non-QObject derived classes. More...
class  SQLiteDatabase
 The SQLiteDatabase class. More...
class  StepExport
 Asynchronously generates an assembly STEP file of a PCB. More...
struct  StraightAreaPathConstraint
struct  StraightAreaPathVerifier
class  StrokeFont
 The StrokeFont class. More...
class  StrokeFontPool
 The StrokeFontPool class. More...
class  StrokeText
 The StrokeText class. More...
struct  StrokeTextListNameProvider
class  StrokeTextPathBuilder
 The StrokeTextPathBuilder class. More...
class  StrokeTextSpacing
 Represents the letter- or line spacing configuration of a stroke text. More...
class  Symbol
 The Symbol class represents the part of a component which is added to schematics. More...
class  SymbolCheck
 The SymbolCheck class. More...
class  SymbolPainter
 Paints a librepcb::Symbol to a QPainter. More...
class  SymbolPin
 The SymbolPin class represents one pin of a symbol. More...
struct  SymbolPinListNameProvider
class  SystemInfo
 This class provides some methods to get information from the operating system. More...
class  TangentPathJoiner
 Helper class to join tangent paths (polylines) together. More...
class  Text
 The Text class. More...
struct  TextListNameProvider
class  Theme
 Theme class as used by librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem_Themes. More...
class  ThemeColor
 Color settings as used by librepcb::Theme. More...
class  Toolbox
 The Toolbox class provides some useful general purpose methods. More...
class  Trace
 The Trace class represents a trace within a board. More...
class  TraceAnchor
 The TraceAnchor class. More...
struct  TraceListNameProvider
class  TransactionalDirectory
 Helper class to access a subdirectory of TransactionalFileSystem. More...
class  TransactionalFileSystem
 Transactional librepcb::FileSystem implementation. More...
class  Transform
 Helper class to perform coordinate transformation with various types. More...
class  UnknownOutputJob
 Fallback output job for unknown types. More...
struct  UnsignedLengthConstraint
struct  UnsignedLengthVerifier
struct  UnsignedLimitedRatioConstraint
struct  UnsignedLimitedRatioVerifier
struct  UnsignedRatioConstraint
struct  UnsignedRatioVerifier
class  UserCanceled
 The UserCanceled class. More...
class  Uuid
 The Uuid class is a replacement for QUuid to get UUID strings without {} braces. More...
class  VAlign
 The VAlign class. More...
class  Version
 The Version class represents a version number in the format "1.42.7". More...
class  VersionFile
 Class for reading and writing version files from/to QByteArray. More...
class  Vertex
 The Vertex class. More...
class  Via
 The Via class represents a via of a board. More...
struct  ViaListNameProvider
class  Workspace
 The Workspace class represents a workspace with all its data (library, projects, settings, ...) More...
class  WorkspaceLibraryDb
 The WorkspaceLibraryDb class. More...
class  WorkspaceLibraryDbWriter
 Database write functions for librepcb::WorkspaceLibraryDb. More...
class  WorkspaceLibraryScanner
 The WorkspaceLibraryScanner class. More...
class  WorkspaceSettings
 Container for all workspace related settings. More...
class  WorkspaceSettingsItem
 Base class for all workspace settings items. More...
class  WorkspaceSettingsItem_GenericValue
 Generic implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem for simple, value-type settings. More...
class  WorkspaceSettingsItem_GenericValueList
 Generic implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem for simple, value-in-list-type settings. More...
class  WorkspaceSettingsItem_KeyboardShortcuts
 Implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem to store keyboard shortcuts settings. More...
class  WorkspaceSettingsItem_Themes
 Implementation of librepcb::WorkspaceSettingsItem to store theme configurations. More...
class  Zone
 The Zone class. More...
struct  ZoneListNameProvider


