LibrePCB Developers Documentation
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librepcb::editor Namespace Reference


namespace  Ui


class  AboutDialog
 The AboutDialog class. More...
class  AddComponentDialog
 The AddComponentDialog class. More...
class  AddLibraryWidget
 The AddLibraryWidget class. More...
class  AlignmentSelector
 The AlignmentSelector class. More...
class  AngleDelegate
 Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit librepcb::Angle values. More...
class  AngleEdit
 The AngleEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::Angle values. More...
class  ArchiveOutputJobWidget
 The ArchiveOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  AssemblyVariantListEditorWidget
 The AssemblyVariantListEditorWidget class. More...
class  AssemblyVariantListModel
 The AssemblyVariantListModel class. More...
class  AttributeListEditorWidget
 The AttributeListEditorWidget class. More...
class  AttributeListModel
 The AttributeListModel class. More...
class  AttributeTypeComboBox
 The AttributeTypeComboBox class. More...
class  AttributeUnitComboBox
 The AttributeUnitComboBox class. More...
struct  BackgroundImageSettings
class  BackgroundImageSetupDialog
 Dialog (GUI) to configure the background image of a 2D view. More...
class  BGI_AirWire
 The BGI_AirWire class. More...
class  BGI_Device
 The BGI_Device class. More...
class  BGI_FootprintPad
 The BGI_FootprintPad class. More...
class  BGI_Hole
 The BGI_Hole class. More...
class  BGI_NetLine
 The BGI_NetLine class. More...
class  BGI_NetPoint
 The BGI_NetPoint class. More...
class  BGI_Plane
 The BGI_Plane class. More...
class  BGI_Polygon
 The BGI_Polygon class. More...
class  BGI_StrokeText
 The BGI_StrokeText class. More...
class  BGI_Via
 The BGI_Via class. More...
class  BGI_Zone
 The BGI_Zone class. More...
class  Board3DOutputJobWidget
 The Board3DOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  BoardClipboardData
 The BoardClipboardData class. More...
class  BoardClipboardDataBuilder
 The BoardClipboardDataBuilder class. More...
class  BoardEditor
 The BoardEditor class. More...
class  BoardEditorFsm
 The board editor finite state machine. More...
class  BoardEditorState
 The board editor state base class. More...
class  BoardEditorState_AddDevice
 The "add device" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_AddHole
 The "add hole" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_AddStrokeText
 The "add stroke text" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_AddVia
 The "add via" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_DrawPlane
 The "draw plane" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_DrawPolygon
 The "draw polygon" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_DrawTrace
 The "draw trace" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_DrawZone
 The "draw zone" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_Measure
 The "measure" state/tool of the board editor. More...
class  BoardEditorState_Select
 The "select" state/tool of the board editor (default state) More...
class  BoardGraphicsScene
 The BoardGraphicsScene class. More...
class  BoardLayersDock
 The BoardLayersDock class. More...
class  BoardPickPlaceGeneratorDialog
 The BoardPickPlaceGeneratorDialog class. More...
class  BoardPlanePropertiesDialog
 The BoardPlanePropertiesDialog class. More...
class  BoardSelectionQuery
 The BoardSelectionQuery class. More...
class  BoardSetupDialog
 The BoardSetupDialog class. More...
class  BoardSideSelectorWidget
 The BoardSideSelectorWidget class. More...
class  BoardViaPropertiesDialog
 The BoardViaPropertiesDialog class. More...
class  BomGeneratorDialog
 The BomGeneratorDialog class. More...
class  BomOutputJobWidget
 The BomOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  CategoryChooserDialog
 The CategoryChooserDialog class. More...
class  CategoryListEditorWidget
 The CategoryListEditorWidget class. More...
class  CategoryTreeBuilder
 Helper class to extract a category tree from librepcb::WorkspaceLibraryDb. More...
class  CategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder
 The CategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder class. More...
class  CategoryTreeModel
 The CategoryTreeModel class. More...
class  CenteredCheckBox
 The CenteredCheckBox class is a centered variant of the QCheckBox. More...
class  CheckableItemsDelegate
 Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit a list of checkable strings. More...
class  CheckableItemsEditorWidget
 A widget to modify a list of checkable string items. More...
class  CircleGraphicsItem
 The CircleGraphicsItem class. More...
class  CirclePropertiesDialog
 The CirclePropertiesDialog class. More...
class  CircuitIdentifierImportDialog
 The CircuitIdentifierImportDialog class. More...
class  CmdAddComponentToCircuit
 The CmdAddComponentToCircuit class. More...
class  CmdAddDeviceToBoard
 The CmdAddDeviceToBoard class. More...
class  CmdAddSymbolToSchematic
 The CmdAddSymbolToSchematic class. More...
class  CmdAssemblyVariantAdd
 The CmdAssemblyVariantAdd class. More...
class  CmdAssemblyVariantEdit
 The CmdAssemblyVariantEdit class. More...
class  CmdAssemblyVariantRemove
 The CmdAssemblyVariantRemove class. More...
class  CmdAttributeEdit
 The CmdAttributeEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardAdd
 The CmdBoardAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardEdit
 The CmdBoardEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardHoleAdd
 The CmdBoardHoleAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardHoleEdit
 The CmdBoardHoleEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardHoleRemove
 The CmdBoardHoleRemove class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetLineEdit
 The CmdBoardNetLineEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetPointEdit
 The CmdBoardNetPointEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetSegmentAdd
 The CmdBoardNetSegmentAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetSegmentAddElements
 The CmdBoardNetSegmentAddElements class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetSegmentEdit
 The CmdBoardNetSegmentEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetSegmentRemove
 The CmdBoardNetSegmentRemove class. More...
class  CmdBoardNetSegmentRemoveElements
 The CmdBoardNetSegmentRemoveElements class. More...
class  CmdBoardPlaneAdd