using AttributeList = SerializableObjectList< Attribute, AttributeListNameProvider, Attribute::Event >
using AttributeKey = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, AttributeKeyConstraint, AttributeKeyVerifier >
using CircleList = SerializableObjectList< Circle, CircleListNameProvider, Circle::Event >
using HoleList = SerializableObjectList< Hole, HoleListNameProvider, Hole::Event >
using JunctionList = SerializableObjectList< Junction, JunctionListNameProvider, Junction::Event >
using NetLabelList = SerializableObjectList< NetLabel, NetLabelListNameProvider, NetLabel::Event >
using NetLineList = SerializableObjectList< NetLine, NetLineListNameProvider, NetLine::Event >
using PadHoleList = SerializableObjectList< PadHole, PadHoleListNameProvider, PadHole::Event >
using NonEmptyPath = type_safe::constrained_type< Path, NonEmptyPathConstraint, NonEmptyPathVerifier >
using StraightAreaPath = type_safe::constrained_type< Path, StraightAreaPathConstraint, StraightAreaPathVerifier >
using PolygonList = SerializableObjectList< Polygon, PolygonListNameProvider, Polygon::Event >
using StrokeTextList = SerializableObjectList< StrokeText, StrokeTextListNameProvider, StrokeText::Event >
using TextList = SerializableObjectList< Text, TextListNameProvider, Text::Event >
using TraceList = SerializableObjectList< Trace, TraceListNameProvider, Trace::Event >
using ViaList = SerializableObjectList< Via, ViaListNameProvider, Via::Event >
using ZoneList = SerializableObjectList< Zone, ZoneListNameProvider, Zone::Event >
using OutputJobList = SerializableObjectList< OutputJob, OutputJobListNameProvider, OutputJob::Event >
using NormDependentPrefixMap = SerializableKeyValueMap< NormDependentPrefixMapPolicy >
using ComponentPinSignalMap = SerializableObjectList< ComponentPinSignalMapItem, ComponentPinSignalMapNameProvider, ComponentPinSignalMapItem::Event >
using ComponentPrefix = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, ComponentPrefixConstraint, ComponentPrefixVerifier >
using ComponentSignalList = SerializableObjectList< ComponentSignal, ComponentSignalListNameProvider, ComponentSignal::Event >
using ComponentSymbolVariantList = SerializableObjectList< ComponentSymbolVariant, ComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariant::Event >
using ComponentSymbolVariantItemList = SerializableObjectList< ComponentSymbolVariantItem, ComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariantItem::Event >
using ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixConstraint, ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffixVerifier >
using DevicePadSignalMap = SerializableObjectList< DevicePadSignalMapItem, DevicePadSignalMapNameProvider, DevicePadSignalMapItem::Event >
using PartList = SerializableObjectList< Part, PartListNameProvider, Part::Event >
using FootprintList = SerializableObjectList< Footprint, FootprintListNameProvider, Footprint::Event >
using FootprintPadList = SerializableObjectList< FootprintPad, FootprintPadListNameProvider, FootprintPad::Event >
using PackageModelList = SerializableObjectList< PackageModel, PackageModelListNameProvider, PackageModel::Event >
using PackagePadList = SerializableObjectList< PackagePad, PackagePadListNameProvider, PackagePad::Event >
using ResourceList = SerializableObjectList< Resource, ResourceListNameProvider, Resource::Event >
using SymbolPinList = SerializableObjectList< SymbolPin, SymbolPinListNameProvider, SymbolPin::Event >
using AssemblyVariantList = SerializableObjectList< AssemblyVariant, AssemblyVariantListNameProvider, AssemblyVariant::Event >
using ComponentAssemblyOptionList = SerializableObjectList< ComponentAssemblyOption, ComponentAssemblyOptionListNameProvider, ComponentAssemblyOption::Event >
typedef QVector< std::shared_ptr< const RuleCheckMessage > > RuleCheckMessageList
using LocalizedNameMap = SerializableKeyValueMap< LocalizedNameMapPolicy >
using LocalizedDescriptionMap = SerializableKeyValueMap< LocalizedDescriptionMapPolicy >
using LocalizedKeywordsMap = SerializableKeyValueMap< LocalizedKeywordsMapPolicy >
using Angle3D = std::tuple< Angle, Angle, Angle >
using CircuitIdentifier = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, CircuitIdentifierConstraint, CircuitIdentifierVerifier >
using ElementName = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, ElementNameConstraint, ElementNameVerifier >
using FileProofName = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, FileProofNameConstraint, FileProofNameVerifier >
typedef qint64 LengthBase_t
 This type is the ONLY base type to store all lengths (always in nanometers)! More...
using UnsignedLength = type_safe::constrained_type< Length, UnsignedLengthConstraint, UnsignedLengthVerifier >
using PositiveLength = type_safe::constrained_type< Length, PositiveLengthConstraint, PositiveLengthVerifier >
using Point3D = std::tuple< Length, Length, Length >
using UnsignedRatio = type_safe::constrained_type< Ratio, UnsignedRatioConstraint, UnsignedRatioVerifier >
using UnsignedLimitedRatio = type_safe::constrained_type< Ratio, UnsignedLimitedRatioConstraint, UnsignedLimitedRatioVerifier >
using SimpleString = type_safe::constrained_type< QString, SimpleStringConstraint, SimpleStringVerifier >


static QString cleanAttributeKey (const QString &userInput) noexcept
bool operator== (const AttributeKey &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const AttributeKey &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const AttributeKey &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const AttributeKey &rhs) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const AttributeKey &obj)
AttributeKey deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const AttributeKey &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const AttributeKey &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const AttributeKey &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const AttributeType &obj)
const AttributeTypedeserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const AttributeUnit &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const GraphicsExportSettings::Orientation &obj)
GraphicsExportSettings::Orientation deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const tl::optional< UnsignedRatio > &obj)
tl::optional< UnsignedRatiodeserialize (const SExpression &node)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (PickPlaceDataItem::Type key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const FilePath &filepath)
QDebug & operator<< (QDebug &stream, const FilePath &filepath)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const FilePath &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const NetLineAnchor &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Path &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const NonEmptyPath &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
NonEmptyPath makeNonEmptyPath (const Point &pos) noexcept
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const StraightAreaPath &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const TraceAnchor &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Vertex &vertex)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Vertex &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const GraphicsOutputJob::Content::Type &obj)
GraphicsOutputJob::Content::Type deserialize (const SExpression &node)
OutputJobList deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const CmpSigPinDisplayType &obj)
const CmpSigPinDisplayTypedeserialize (const SExpression &node)
static QString cleanComponentPrefix (const QString &userInput) noexcept
bool operator== (const ComponentPrefix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const ComponentPrefix &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const ComponentPrefix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const ComponentPrefix &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const ComponentPrefix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const QString &lhs, const ComponentPrefix &rhs) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const ComponentPrefix &obj)
ComponentPrefix deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ComponentPrefix &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const ComponentPrefix &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const ComponentPrefix &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
static QString cleanComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix (const QString &userInput) noexcept
bool operator== (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const QString &lhs, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &rhs) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &obj)
ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const FootprintPad::Shape &obj)
FootprintPad::Shape deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const FootprintPad::ComponentSide &obj)
FootprintPad::ComponentSide deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const FootprintPad::Function &obj)
FootprintPad::Function deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const FootprintPad::Function &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Package::AssemblyType &obj)
Package::AssemblyType deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QStringList getAvailableNorms () noexcept
 Get a list of available "built-in" norms. More...
QIcon getNormIcon (const QString &norm) noexcept
static bool operator< (const BoardGerberExport::LayerPair &lhs, const BoardGerberExport::LayerPair &rhs) noexcept
static QString seriousTroublesTr ()
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings::AllowedSlots &obj)
BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings::AllowedSlots deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const BI_Plane::ConnectStyle &obj)
BI_Plane::ConnectStyle deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const std::shared_ptr< AssemblyVariant > &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const SExpression &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const QColor &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const QUrl &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const QDateTime &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const QString &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const uint &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const int &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const long &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const qlonglong &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const bool &obj)
QColor deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QUrl deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDateTime deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QString deserialize (const SExpression &node)
uint deserialize (const SExpression &node)
int deserialize (const SExpression &node)
long deserialize (const SExpression &node)
qlonglong deserialize (const SExpression &node)
bool deserialize (const SExpression &node)
uint qHash (const SExpression &node, uint seed) noexcept
uint qHash (const std::unique_ptr< SExpression > &ptr, uint seed) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const T &obj)
template<typename T >
deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const VAlign &obj)
HAlign deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const HAlign &obj)
VAlign deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Angle &obj)
Angle deserialize (const SExpression &node)
Angle3D deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Angle3D &obj)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Angle &angle)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Angle &angle)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Angle &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
static QString cleanCircuitIdentifier (const QString &userInput) noexcept
bool operator== (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const QString &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const CircuitIdentifier &lhs, const CircuitIdentifier &rhs) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const CircuitIdentifier &obj)
CircuitIdentifier deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const tl::optional< CircuitIdentifier > &obj)
tl::optional< CircuitIdentifierdeserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const CircuitIdentifier &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const CircuitIdentifier &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const CircuitIdentifier &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
bool operator== (const ElementName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const ElementName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const ElementName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const QString &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept
ElementName operator% (const ElementName &lhs, const ElementName &rhs) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const ElementName &obj)
ElementName deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const tl::optional< ElementName > &obj)
tl::optional< ElementNamedeserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ElementName &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const ElementName &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const ElementName &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
static QString cleanElementName (const QString &userInput) noexcept
static ElementName elementNameFromTr (const char *context, const char *textNoTr) noexcept
static QString cleanFileProofName (const QString &userInput) noexcept
bool operator== (const FileProofName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const FileProofName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const FileProofName &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const QString &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept
FileProofName operator% (const FileProofName &lhs, const FileProofName &rhs) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const FileProofName &obj)
FileProofName deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const FileProofName &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const FileProofName &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const FileProofName &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Layer &obj)
const Layerdeserialize (const SExpression &node)
const Layerdeserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Length &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const UnsignedLength &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const PositiveLength &obj)
Length deserialize (const SExpression &node)
UnsignedLength deserialize (const SExpression &node)
PositiveLength deserialize (const SExpression &node)
Point3D deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Point3D &obj)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Length &length)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Length &length)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Length &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
UnsignedLength operator+ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
UnsignedLengthoperator+= (UnsignedLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator* (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
Length operator/ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
Length operator+ (const Length &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator+ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const Length &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const UnsignedLength &lhs) noexcept
bool operator> (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator> (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const UnsignedLength &length)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const UnsignedLength &length)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const UnsignedLength &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
UnsignedLength positiveToUnsigned (const PositiveLength &l) noexcept
PositiveLength operator+ (const PositiveLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
PositiveLength operator+ (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
PositiveLength operator+ (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
PositiveLengthoperator+= (PositiveLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
PositiveLengthoperator+= (PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
UnsignedLengthoperator+= (UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator* (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
Length operator/ (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
Length operator+ (const Length &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator+ (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const Length &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
Length operator- (const PositiveLength &lhs) noexcept
bool operator> (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator> (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator> (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator> (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const UnsignedLength &lhs, const PositiveLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const UnsignedLength &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const PositiveLength &lhs, const Length &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const PositiveLength &lhs, LengthBase_t rhs) noexcept
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const PositiveLength &length)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const PositiveLength &length)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const PositiveLength &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const LengthUnit &obj)
LengthUnit deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const LengthUnit &unit)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const LengthUnit &unit)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const MaskConfig &obj)
MaskConfig deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const PcbColor &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const PcbColor *const &obj)
const PcbColordeserialize (const SExpression &node)
const PcbColordeserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Point &point)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Point &point)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Point &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Ratio &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const UnsignedRatio &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const UnsignedLimitedRatio &obj)
Ratio deserialize (const SExpression &node)
UnsignedRatio deserialize (const SExpression &node)
UnsignedLimitedRatio deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Ratio &ratio)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Ratio &ratio)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Ratio &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const UnsignedRatio &ratio)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const UnsignedRatio &ratio)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const UnsignedRatio &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const UnsignedLimitedRatio &ratio)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const UnsignedLimitedRatio &ratio)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const UnsignedLimitedRatio &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const SignalRole &obj)
SignalRole deserialize (const SExpression &node)
bool operator== (const SimpleString &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const QString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const SimpleString &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const QString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const SimpleString &lhs, const QString &rhs) noexcept
QString operator% (const QString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept
SimpleString operator% (const SimpleString &lhs, const SimpleString &rhs) noexcept
static SimpleString cleanSimpleString (const QString &userInput) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const SimpleString &obj)
SimpleString deserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const SimpleString &obj)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const SimpleString &obj)
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const SimpleString &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const StrokeTextSpacing &obj)
StrokeTextSpacing deserialize (const SExpression &node)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Uuid &obj)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const tl::optional< Uuid > &obj)
Uuid deserialize (const SExpression &node)
tl::optional< Uuiddeserialize (const SExpression &node)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Uuid &uuid) noexcept
QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const Uuid &uuid) noexcept
QtCompat::Hash qHash (const Uuid &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Version &obj)
Version deserialize (const SExpression &node)
template<class Fun >
ScopeGuard< Fun > scopeGuard (Fun f)
std::unique_ptr< SExpressionserialize (const Theme::GridStyle &obj)
Theme::GridStyle deserialize (const SExpression &sexpr)
static QtCompat::Hash qHash (const WorkspaceLibraryDb::Part &key, QtCompat::Hash seed=0) noexcept