 The CmdBoardPlaneAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardPlaneEdit
 The CmdBoardPlaneEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardPlaneRemove
 The CmdBoardPlaneRemove class. More...
class  CmdBoardPolygonAdd
 The CmdBoardPolygonAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardPolygonEdit
 The CmdBoardPolygonEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardPolygonRemove
 The CmdBoardPolygonRemove class. More...
class  CmdBoardRemove
 The CmdBoardRemove class. More...
class  CmdBoardSpecctraImport
 Undo command to import a Specctra session (SES) More...
class  CmdBoardSplitNetLine
 Undo command to split a librepcb::BI_NetLine. More...
class  CmdBoardStrokeTextAdd
 The CmdBoardStrokeTextAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardStrokeTextEdit
 The CmdBoardStrokeTextEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardStrokeTextRemove
 The CmdBoardStrokeTextRemove class. More...
class  CmdBoardViaEdit
 The CmdBoardViaEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardZoneAdd
 The CmdBoardZoneAdd class. More...
class  CmdBoardZoneEdit
 The CmdBoardZoneEdit class. More...
class  CmdBoardZoneRemove
 The CmdBoardZoneRemove class. More...
class  CmdChangeNetSignalOfSchematicNetSegment
 The CmdChangeNetSignalOfSchematicNetSegment class. More...
class  CmdCircleEdit
 The CmdCircleEdit class. More...
class  CmdCombineAllNetSignalsUnderSchematicNetPoint
 The CmdCombineAllNetSignalsUnderSchematicNetPoint class. More...
class  CmdCombineBoardNetSegments
 This undo command combines two board netsegments together. More...
class  CmdCombineNetSignals
 The CmdCombineNetSignals class. More...
class  CmdCombineSchematicNetSegments
 This undo command combines two schematic netsegments together. More...
class  CmdComponentEdit
 The CmdComponentEdit class. More...
class  CmdComponentInstanceAdd
 The CmdComponentInstanceAdd class. More...
class  CmdComponentInstanceEdit
 The CmdComponentInstanceEdit class. More...
class  CmdComponentInstanceRemove
 The CmdComponentInstanceRemove class. More...
class  CmdComponentPinSignalMapItemEdit
 The CmdComponentPinSignalMapItemEdit class. More...
class  CmdComponentSignalEdit
 The CmdComponentSignalEdit class. More...
class  CmdComponentSymbolVariantEdit
 The CmdComponentSymbolVariantEdit class. More...
class  CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemEdit
 The CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemEdit class. More...
class  CmdCompSigInstSetNetSignal
 The CmdCompSigInstSetNetSignal class. More...
class  CmdDeviceEdit
 The CmdDeviceEdit class. More...
class  CmdDeviceInstanceAdd
 The CmdDeviceInstanceAdd class. More...
class  CmdDeviceInstanceEdit
 The CmdDeviceInstanceEdit class. More...
class  CmdDeviceInstanceEditAll
 The CmdDeviceInstanceEditAll class. More...
class  CmdDeviceInstanceRemove
 The CmdDeviceInstanceRemove class. More...
class  CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemEdit
 The CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemEdit class. More...
class  CmdDeviceStrokeTextAdd
 The CmdDeviceStrokeTextAdd class. More...
class  CmdDeviceStrokeTextRemove
 The CmdDeviceStrokeTextRemove class. More...
class  CmdDeviceStrokeTextsReset
 The CmdDeviceStrokeTextsReset class. More...
class  CmdDragSelectedBoardItems
 The CmdDragSelectedBoardItems class. More...
class  CmdDragSelectedFootprintItems
 The CmdDragSelectedFootprintItems class. More...
class  CmdDragSelectedSchematicItems
 The CmdDragSelectedSchematicItems class. More...
class  CmdDragSelectedSymbolItems
 The CmdDragSelectedSymbolItems class. More...
class  CmdFlipSelectedBoardItems
 The CmdFlipSelectedBoardItems class. More...
class  CmdFootprintEdit
 The CmdFootprintEdit class. More...
class  CmdFootprintPadEdit
 The CmdFootprintPadEdit class. More...
class  CmdHoleEdit
 The CmdHoleEdit class. More...
class  CmdLibraryBaseElementEdit
 The CmdLibraryBaseElementEdit class. More...
class  CmdLibraryCategoryEdit
 The CmdLibraryCategoryEdit class. More...
class  CmdLibraryEdit
 The CmdLibraryEdit class. More...
class  CmdLibraryElementEdit
 The CmdLibraryElementEdit class. More...
class  CmdListElementInsert
 The CmdListElementInsert class. More...
class  CmdListElementRemove
 The CmdListElementRemove class. More...
class  CmdListElementsSwap
 The CmdListElementsSwap class. More...
class  CmdNetClassAdd
 The CmdNetClassAdd class. More...
class  CmdNetClassEdit
 The CmdNetClassEdit class. More...
class  CmdNetClassRemove
 The CmdNetClassRemove class. More...
class  CmdNetSignalAdd
 The CmdNetSignalAdd class. More...
class  CmdNetSignalEdit
 The CmdNetSignalSetName class. More...
class  CmdNetSignalRemove
 The CmdNetSignalRemove class. More...
class  CmdPackageEdit
 The CmdPackageEdit class. More...
class  CmdPackageModelAdd
 The CmdPackageModelAdd class. More...
class  CmdPackageModelEdit
 The CmdPackageModelEdit class. More...
class  CmdPackageModelRemove
 The CmdPackageModelRemove class. More...
class  CmdPackagePadEdit
 The CmdPackagePadEdit class. More...
class  CmdPartEdit
 The CmdPartEdit class. More...
class  CmdPasteBoardItems
 The CmdPasteBoardItems class. More...
class  CmdPasteFootprintItems
 The CmdPasteFootprintItems class. More...
class  CmdPasteSchematicItems
 The CmdPasteSchematicItems class. More...
class  CmdPasteSymbolItems
 The CmdPasteSymbolItems class. More...
class  CmdPolygonEdit
 The CmdPolygonEdit class. More...
class  CmdProjectEdit
 The CmdProjectEdit class. More...
class  CmdProjectLibraryAddElement
 The CmdProjectLibraryAddElement class. More...
class  CmdProjectLibraryRemoveElement
 The CmdProjectLibraryRemoveElement class. More...
class  CmdRemoveBoardItems
 The CmdRemoveBoardItems class. More...
class  CmdRemoveSelectedBoardItems
 The CmdRemoveSelectedBoardItems class. More...
class  CmdRemoveSelectedFootprintItems
 The CmdRemoveSelectedFootprintItems class. More...
class  CmdRemoveSelectedSchematicItems
 The CmdRemoveSelectedSchematicItems class. More...
class  CmdRemoveSelectedSymbolItems
 The CmdRemoveSelectedSymbolItems class. More...
class  CmdRemoveUnusedLibraryElements
 The CmdRemoveUnusedLibraryElements class. More...
class  CmdRemoveUnusedNetSignals
 The CmdRemoveUnusedNetSignals class. More...
class  CmdReplaceDevice
 The CmdReplaceDevice class. More...
class  CmdSchematicAdd
 The CmdSchematicAdd class. More...
class  CmdSchematicEdit
 The CmdSchematicEdit class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetLabelAdd
 The CmdSchematicNetLabelAdd class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetLabelEdit
 The CmdSchematicNetLabelEdit class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetLabelRemove
 The CmdSchematicNetLabelRemove class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetPointEdit
 The CmdSchematicNetPointEdit class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetSegmentAdd
 The CmdSchematicNetSegmentAdd class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetSegmentAddElements
 The CmdSchematicNetSegmentAddElements class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetSegmentEdit
 The CmdSchematicNetSegmentEdit class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetSegmentRemove
 The CmdSchematicNetSegmentRemove class. More...
class  CmdSchematicNetSegmentRemoveElements
 The CmdSchematicNetSegmentRemoveElements class. More...
class  CmdSchematicPolygonAdd
 The CmdSchematicPolygonAdd class. More...
class  CmdSchematicPolygonRemove
 The CmdSchematicPolygonRemove class. More...
class  CmdSchematicRemove
 The CmdSchematicRemove class. More...
class  CmdSchematicTextAdd
 The CmdSchematicTextAdd class. More...
class  CmdSchematicTextRemove
 The CmdSchematicTextRemove class. More...
class  CmdStrokeTextEdit
 The CmdStrokeTextEdit class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceAdd
 The CmdSymbolInstanceAdd class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceEdit
 The CmdSymbolInstanceEdit class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceEditAll
 The CmdSymbolInstanceEditAll class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceRemove
 The CmdSymbolInstanceRemove class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceTextAdd
 The CmdSymbolInstanceTextAdd class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceTextRemove
 The CmdSymbolInstanceTextRemove class. More...
class  CmdSymbolInstanceTextsReset
 The CmdSymbolInstanceTextsReset class. More...
class  CmdSymbolPinEdit
 The CmdSymbolPinEdit class. More...
class  CmdTextEdit
 The CmdTextEdit class. More...
class  CmdZoneEdit
 The CmdZoneEdit class. More...
class  CmpSigPinDisplayTypeComboBox
 The CmpSigPinDisplayTypeComboBox class. More...
class  ComboBoxDelegate
 Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate which uses QComboBox as item editor. More...
class  ComponentAssemblyOptionListEditorWidget
 The ComponentAssemblyOptionListEditorWidget class. More...
class  ComponentCategoryEditorWidget
 The ComponentCategoryEditorWidget class. More...
class  ComponentChooserDialog
 The ComponentChooserDialog class. More...
class  ComponentEditorWidget
 The ComponentEditorWidget class. More...
class  ComponentPinSignalMapModel
 The ComponentPinSignalMapModel class. More...
class  ComponentSignalListEditorWidget
 The ComponentSignalListEditorWidget class. More...
class  ComponentSignalListModel
 The ComponentSignalListModel class. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantEditDialog
 The ComponentSymbolVariantEditDialog class. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantItemListEditorWidget
 The ComponentSymbolVariantItemListEditorWidget class. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantItemListModel
 The ComponentSymbolVariantItemListModel class. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantListModel
 The ComponentSymbolVariantListModel class. More...
class  ComponentSymbolVariantListWidget
 The ComponentSymbolVariantListWidget class. More...
class  CompSymbVarPinSignalMapEditorWidget
 The CompSymbVarPinSignalMapEditorWidget class. More...
class  ControlPanel
 The ControlPanel class. More...
class  CopyOutputJobWidget
 The CopyOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  DefaultGraphicsLayerProvider
 The DefaultGraphicsLayerProvider class. More...
class  DesktopIntegration
 Allow installing/uninstalling LibrePCB to the desktop environment. More...
class  DesktopServices
 Provides methods to access common desktop services. More...
class  DeviceEditorWidget
 The DeviceEditorWidget class. More...
class  DeviceInstancePropertiesDialog
 The DeviceInstancePropertiesDialog class. More...
class  DevicePadSignalMapModel
 The DevicePadSignalMapModel class. More...
class  DirectoryLockHandlerDialog
 The DirectoryLockHandlerDialog class. More...
class  DoubleSpinBox
 The DoubleSpinBox class is a customized QDoubleSpinBox widget. More...
class  DxfImportDialog
 This class provides a Dialog (GUI) to choose DXF import settings. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizard
 The EagleLibraryImportWizard class. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizardContext
 The EagleLibraryImportWizardContext class. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary
 The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary class. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Result
 The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Result class. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements
 The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements class. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions
 The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions class. More...
class  EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Start
 The EagleLibraryImportWizardPage_Start class. More...
class  EditableListModel
 A generic QAbstractTableModel subclass to view and edit list of various data types. More...
class  EditableTableWidget
 A QTableView subclass which adds buttons to edit the underlying model. More...
class  EditorCommand
 Command for editors, e.g. to be added to a QMenu. More...
class  EditorCommandCategory
 Category for librepcb::editor::EditorCommand. More...
class  EditorCommandSet
 Collection of all commands across all editors. More...
class  EditorToolbox
 The EditorToolbox class provides some useful general purpose methods for editors (i.e. GUI stuff) More...
class  EditorWidgetBase
 The EditorWidgetBase class. More...
class  ExclusiveActionGroup
 The ExclusiveActionGroup class groups multiple QAction's together. More...
class  FabricationOutputDialog
 The FabricationOutputDialog class. More...
class  FavoriteProjectsModel
 The FavoriteProjectsModel class. More...
class  FileDialog
 Wrapper around QFileDialog to slightly change its behaviour. More...
class  FileIconProvider
 The FileIconProvider class. More...
class  FootprintClipboardData
 The FootprintClipboardData class. More...