static QtMetaTypeRegistration< QImage > sImageMetaType
static QtMetaTypeRegistration< std::shared_ptr< QPicture > > sSharedPictureMetaType
static QtMetaTypeRegistration< FilePathsMetaType
static QtMetaTypeRegistration< std::shared_ptr< Part > > sSharedMetaType
static QtMetaTypeRegistration< AnglesMetaType
static QtMetaTypeRegistration< LengthsMetaType
static QtMetaTypeRegistration< PointsMetaType

Typedef Documentation

◆ AttributeList

◆ AttributeKey

using AttributeKey = type_safe::constrained_type<QString, AttributeKeyConstraint, AttributeKeyVerifier>

AttributeKey is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a valid key for librepcb::Attribute.

An attribute key is considered as valid if it:

  • contains minimum 1 and maximum 40 characters
  • only contains the characters [A-Z] (uppercase), [0-9] or [_] (underscore)

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not a valid attribute key according these rules.

◆ CircleList

◆ HoleList

◆ JunctionList

◆ NetLabelList

◆ NetLineList

◆ PadHoleList

◆ NonEmptyPath

using NonEmptyPath = type_safe::constrained_type<Path, NonEmptyPathConstraint, NonEmptyPathVerifier>

NonEmptyPath is a wrapper around a librepcb::Path object which is guaranteed to always contain at least one vertex.

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a librepcb::Path without vertices.

◆ StraightAreaPath

StraightAreaPath is a wrapper around a librepcb::Path object which is guaranteed to always contain a closed path with at least 4 vertices and no arcs (only straight segments).

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a librepcb::Path which does not fulfil these requirements.

◆ PolygonList

◆ StrokeTextList

◆ TextList

◆ TraceList

◆ ViaList

◆ ZoneList

◆ OutputJobList

◆ NormDependentPrefixMap

◆ ComponentPinSignalMap

◆ ComponentPrefix

using ComponentPrefix = type_safe::constrained_type<QString, ComponentPrefixConstraint, ComponentPrefixVerifier>

ComponentPrefix is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a valid prefix used for librepcb::Component (e.g. "R" for a resistor)

A component prefix is considered as valid if it:

  • contains only the characters [a-zA-Z_]
  • is not longer than 16 characters

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not a valid component prefix according these rules.

◆ ComponentSignalList

◆ ComponentSymbolVariantList

◆ ComponentSymbolVariantItemList

◆ ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix

ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a valid suffix used for librepcb::ComponentSymbolVariantItem

Such a suffix is considered as valid if it:

  • contains only the characters [0-9a-zA-Z_-]
  • is not longer than 16 characters

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not a valid suffix according these rules.

◆ DevicePadSignalMap

◆ PartList

◆ FootprintList

◆ FootprintPadList

◆ PackageModelList

◆ PackagePadList

◆ ResourceList

◆ SymbolPinList

◆ AssemblyVariantList

◆ ComponentAssemblyOptionList

◆ RuleCheckMessageList

typedef QVector<std::shared_ptr<const RuleCheckMessage> > RuleCheckMessageList

◆ LocalizedNameMap

◆ LocalizedDescriptionMap

◆ LocalizedKeywordsMap

◆ Angle3D

using Angle3D = std::tuple<Angle, Angle, Angle>

◆ CircuitIdentifier

using CircuitIdentifier = type_safe::constrained_type<QString, CircuitIdentifierConstraint, CircuitIdentifierVerifier>

CircuitIdentifier is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a valid identifier used in circuits.

Circuit identifiers can be used for net names, component names or similar things. Such identifiers may be used in SPICE netlist exports, Gerber exports and so on. Because such file formats have pretty strict requirements on identifiers, we use similar restrictions in LibrePCB.

An circuit identifier is considered as valid if it:

  • contains minimum 1 and maximum 32 characters
  • contains only the characters [-a-zA-Z0-9_+/!?#$]

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not a valid circuit identifier according these rules.

◆ ElementName

using ElementName = type_safe::constrained_type<QString, ElementNameConstraint, ElementNameVerifier>

ElementName is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a valid element name (used as name for several objects)

An element name is considered as valid if it:

  • contains minimum 1 and maximum 70 characters
  • contains only printable characters
  • does not start or end with whitespaces

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not a valid element name according these rules.

◆ FileProofName

using FileProofName = type_safe::constrained_type<QString, FileProofNameConstraint, FileProofNameVerifier>

FileProofName is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a string useble within filenames

A sttring name is considered file-proof if it:

  • contains minimum 1 and maximum 20 characters
  • contains only the characters [-a-zA-Z0-9_+().]

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not file-proof according these rules.

◆ LengthBase_t

typedef qint64 LengthBase_t

This type is the ONLY base type to store all lengths (always in nanometers)!

This is the base type of the class librepcb::Length.

This type is normally a 64bit signed integer. 32bit integers could handle these values also, but is limited to +/-2.147 meters. Maybe this is not enough for large PCBs or schematics, so it's better to use 64bit variables ;-)

Set the define USE_32BIT_LENGTH_UNITS in the *.pro file if you want to use 32bit integers instead of 64bit integers for all length units (maybe your platform cannot handle 64bit as efficient as 32bit integers).
See also

◆ UnsignedLength

using UnsignedLength = type_safe::constrained_type<Length, UnsignedLengthConstraint, UnsignedLengthVerifier>

UnsignedLength is a wrapper around a librepcb::Length object which is guaranteed to always contain an unsigned (i.e. >= 0) value.

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a librepcb::Length object with a negative value!

◆ PositiveLength

using PositiveLength = type_safe::constrained_type<Length, PositiveLengthConstraint, PositiveLengthVerifier>

PositiveLength is a wrapper around a librepcb::Length object which is guaranteed to always contain a positive (i.e. > 0) value.

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a librepcb::Length object with a negative or zero value!

◆ Point3D

using Point3D = std::tuple<Length, Length, Length>

◆ UnsignedRatio

using UnsignedRatio = type_safe::constrained_type<Ratio, UnsignedRatioConstraint, UnsignedRatioVerifier>

UnsignedRatio is a wrapper around a librepcb::Ratio object which is guaranteed to always contain an unsigned (i.e. >= 0) value.

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a librepcb::Ratio object with a negative value!

◆ UnsignedLimitedRatio

UnsignedLimitedRatio is a wrapper around a librepcb::Ratio object which is guaranteed to always contain a value in the range [0..1].

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a librepcb::Ratio object with a value smaller than 0 or larger than 1.

◆ SimpleString

using SimpleString = type_safe::constrained_type<QString, SimpleStringConstraint, SimpleStringVerifier>

SimpleString is a wrapper around QString which guarantees to contain a string

A string is considered simple if it only consists of printable characters and doesn't contain leading or trailing spaces. Note that an empty string is allowed.

The constructor throws an exception if constructed from a QString which is not a valid simple string.

Function Documentation

◆ cleanAttributeKey()

static QString cleanAttributeKey ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [1/20]

bool operator== ( const AttributeKey lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [2/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const AttributeKey rhs 

◆ operator!=() [1/20]

bool operator!= ( const AttributeKey lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [2/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const AttributeKey rhs 

◆ serialize() [1/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const AttributeKey obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [1/54]

AttributeKey deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const AttributeKey obj 

◆ operator<<() [2/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const AttributeKey obj 

◆ qHash() [1/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const AttributeKey key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [2/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const AttributeType obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [2/54]

const AttributeType & deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [3/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const AttributeUnit obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [4/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const GraphicsExportSettings::Orientation obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [3/54]

GraphicsExportSettings::Orientation deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [5/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const tl::optional< UnsignedRatio > &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [4/54]

tl::optional< UnsignedRatio > deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [2/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( PickPlaceDataItem::Type  key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [3/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const FilePath filepath 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [4/39]