class  FootprintGraphicsItem
 The FootprintGraphicsItem class. More...
class  FootprintListEditorWidget
 The FootprintListEditorWidget class. More...
class  FootprintListModel
 The FootprintListModel class. More...
class  FootprintPadGraphicsItem
 The FootprintPadGraphicsItem class. More...
class  FootprintPadPropertiesDialog
 The FootprintPadPropertiesDialog class. More...
class  GerberExcellonOutputJobWidget
 The GerberExcellonOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  GerberX3OutputJobWidget
 The GerberX3OutputJobWidget class. More...
class  GraphicsExportDialog
 This class provides a Dialog (GUI) to choose DXF import settings. More...
class  GraphicsExportWidget
 Like QGraphicsExportWidget, just better. More...
class  GraphicsLayer
 The GraphicsLayer class represents a graphical layer used in schematics and boards. More...
class  GraphicsOutputJobWidget
 The GraphicsOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  GraphicsScene
 The GraphicsScene class. More...
class  GraphicsView
 The GraphicsView class. More...
class  GridSettingsDialog
 This class provides a Dialog (GUI) to change the grid settings of a librepcb::editor::GraphicsView. More...
class  HAlignActionGroup
 The HAlignActionGroup class is a helper to add librepcb::HAlign chooser toolbuttons to a toolbar. More...
class  HoleEditorWidget
 The HoleEditorWidget class. More...
class  HoleGraphicsItem
 The HoleGraphicsItem class is the graphical representation of a librepcb::Hole. More...
class  HolePropertiesDialog
 The HolePropertiesDialog class. More...
class  IF_ComponentSymbolVariantEditorProvider
 The IF_ComponentSymbolVariantEditorProvider interface. More...
class  IF_GraphicsLayerProvider
 The IF_GraphicsLayerProvider class defines an interface for classes which provide layers. More...
class  IF_GraphicsViewEventHandler
 The IF_GraphicsViewEventHandler class. More...
class  IF_RuleCheckHandler
class  InitializeWorkspaceWizard
 The InitializeWorkspaceWizard class. More...
class  InitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseSettings
 The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseSettings class. More...
class  InitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseWorkspace
 The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_ChooseWorkspace class. More...
class  InitializeWorkspaceWizard_Upgrade
 The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_Upgrade class. More...
class  InitializeWorkspaceWizard_Welcome
 The InitializeWorkspaceWizard_Welcome class. More...
class  InitializeWorkspaceWizardContext
 The InitializeWorkspaceWizardContext class. More...
class  InteractiveHtmlBomOutputJobWidget
 The InteractiveHtmlBomOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  KeyboardShortcutsModel
 A QAbstractItemModel to represent keyboard shortcut workspace settings. More...
class  KeySequenceDelegate
 Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit a QKeySequence. More...
class  KeySequencesEditorWidget
 A widget to modify a list of QKeySequence objects. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizard
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizard class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardContext
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardContext class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_ChooseLibrary class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Parse
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Parse class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Result
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Result class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SelectElements class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_SetOptions class. More...
class  KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Start
 The KiCadLibraryImportWizardPage_Start class. More...
class  LayerComboBox
 The LayerComboBox class. More...
class  LengthDelegate
 Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display/edit librepcb::Length values. More...
class  LengthEdit
 The LengthEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::Length values. More...
class  LengthEditBase
 The LengthEditBase class. More...
class  LibraryDownload
 The LibraryDownload class. More...
class  LibraryEditor
 The LibraryEditor class. More...
class  LibraryElementCache
 Cache for fast access to library elements. More...
class  LibraryInfoWidget
 The LibraryInfoWidget class. More...
class  LibraryListEditorWidget
 The LibraryListEditorWidget class. More...
class  LibraryListWidgetItem
 The LibraryListWidgetItem class. More...
class  LibraryManager
 The LibraryManager class. More...
class  LibraryOverviewWidget
 The LibraryOverviewWidget class. More...
class  LineGraphicsItem
 The LineGraphicsItem class. More...
class  LppzOutputJobWidget
 The LppzOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  MarkdownConverter
 The MarkdownConverter class. More...
class  MeasureTool
 Measure tool providing the measure functionality for the editor states. More...
class  MenuBuilder
 Helper to easily create a QMenu. More...
class  MessageWidget
 A widget containing a hidable, optionally dismissable message label. More...
class  MoveAlignDialog
 The MoveAlignDialog class. More...
class  NetlistOutputJobWidget
 The NetlistOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  NewElementWizard
 The NewElementWizard class. More...
class  NewElementWizardContext
 The NewElementWizardContext class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_ChooseType
 The NewElementWizardPage_ChooseType class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_ComponentPinSignalMap
 The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentPinSignalMap class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_ComponentProperties
 The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentProperties class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_ComponentSignals
 The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentSignals class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_ComponentSymbols
 The NewElementWizardPage_ComponentSymbols class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_CopyFrom
 The NewElementWizardPage_CopyFrom class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_DeviceProperties
 The NewElementWizardPage_DeviceProperties class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_EnterMetadata