QDebug & operator<< ( QDebug &  stream,
const FilePath filepath 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [3/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const FilePath key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [4/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const NetLineAnchor key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [5/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Path key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [6/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const NonEmptyPath key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeNonEmptyPath()

NonEmptyPath makeNonEmptyPath ( const Point pos)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [7/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const StraightAreaPath key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [8/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const TraceAnchor key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [5/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Vertex vertex 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [9/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Vertex key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [6/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const GraphicsOutputJob::Content::Type obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [5/54]

GraphicsOutputJob::Content::Type deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [6/54]

OutputJobList deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [7/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const CmpSigPinDisplayType obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [7/54]

const CmpSigPinDisplayType & deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cleanComponentPrefix()

static QString cleanComponentPrefix ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [3/20]

bool operator== ( const ComponentPrefix lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [4/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const ComponentPrefix rhs 

◆ operator!=() [3/20]

bool operator!= ( const ComponentPrefix lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [4/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const ComponentPrefix rhs 

◆ operator%() [1/16]

QString operator% ( const ComponentPrefix lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator%() [2/16]

QString operator% ( const QString &  lhs,
const ComponentPrefix rhs 

◆ serialize() [8/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const ComponentPrefix obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [8/54]

ComponentPrefix deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [6/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const ComponentPrefix obj 

◆ operator<<() [7/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const ComponentPrefix obj 

◆ qHash() [10/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const ComponentPrefix key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix()

static QString cleanComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [5/20]

bool operator== ( const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [6/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix rhs 

◆ operator!=() [5/20]

bool operator!= ( const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [6/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix rhs 

◆ operator%() [3/16]

QString operator% ( const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator%() [4/16]

QString operator% ( const QString &  lhs,
const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix rhs 

◆ serialize() [9/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [9/54]

ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [8/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix obj 

◆ operator<<() [9/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix obj 

◆ qHash() [11/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const ComponentSymbolVariantItemSuffix key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [10/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const FootprintPad::Shape obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [10/54]

FootprintPad::Shape deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [11/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const FootprintPad::ComponentSide obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [11/54]

FootprintPad::ComponentSide deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [12/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const FootprintPad::Function obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [12/54]

FootprintPad::Function deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [12/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const FootprintPad::Function key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [13/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Package::AssemblyType obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [13/54]

Package::AssemblyType deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getAvailableNorms()

QStringList getAvailableNorms ( )

Get a list of available "built-in" norms.

These norms are used e.g. in the library editor and workspace/project settings dialogs.

List of norms
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNormIcon()

QIcon getNormIcon ( const QString &  norm)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<() [1/7]

static bool operator< ( const BoardGerberExport::LayerPair lhs,
const BoardGerberExport::LayerPair rhs 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ seriousTroublesTr()

static QString seriousTroublesTr ( )
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [14/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings::AllowedSlots obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [14/54]

BoardDesignRuleCheckSettings::AllowedSlots deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [15/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const BI_Plane::ConnectStyle obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [15/54]

BI_Plane::ConnectStyle deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [13/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const std::shared_ptr< AssemblyVariant > &  key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [16/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const SExpression obj)

◆ serialize() [17/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const QColor &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [18/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const QUrl &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [19/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const QDateTime &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [20/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const QString &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [21/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const uint &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [22/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const int &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [23/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const long &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [24/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const qlonglong &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [25/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const bool &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [16/54]

QColor deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [17/54]

QUrl deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [18/54]

QDateTime deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [19/54]

QString deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [20/54]

uint deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [21/54]

int deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [22/54]

long deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [23/54]

qlonglong deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [24/54]

bool deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [14/29]

uint qHash ( const SExpression node,
uint  seed 

◆ qHash() [15/29]

uint qHash ( const std::unique_ptr< SExpression > &  ptr,
uint  seed 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [26/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const T &  obj)

Serialize an object to an librepcb::SExpression

Template Parameters
TType of object to serialize.
objObject to serialize.
Serialized S-Expression.
librepcb::Exceptionin case of an error.

◆ deserialize() [25/54]

T deserialize ( const SExpression node)

Deserialize an librepcb::SExpression node to an object

Template Parameters
TType of object to deserialize.
nodeS-Expression to deserialize.
Deserialized object.
librepcb::Exceptionin case of an error.

◆ serialize() [27/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const VAlign obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [26/54]

HAlign deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [28/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const HAlign obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [27/54]

VAlign deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [29/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Angle obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [28/54]

Angle deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [29/54]

Angle3D deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [10/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Angle3D obj 

◆ operator<<() [11/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const Angle angle 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [12/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Angle angle 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [16/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Angle key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanCircuitIdentifier()

static QString cleanCircuitIdentifier ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [7/20]

bool operator== ( const CircuitIdentifier lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [8/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const CircuitIdentifier rhs 

◆ operator!=() [7/20]

bool operator!= ( const CircuitIdentifier lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [8/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const CircuitIdentifier rhs 

◆ operator%() [5/16]

QString operator% ( const CircuitIdentifier lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator%() [6/16]

QString operator% ( const QString &  lhs,
const CircuitIdentifier rhs 

◆ operator%() [7/16]

QString operator% ( const CircuitIdentifier lhs,
const CircuitIdentifier rhs 

◆ serialize() [30/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const CircuitIdentifier obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [30/54]

CircuitIdentifier deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [31/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const tl::optional< CircuitIdentifier > &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [31/54]

tl::optional< CircuitIdentifier > deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [13/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const CircuitIdentifier obj 

◆ operator<<() [14/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const CircuitIdentifier obj 

◆ qHash() [17/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const CircuitIdentifier key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [9/20]

bool operator== ( const ElementName lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [10/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const ElementName rhs 

◆ operator!=() [9/20]

bool operator!= ( const ElementName lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [10/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const ElementName rhs 

◆ operator%() [8/16]

QString operator% ( const ElementName lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator%() [9/16]

QString operator% ( const QString &  lhs,
const ElementName rhs 

◆ operator%() [10/16]

ElementName operator% ( const ElementName lhs,
const ElementName rhs 

◆ serialize() [32/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const ElementName obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [32/54]

ElementName deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [33/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const tl::optional< ElementName > &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [33/54]

tl::optional< ElementName > deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [15/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const ElementName obj 

◆ operator<<() [16/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const ElementName obj 

◆ qHash() [18/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const ElementName key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanElementName()

static QString cleanElementName ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ elementNameFromTr()

static ElementName elementNameFromTr ( const char *  context,
const char *  textNoTr 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cleanFileProofName()

static QString cleanFileProofName ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [11/20]

bool operator== ( const FileProofName lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [12/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const FileProofName rhs 

◆ operator!=() [11/20]

bool operator!= ( const FileProofName lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [12/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const FileProofName rhs 

◆ operator%() [11/16]

QString operator% ( const FileProofName lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator%() [12/16]

QString operator% ( const QString &  lhs,
const FileProofName rhs 

◆ operator%() [13/16]

FileProofName operator% ( const FileProofName lhs,
const FileProofName rhs 

◆ serialize() [34/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const FileProofName obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [34/54]

FileProofName deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [17/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const FileProofName obj 

◆ operator<<() [18/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const FileProofName obj 

◆ qHash() [19/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const FileProofName key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [35/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Layer obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [35/54]

const Layer * deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [36/54]

const Layer & deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [36/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Length obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [37/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const UnsignedLength obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [38/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const PositiveLength obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [37/54]

Length deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [38/54]

UnsignedLength deserialize ( const SExpression node)

◆ deserialize() [39/54]

PositiveLength deserialize ( const SExpression node)

◆ deserialize() [40/54]

Point3D deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [19/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Point3D obj 

◆ operator<<() [20/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const Length length 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [21/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Length length 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [20/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Length key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [1/8]

UnsignedLength operator+ ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator+=() [1/4]

UnsignedLength & operator+= ( UnsignedLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator*() [1/2]

Length operator* ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator/() [1/2]

Length operator/ ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator+() [2/8]

Length operator+ ( const Length lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator+() [3/8]

Length operator+ ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator-() [1/8]

Length operator- ( const Length lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator-() [2/8]

Length operator- ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator-() [3/8]

Length operator- ( const UnsignedLength lhs)

◆ operator>() [1/6]

bool operator> ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator>() [2/6]

bool operator> ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator>=() [1/6]

bool operator>= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator>=() [2/6]

bool operator>= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator<() [2/7]

bool operator< ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator<() [3/7]

bool operator< ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator<=() [1/6]

bool operator<= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator<=() [2/6]

bool operator<= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator==() [13/20]

bool operator== ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator==() [14/20]

bool operator== ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [13/20]

bool operator!= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator!=() [14/20]

bool operator!= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator<<() [22/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const UnsignedLength length 

◆ operator<<() [23/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const UnsignedLength length 

◆ qHash() [21/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const UnsignedLength key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ positiveToUnsigned()

UnsignedLength positiveToUnsigned ( const PositiveLength l)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [4/8]

PositiveLength operator+ ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator+() [5/8]

PositiveLength operator+ ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator+() [6/8]

PositiveLength operator+ ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator+=() [2/4]

PositiveLength & operator+= ( PositiveLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator+=() [3/4]

PositiveLength & operator+= ( PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator+=() [4/4]

UnsignedLength & operator+= ( UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*() [2/2]

Length operator* ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator/() [2/2]

Length operator/ ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator+() [7/8]

Length operator+ ( const Length lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator+() [8/8]

Length operator+ ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator-() [4/8]

Length operator- ( const Length lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator-() [5/8]

Length operator- ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator-() [6/8]

Length operator- ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator-() [7/8]

Length operator- ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator-() [8/8]

Length operator- ( const PositiveLength lhs)