 The NewElementWizardPage_EnterMetadata class. More...
class  NewElementWizardPage_PackagePads
 The NewElementWizardPage_PackagePads class. More...
class  NewProjectWizard
 The NewProjectWizard class. More...
class  NewProjectWizardPage_EagleImport
 The NewProjectWizardPage_EagleImport class. More...
class  NewProjectWizardPage_Initialization
 The NewProjectWizardPage_Initialization class. More...
class  NewProjectWizardPage_Metadata
 The NewProjectWizardPage_Metadata class. More...
class  NewProjectWizardPage_VersionControl
 The NewProjectWizardPage_VersionControl class. More...
class  NoEditDelegate
class  NumberEditBase
 The NumberEditBase class is a widget base class to edit various kinds of numbers. More...
class  OnlineLibraryListWidgetItem
 The OnlineLibraryListWidgetItem class. More...
class  OpenGlObject
 Represents one 3D object in an OpenGL 3D model. More...
class  OpenGlSceneBuilder
 Asynchronously generates a 3D board scene for OpenGL rendering. More...
class  OpenGlTriangleObject
 Asynchronously generates a 3D board scene for OpenGL rendering. More...
class  OpenGlView
 OpenGL 3D viewer widget. More...
class  OrderPcbDialog
 The OrderPcbDialog class. More...
class  OriginCrossGraphicsItem
 The OriginCrossGraphicsItem class. More...
class  OutputJobHomeWidget
 The OutputJobHomeWidget class. More...
class  OutputJobListWidgetItem
 The OutputJobListWidgetItem class. More...
class  OutputJobsDialog
 The OutputJobsDialog class. More...
class  PackageCategoryEditorWidget
 The PackageCategoryEditorWidget class. More...
class  PackageChooserDialog
 The PackageChooserDialog class. More...
class  PackageEditorFsm
 The PackageEditorFsm class is the finit state machine (FSM) of the package editor. More...
class  PackageEditorState
 The PackageEditorState class is the base class of all package editor FSM states. More...
class  PackageEditorState_AddHoles
 The PackageEditorState_AddHoles class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_AddNames
 The PackageEditorState_AddNames class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_AddPads
 The PackageEditorState_AddPads class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_AddValues
 The PackageEditorState_AddValues class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawArc
 The PackageEditorState_DrawArc class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawCircle
 The PackageEditorState_DrawCircle class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawLine
 The PackageEditorState_DrawLine class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawPolygon
 The PackageEditorState_DrawPolygon class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawPolygonBase
 The PackageEditorState_DrawPolygonBase class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawRect
 The PackageEditorState_DrawRect class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawText
 The PackageEditorState_DrawText class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawTextBase
 The PackageEditorState_DrawTextBase class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_DrawZone
 The PackageEditorState_DrawZone class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_Measure
 The PackageEditorState_Measure class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_ReNumberPads
 The PackageEditorState_ReNumberPads class. More...
class  PackageEditorState_Select
 The PackageEditorState_Select class. More...
class  PackageEditorWidget
 The PackageEditorWidget class. More...
class  PackageModelListEditorWidget
 The PackageModelListEditorWidget class. More...
class  PackageModelListModel
 The PackageModelListModel class. More...
class  PackagePadComboBox
 The PackagePadComboBox class. More...
class  PackagePadListEditorWidget
 The PackagePadListEditorWidget class. More...
class  PackagePadListModel
 The PackagePadListModel class. More...
class  PadSignalMapEditorWidget
 The PadSignalMapEditorWidget class. More...
class  PartInformationDelegate
 Subclass of QStyledItemDelegate to display part status/price. More...
class  PartInformationProvider
 Parts information provider & cache. More...
class  PartInformationToolTip
 The PartInformationToolTip class. More...
class  PartListEditorWidget
 The PartListEditorWidget class. More...
class  PartListModel
 The PartListModel class. More...
class  PathEditorWidget
 The PathEditorWidget class. More...
class  PathModel
 The PathModel class implements QAbstractTableModel for librepcb::Path. More...
class  PickPlaceOutputJobWidget
 The PickPlaceOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  PlainTextEdit
 The PlainTextEdit class is a customized QPlainTextEdit. More...
class  PolygonGraphicsItem
 The PolygonGraphicsItem class. More...
class  PolygonPropertiesDialog
 The PolygonPropertiesDialog class. More...
class  PositiveLengthEdit
 The PositiveLengthEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::PositiveLength values. More...
class  PrimitiveCircleGraphicsItem
 The PrimitiveCircleGraphicsItem class. More...
class  PrimitiveFootprintPadGraphicsItem
 The PrimitiveFootprintPadGraphicsItem class. More...
class  PrimitiveHoleGraphicsItem
 Independent graphical representation of a librepcb::Hole. More...
class  PrimitivePathGraphicsItem
 The PrimitivePathGraphicsItem class. More...
class  PrimitiveTextGraphicsItem
 The PrimitiveTextGraphicsItem class is the graphical representation of a text. More...
class  PrimitiveZoneGraphicsItem
 The PrimitiveZoneGraphicsItem class. More...
class  ProjectEditor
 The ProjectEditor class. More...
class  ProjectJsonOutputJobWidget
 The ProjectJsonOutputJobWidget class. More...
class  ProjectLibraryUpdater
 The ProjectLibraryUpdater class. More...
class  ProjectSetupDialog
 The ProjectSetupDialog class. More...
class  ProjectTreeModel
 The ProjectTreeModel class. More...
class  RatioEdit
 The RatioEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::Ratio values. More...
class  RecentProjectsModel
 The RecentProjectsModel class. More...
class  RenameNetSegmentDialog
 The RenameNetSegmentDialog class. More...
class  RuleCheckDock
 The RuleCheckDock class. More...
class  RuleCheckListItemWidget
 The RuleCheckListItemWidget class. More...
class  RuleCheckListWidget
 The RuleCheckListWidget class. More...
class  SchematicClipboardData
 The SchematicClipboardData class. More...
class  SchematicClipboardDataBuilder
 The SchematicClipboardDataBuilder class. More...
class  SchematicEditor
 The SchematicEditor class. More...
class  SchematicEditorFsm
 The schematic editor finite state machine (FSM) More...
class  SchematicEditorState
 The schematic editor state base class. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_AddComponent
 The SchematicEditorState_AddComponent class. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_AddNetLabel
 The SchematicEditorState_AddNetLabel class. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_AddText
 The SchematicEditorState_AddText class. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_DrawPolygon
 The SchematicEditorState_DrawPolygon class. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_DrawWire
 The SchematicEditorState_DrawWire class. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_Measure
 The "measure" state/tool of the schematic editor. More...
class  SchematicEditorState_Select
 The "select" state/tool of the schematic editor (default state) More...
class  SchematicGraphicsScene
 The SchematicGraphicsScene class. More...
class  SchematicPagesDock
 The SchematicPagesDock class. More...
class  SchematicSelectionQuery
 The SchematicSelectionQuery class. More...
class  SearchToolBar
 The SearchToolBar class. More...
class  SGI_NetLabel
 The SGI_NetLabel class. More...
class  SGI_NetLine
 The SGI_NetLine class. More...
class  SGI_NetPoint
 The SGI_NetPoint class. More...
class  SGI_Symbol
 The SGI_Symbol class. More...
class  SGI_SymbolPin
 The SGI_SymbolPin class. More...
class  SGI_Text
 The SGI_Text class. More...
class  ShortcutsReferenceGenerator
 Helper to generate a keyboard shortcuts reference PDF. More...
class  SignalRoleComboBox
 The SignalRoleComboBox class. More...
class  SortFilterProxyModel
 A QSortFilterProxyModel subclass to implement custom sort behavior. More...
class  StandardEditorCommandHandler
 Helper to handle some of the librepcb::editor::EditorCommand actions. More...
class  StatusBar
 The StatusBar class extends QStatusBar for some commonly used fields. More...
class  StrokeTextGraphicsItem
 The StrokeTextGraphicsItem class is the graphical representation of a librepcb::StrokeText. More...
class  StrokeTextPropertiesDialog
 The StrokeTextPropertiesDialog class. More...
class  SymbolChooserDialog
 The SymbolChooserDialog class. More...
class  SymbolClipboardData
 The SymbolClipboardData class. More...
class  SymbolEditorFsm
 The SymbolEditorFsm class is the finit state machine (FSM) of the symbol editor. More...
class  SymbolEditorState
 The SymbolEditorState class is the base class of all symbol editor FSM states. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_AddNames
 The SymbolEditorState_AddNames class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_AddPins
 The SymbolEditorState_AddPins class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_AddValues
 The SymbolEditorState_AddValues class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawArc
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawArc class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawCircle
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawCircle class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawLine
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawLine class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawPolygon
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawPolygon class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawPolygonBase
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawPolygonBase class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawRect
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawRect class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawText
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawText class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_DrawTextBase
 The SymbolEditorState_DrawTextBase class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_Measure
 The SymbolEditorState_Measure class. More...
class  SymbolEditorState_Select
 The SymbolEditorState_Select class. More...
class  SymbolEditorWidget
 The SymbolEditorWidget class. More...
class  SymbolGraphicsItem
 The SymbolGraphicsItem class. More...
class  SymbolInstancePropertiesDialog
 The SymbolInstancePropertiesDialog class. More...
class  SymbolPinGraphicsItem
 The SymbolPinGraphicsItem class. More...
class  SymbolPinPropertiesDialog
 The SymbolPinPropertiesDialog class. More...
class  TabWidget
 A QTabWidget subclass that allows closing closable tabs with the middle mouse button. More...
class  TextGraphicsItem
 The TextGraphicsItem class is the graphical representation of a librepcb::Text. More...
class  TextPropertiesDialog
 The TextPropertiesDialog class. More...
class  ToolBarProxy
 The ToolBarProxy class allows to map a list of QAction's to one QToolBar. More...
class  UndoCommand
 The UndoCommand class represents a command which you can undo/redo. More...
class  UndoCommandGroup
 The UndoCommandGroup class makes it possible to pack multiple undo commands together (it acts as a parent of it's child commands) More...
class  UndoStack
 The UndoStack class holds UndoCommand objects and provides undo/redo commands. More...
class  UndoStackActionGroup
 The UndoStackActionGroup class groups an undo-QAction and redo-QAction together and optionally connects them with an librepcb::editor::UndoStack. More...
class  UndoStackTransaction
 The UndoStackTransaction class helps to execute transactions on an UndoStack. More...
class  UnplacedComponentsDock
 The UnplacedComponentsDock class. More...
class  UnsignedLengthEdit
 The UnsignedLengthEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::UnsignedLength values. More...
class  UnsignedLimitedRatioEdit
 The UnsignedLimitedRatioEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::UnsignedLimitedRatio values. More...
class  UnsignedRatioEdit
 The UnsignedRatioEdit class is a widget to view/edit librepcb::UnsignedRatio values. More...
class  VAlignActionGroup
 The VAlignActionGroup class is a helper to add librepcb::VAlign chooser toolbuttons to a toolbar. More...
class  WaitingSpinnerWidget
 A widget drawing a rotating spinner to indicate an ongoing operation. More...
class  WorkspaceSettingsDialog
 Dialog (GUI) to view and modify workspace settings. More...
class  ZoneGraphicsItem
 The ZoneGraphicsItem class. More...
class  ZonePropertiesDialog
 The ZonePropertiesDialog class. More...


using CmdAttributeInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Attribute, AttributeListNameProvider, Attribute::Event >
using CmdAttributeRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Attribute, AttributeListNameProvider, Attribute::Event >
using CmdAttributesSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Attribute, AttributeListNameProvider, Attribute::Event >
using CmdCircleInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Circle, CircleListNameProvider, Circle::Event >
using CmdCircleRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Circle, CircleListNameProvider, Circle::Event >
using CmdCirclesSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Circle, CircleListNameProvider, Circle::Event >
using CmdHoleInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Hole, HoleListNameProvider, Hole::Event >
using CmdHoleRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Hole, HoleListNameProvider, Hole::Event >
using CmdHolesSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Hole, HoleListNameProvider, Hole::Event >
using CmdPolygonInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Polygon, PolygonListNameProvider, Polygon::Event >
using CmdPolygonRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Polygon, PolygonListNameProvider, Polygon::Event >
using CmdPolygonsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Polygon, PolygonListNameProvider, Polygon::Event >
using CmdStrokeTextInsert = CmdListElementInsert< StrokeText, StrokeTextListNameProvider, StrokeText::Event >
using CmdStrokeTextRemove = CmdListElementRemove< StrokeText, StrokeTextListNameProvider, StrokeText::Event >
using CmdStrokeTextsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< StrokeText, StrokeTextListNameProvider, StrokeText::Event >
using CmdTextInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Text, TextListNameProvider, Text::Event >
using CmdTextRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Text, TextListNameProvider, Text::Event >
using CmdTextsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Text, TextListNameProvider, Text::Event >
using CmdZoneInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Zone, ZoneListNameProvider, Zone::Event >
using CmdZoneRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Zone, ZoneListNameProvider, Zone::Event >
using CmdZonesSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Zone, ZoneListNameProvider, Zone::Event >
typedef CategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder< ComponentCategoryComponentCategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder
typedef CategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder< PackageCategoryPackageCategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder
using CmdComponentSignalInsert = CmdListElementInsert< ComponentSignal, ComponentSignalListNameProvider, ComponentSignal::Event >
using CmdComponentSignalRemove = CmdListElementRemove< ComponentSignal, ComponentSignalListNameProvider, ComponentSignal::Event >
using CmdComponentSignalsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< ComponentSignal, ComponentSignalListNameProvider, ComponentSignal::Event >
using CmdComponentSymbolVariantInsert = CmdListElementInsert< ComponentSymbolVariant, ComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariant::Event >
using CmdComponentSymbolVariantRemove = CmdListElementRemove< ComponentSymbolVariant, ComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariant::Event >
using CmdComponentSymbolVariantsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< ComponentSymbolVariant, ComponentSymbolVariantListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariant::Event >
using CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemInsert = CmdListElementInsert< ComponentSymbolVariantItem, ComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariantItem::Event >
using CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemRemove = CmdListElementRemove< ComponentSymbolVariantItem, ComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariantItem::Event >
using CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< ComponentSymbolVariantItem, ComponentSymbolVariantItemListNameProvider, ComponentSymbolVariantItem::Event >
using CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemInsert = CmdListElementInsert< DevicePadSignalMapItem, DevicePadSignalMapNameProvider, DevicePadSignalMapItem::Event >
using CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemRemove = CmdListElementRemove< DevicePadSignalMapItem, DevicePadSignalMapNameProvider, DevicePadSignalMapItem::Event >
using CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< DevicePadSignalMapItem, DevicePadSignalMapNameProvider, DevicePadSignalMapItem::Event >
using CmdFootprintInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Footprint, FootprintListNameProvider, Footprint::Event >
using CmdFootprintRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Footprint, FootprintListNameProvider, Footprint::Event >
using CmdFootprintsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Footprint, FootprintListNameProvider, Footprint::Event >
using CmdFootprintPadInsert = CmdListElementInsert< FootprintPad, FootprintPadListNameProvider, FootprintPad::Event >
using CmdFootprintPadRemove = CmdListElementRemove< FootprintPad, FootprintPadListNameProvider, FootprintPad::Event >
using CmdFootprintPadsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< FootprintPad, FootprintPadListNameProvider, FootprintPad::Event >
using CmdPackageModelsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< PackageModel, PackageModelListNameProvider, PackageModel::Event >
using CmdPackagePadInsert = CmdListElementInsert< PackagePad, PackagePadListNameProvider, PackagePad::Event >
using CmdPackagePadRemove = CmdListElementRemove< PackagePad, PackagePadListNameProvider, PackagePad::Event >
using CmdPackagePadsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< PackagePad, PackagePadListNameProvider, PackagePad::Event >
using CmdPartInsert = CmdListElementInsert< Part, PartListNameProvider, Part::Event >
using CmdPartRemove = CmdListElementRemove< Part, PartListNameProvider, Part::Event >
using CmdPartsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< Part, PartListNameProvider, Part::Event >
using CmdSymbolPinInsert = CmdListElementInsert< SymbolPin, SymbolPinListNameProvider, SymbolPin::Event >
using CmdSymbolPinRemove = CmdListElementRemove< SymbolPin, SymbolPinListNameProvider, SymbolPin::Event >
using CmdSymbolPinsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< SymbolPin, SymbolPinListNameProvider, SymbolPin::Event >
using CmdAssemblyVariantsSwap = CmdListElementsSwap< AssemblyVariant, AssemblyVariantListNameProvider, AssemblyVariant::Event >
using PartInformation = PartInformationProvider::PartInformation