◆ operator>() [3/6]

bool operator> ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator>() [4/6]

bool operator> ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator>() [5/6]

bool operator> ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator>() [6/6]

bool operator> ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator>=() [3/6]

bool operator>= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator>=() [4/6]

bool operator>= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator>=() [5/6]

bool operator>= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator>=() [6/6]

bool operator>= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator<() [4/7]

bool operator< ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator<() [5/7]

bool operator< ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator<() [6/7]

bool operator< ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator<() [7/7]

bool operator< ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator<=() [3/6]

bool operator<= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator<=() [4/6]

bool operator<= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator<=() [5/6]

bool operator<= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator<=() [6/6]

bool operator<= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator==() [15/20]

bool operator== ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator==() [16/20]

bool operator== ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator==() [17/20]

bool operator== ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator==() [18/20]

bool operator== ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [15/20]

bool operator!= ( const UnsignedLength lhs,
const PositiveLength rhs 

◆ operator!=() [16/20]

bool operator!= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const UnsignedLength rhs 

◆ operator!=() [17/20]

bool operator!= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
const Length rhs 

◆ operator!=() [18/20]

bool operator!= ( const PositiveLength lhs,
LengthBase_t  rhs 

◆ operator<<() [24/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const PositiveLength length 

◆ operator<<() [25/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const PositiveLength length 

◆ qHash() [22/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const PositiveLength key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [39/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const LengthUnit obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [41/54]

LengthUnit deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [26/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const LengthUnit unit 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [27/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const LengthUnit unit 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [40/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const MaskConfig obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [42/54]

MaskConfig deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [41/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const PcbColor obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [42/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const PcbColor *const &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [43/54]

const PcbColor & deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [44/54]

const PcbColor * deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [28/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const Point point 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [29/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Point point 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [23/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Point key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [43/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Ratio obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [44/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const UnsignedRatio obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [45/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const UnsignedLimitedRatio obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [45/54]

Ratio deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [46/54]

UnsignedRatio deserialize ( const SExpression node)

◆ deserialize() [47/54]

UnsignedLimitedRatio deserialize ( const SExpression node)

◆ operator<<() [30/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const Ratio ratio 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [31/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Ratio ratio 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [24/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Ratio key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [32/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const UnsignedRatio ratio 

◆ operator<<() [33/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const UnsignedRatio ratio 

◆ qHash() [25/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const UnsignedRatio key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [34/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const UnsignedLimitedRatio ratio 

◆ operator<<() [35/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const UnsignedLimitedRatio ratio 

◆ qHash() [26/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const UnsignedLimitedRatio key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [46/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const SignalRole obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [48/54]

SignalRole deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [19/20]

bool operator== ( const SimpleString lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [20/20]

bool operator== ( const QString &  lhs,
const SimpleString rhs 

◆ operator!=() [19/20]

bool operator!= ( const SimpleString lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [20/20]

bool operator!= ( const QString &  lhs,
const SimpleString rhs 

◆ operator%() [14/16]

QString operator% ( const SimpleString lhs,
const QString &  rhs 

◆ operator%() [15/16]

QString operator% ( const QString &  lhs,
const SimpleString rhs 

◆ operator%() [16/16]

SimpleString operator% ( const SimpleString lhs,
const SimpleString rhs 

◆ cleanSimpleString()

static SimpleString cleanSimpleString ( const QString &  userInput)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [47/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const SimpleString obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [49/54]

SimpleString deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [36/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const SimpleString obj 

◆ operator<<() [37/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const SimpleString obj 

◆ qHash() [27/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const SimpleString key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [48/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const StrokeTextSpacing obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [50/54]

StrokeTextSpacing deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [49/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Uuid obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [50/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const tl::optional< Uuid > &  obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [51/54]

Uuid deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [52/54]

tl::optional< Uuid > deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [38/39]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const Uuid uuid 

◆ operator<<() [39/39]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const Uuid uuid 

◆ qHash() [28/29]

QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const Uuid key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [51/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Version obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [53/54]

Version deserialize ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scopeGuard()

ScopeGuard< Fun > scopeGuard ( Fun  f)

Create a ScopeGuard using argument deduction.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize() [52/52]

std::unique_ptr< SExpression > serialize ( const Theme::GridStyle obj)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserialize() [54/54]

Theme::GridStyle deserialize ( const SExpression sexpr)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [29/29]

static QtCompat::Hash qHash ( const WorkspaceLibraryDb::Part key,
QtCompat::Hash  seed = 0 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ sImageMetaType

QtMetaTypeRegistration<QImage> sImageMetaType

◆ sSharedPictureMetaType

QtMetaTypeRegistration<std::shared_ptr<QPicture> > sSharedPictureMetaType

◆ sMetaType [1/4]

QtMetaTypeRegistration<FilePath> sMetaType

◆ sSharedMetaType

QtMetaTypeRegistration<std::shared_ptr<Part> > sSharedMetaType

◆ sMetaType [2/4]

QtMetaTypeRegistration<Angle> sMetaType

◆ sMetaType [3/4]

QtMetaTypeRegistration<Length> sMetaType

◆ sMetaType [4/4]

QtMetaTypeRegistration<Point> sMetaType