enum class  EditableListModelType


static std::shared_ptr< QGraphicsPathItem > createCrossGraphicsItem (bool cursor)
static std::shared_ptr< QGraphicsLineItem > createRefLineGraphicsItem ()
static std::shared_ptr< QWidget > createReferenceWidget (int index, QWidget *parent, QList< std::pair< QPointF, Point > > *refs, std::function< void()> cb)
static bool enableDarkIcons () noexcept
std::size_t qHash (const EditorWidgetBase::Feature &feature, std::size_t seed=0) noexcept
template<typename TCpy , typename TSel >
static bool hasSelectedObjects (const TCpy &copied, const TSel &selected) noexcept
static bool fuzzyCompare (const Point &exact, const Point &imported)
static bool fuzzyCompare (const Angle &a, const Angle &b)
static CmdBoardSpecctraImport::Side parseSide (const SExpression &node)
static Length parseLength (const SExpression &node, double resolution)
static Angle parseAngle (const SExpression &node)
static double getResolution (const SExpression &node, QString &logStr)
uint qHash (const PartInformationProvider::Part &key, uint seed=0) noexcept


static QtMetaTypeRegistration< CheckableItemsEditorWidget::ItemListsMetaType

Typedef Documentation

◆ CmdAttributeInsert

◆ CmdAttributeRemove

◆ CmdAttributesSwap

◆ CmdCircleInsert

◆ CmdCircleRemove

◆ CmdCirclesSwap

◆ CmdHoleInsert

◆ CmdHoleRemove

◆ CmdHolesSwap

◆ CmdPolygonInsert

◆ CmdPolygonRemove

◆ CmdPolygonsSwap

◆ CmdStrokeTextInsert

◆ CmdStrokeTextRemove

◆ CmdStrokeTextsSwap

◆ CmdTextInsert

◆ CmdTextRemove

◆ CmdTextsSwap

◆ CmdZoneInsert

◆ CmdZoneRemove

◆ CmdZonesSwap

◆ ComponentCategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder

◆ PackageCategoryTreeLabelTextBuilder

◆ CmdComponentSignalInsert

◆ CmdComponentSignalRemove

◆ CmdComponentSignalsSwap

◆ CmdComponentSymbolVariantInsert

◆ CmdComponentSymbolVariantRemove

◆ CmdComponentSymbolVariantsSwap

◆ CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemInsert

◆ CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemRemove

◆ CmdComponentSymbolVariantItemsSwap

◆ CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemInsert

◆ CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemRemove

◆ CmdDevicePadSignalMapItemsSwap

◆ CmdFootprintInsert

◆ CmdFootprintRemove

◆ CmdFootprintsSwap

◆ CmdFootprintPadInsert

◆ CmdFootprintPadRemove

◆ CmdFootprintPadsSwap

◆ CmdPackageModelsSwap

◆ CmdPackagePadInsert

◆ CmdPackagePadRemove

◆ CmdPackagePadsSwap

◆ CmdPartInsert

◆ CmdPartRemove

◆ CmdPartsSwap

◆ CmdSymbolPinInsert

◆ CmdSymbolPinRemove

◆ CmdSymbolPinsSwap

◆ CmdAssemblyVariantsSwap

◆ PartInformation

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EditableListModelType

enum class EditableListModelType

Function Documentation

◆ createCrossGraphicsItem()

static std::shared_ptr< QGraphicsPathItem > createCrossGraphicsItem ( bool  cursor)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createRefLineGraphicsItem()

static std::shared_ptr< QGraphicsLineItem > createRefLineGraphicsItem ( )
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createReferenceWidget()

static std::shared_ptr< QWidget > createReferenceWidget ( int  index,
QWidget *  parent,
QList< std::pair< QPointF, Point > > *  refs,
std::function< void()>  cb 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ enableDarkIcons()

static bool enableDarkIcons ( )
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [1/2]

std::size_t qHash ( const EditorWidgetBase::Feature feature,
std::size_t  seed = 0 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasSelectedObjects()

template<typename TCpy , typename TSel >
static bool hasSelectedObjects ( const TCpy &  copied,
const TSel &  selected 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fuzzyCompare() [1/2]

static bool fuzzyCompare ( const Point exact,
const Point imported 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fuzzyCompare() [2/2]

static bool fuzzyCompare ( const Angle a,
const Angle b 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ parseSide()

static CmdBoardSpecctraImport::Side parseSide ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseLength()

static Length parseLength ( const SExpression node,
double  resolution 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseAngle()

static Angle parseAngle ( const SExpression node)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getResolution()

static double getResolution ( const SExpression node,
QString &  logStr 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [2/2]

uint qHash ( const PartInformationProvider::Part key,
uint  seed = 0 

Variable Documentation

◆ sMetaType